Coaching legend

Chapter 56 Burnley's future captain (Part 2)

George is walking on the streets of Burnley. Fans on the street will greet him cordially when they see him. George nodded when he saw fans greeting him along the way.

George likes this kind of small town, although it is not as developed as big cities like London and Manchester. There are not so many high-end sports cars here, nor are there any jaw-dropping high-rise buildings. But small cities have the taste of small cities. They are quiet and peaceful. More importantly, small cities have a warmth that cannot be experienced in big cities.

George doesn't go to big cities several times throughout the year, except when he leads the team to compete. Then I went to London to stay for a few days while I went to see my cheap uncle.

The rest of the time, George enjoys spending time at Burnley.

The neighborhood George is walking in is a relatively poor neighborhood. It should be said that there are not many rich people in the entire city of Burnley. Many of the neighborhoods are the same as where George is walking now, just patches of bungalows.

George came outside one of the blue-painted houses and gently rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?" A female voice came from inside the house, followed by the sound of the door opening. "Coach Levi, why is it you? Come in quickly."

The woman who came out was very beautiful. Unlike other Western ladies, she had black hair. He is also over 1.7 meters tall.

"Hello, madam. I'm here to see Daniel. He should be at home." The beautiful woman who came out was Daniel Morrison's mother, Mary Sue. Although George trained Daniel single-handedly, he also had a pretty good relationship with John. But it's not easy to talk to Daniel's mother casually.

Every time he saw Daniel's family, George would envy John Morrison.

John Morrison was just a taxi driver with a beard, only about 1.7 meters tall, and average-looking. But he got such a beautiful wife. The son Daniel he gave birth to was also a rare genius that George had seen in his coaching career.

John Morrison's family had an average family environment, and John had always earned most of his income by driving. Now, although Daniel has become a rising star in Burnley, his salary is not high.

Although George likes Daniel very much, he cannot give him a salary increase just because he likes him. Club wages are very strictly limited.

"Yes, yes." Mary Sue made way for George to come in.

"George, you're here. Come on, come in and have a drink with me." John Morrison was watering the flowers in the yard and was very happy to see George. Yell loudly. "Daniel, son. George is here, come out quickly."

George couldn't help laughing when he saw John's appearance.

"John, you don't have to get out of the car today. Why don't you drink? I have something to do with you and Daniel today." John Morrison would drive until twelve o'clock in the evening. When he came, George never thought that John would do the same. at home.

"We won't get out of the car. Let's talk about it. What's the matter?" John led George into the house.

"Boss, why are you here?" Daniel seemed to have just woken up and asked George with a yawn.

"What's wrong Daniel, you're like this now that you're not training. Football players must know how to exercise. If you're like this during a holiday, don't expect to be able to be the main player."

Upon hearing George's words, Daniel immediately opened his eyes wide. "Boss, what are you talking about? I just finished training and came back to take a shower."

"Thank you." After everyone sat down, Mary Sue handed George coffee. After taking a sip, George looked at John and Daniel.

"John, Daniel, have Manchester United approached you?" The agent system is not that complete now, especially for a first-division team like Burnley. Among the teams, there are only a handful of players with regular agents.

Just like Ballack, he signed with the team entirely by himself. Ballack is currently among Burnley's first-tier salary earners, but he signed the contract himself. As for Klose, his contract is too simple and he does not need a professional agent.

When Daniel signed contracts before, John was always by his side. John is half of Daniel's agent.

Manchester United's offer to Burnley is just a normal procedure. It is an unspoken rule in this industry to make quotations and contact privately at the same time. As long as you don't do it too blatantly and someone discovers it, everyone will turn a blind eye to this kind of thing.

"Well, their people did look for us." John said it directly without hiding anything.

"John, I came to you just for this matter. What do you think?"

Both John and Daniel were silent and did not speak. When George saw that they had already agreed to Manchester United, this would be a big problem.

"John, listen carefully to what I say. Manchester United is buying Daniel now to provide a substitute for Dennis Irwin. Although Dennis Irwin is not young anymore, he can at least stay for Manchester United for more than three years. And These three years are the most important time for Daniel’s growth, so why waste time on the bench.”

"As long as Daniel is in Burnley, he will be the absolute main force. John, don't you believe that Burnley can be promoted to the Premier League this year? As long as he is in the Premier League, Daniel will be fully trained. By then, Daniel can completely become a Premier League player. The best defender, if you feel that Burnley has not developed, it is not too late to choose to join a giant."

George is really attentive to Daniel. George believes that as long as Daniel keeps improving, he will not be weaker than Ashley Cole, the future main left back of England. Even in terms of assists and goal-scoring ability, Daniel is better than Ashley Cole.

In the future map planned by George for Burnley, Daniel is not only the main defense of Burnley, but also the future flag of Burnley.

George has said a lot, but John and Daniel are still very serious. This made George suddenly feel powerless. No matter how much he said, it was still not as attractive as Manchester United.

George did not blame Daniel. After all, it was Manchester United and Ferguson who called him now.

Manchester United is now too famous in the Premier League, and Ferguson's charm covers the entire Premier League. The great success of Manchester United's 92 generation made all young players have an almost fanatical worship of Ferguson.

George nodded and stood up very weakly.

"Hahahaha!!!" Just as George was about to leave, John and Daniel laughed at the same time, making George puzzled.

"Boss, you forgot. I am from Burnley. When I was in the youth team, you once told me that I would be the captain of Burnley and the legend of Burnley in the future. Before I become the captain, I will not go anywhere. No, I will not go anywhere in my life. I want to be the legend of Burnley." Daniel stood up and talked to George with a smile.

"Yes, George. How could our Daniel go to Manchester United? It's impossible. We all believe that you can lead Burnley to success." John also stood up with a big laugh and patted his chest with his fist.

This big reversal made George stunned. Then he smiled. "Okay, John, Daniel, you are playing tricks on me."

"But I want to thank you, John. And Daniel, thank you for staying." George was very moved. It is precisely because of players like Daniel that there are so many good stories in the football world.

"God of War" Batistuta dedicated his life to Fiorentina. In the end, for a championship dream, he left his favorite Fiorentina and went to Rome. This is a tragic story. Batistuta failed to stay in his favorite club like Maldini.

George looked at Daniel, and was excited. "Daniel, our Burnley is a small club. But I want to create a myth for Burnley here. Daniel, are you willing to join me?"

"Boss, I believe you. I am willing to create the Burnley myth with you."


"Coach Ferguson, this is not a good thing to do. You have a good player like Dennis, why do you need Daniel from our club." After getting Daniel's guarantee, George was in a good mood. So he called Ferguson specifically to demonstrate to him.

Ferguson smiled bitterly on the other end of the phone, because he had just received a rejection from Daniel. Thinking of George, he couldn't help shaking his head. This young man is really stingy, calling for such a small matter.

"George, didn't you say that Daniel is the future number one on the left in England. In fact, I think so too, I just started earlier." Ferguson laughed.

George smiled, and really wanted to see Ferguson's expression.

"It's a pity, Coach Ferguson. Daniel will be the captain of our Burnley in the future, and he will never go anywhere in his life."

Ferguson shook his head listening to George's triumphant voice.

George felt that keeping Daniel was a big victory, so he was so proud. In fact, from the perspective of Ferguson and Manchester United, there are plenty of young talents like Daniel, and there are many options. If Daniel is not obtained, there are still other better options, so it is not taken seriously.

After hanging up the phone, Ferguson was amused by George's childish look.

"Steve, George is an interesting guy. Haha."

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