Coaching legend

Chapter 63 Absolute Strength (Part 1)

"We will teach those bastards at Burnley a lesson."

"We will teach George, that arrogant kid, a lesson we can learn."

"Bastard, George. You are the most unpopular person in Birmingham."

"Burnley wants to be promoted, dream on."

Before the first round of the League One started, Birmingham fans were shouting in the interview.

"Being hated is actually an honor." George turned off the screen of the BBC reporter interviewing Birmingham fans, and smiled and talked in the away team's locker room. This is the first round of the English League One, Burnley is away to Birmingham.

"You should know why Birmingham hates us."

Except for the few people who just joined, everyone else smiled knowingly. Speaking of the big conflict between the two teams, it should be said from last season. When George returned to work at the end of the season, Birmingham actually had a great chance to qualify for the promotion play-offs. But George scored four goals against Birmingham at Birmingham's home court, making Birmingham completely lose the qualification for the play-offs.

From then on, Birmingham fans would grit their teeth when talking about Burnley and George.

"It seems that you all remember it. You should remember the process of the game." George just found the reaction of Birmingham fans funny and childish. "Since we have made Birmingham fans so hate us, no matter what we do, it will be useless. So what is the best way?"

"Let them continue to hate us." Daniel, who was sitting in the corner, shouted with his neck stretched. All the players laughed at once.

"Yes, Daniel is right." George was very happy that Daniel knew how to cooperate with him. "Let Birmingham remember us Burnley forever and let them hate us forever."

"We are not a team of the same level as Birmingham, and our goals are different. They are just hanging around in the low-level league every day, thinking that they can be promoted one day if they are lucky." George criticized Birmingham. In fact, Burnley is not the same. When they were just promoted to the First Division, Kilby's original idea was how Burnley could gain a foothold in the English League One. If George had not led the team to create a series of good results later, how could Kilby have thought of the issue of promotion.

"Birmingham is such a half-dead team, what kind of team are we Burnley, what is our goal this season!"

"Upgrade! Upgrade! Upgrade!" Whether it is the new players or the old players, they all shouted in unison.

"Yes, upgrade. Our Burnley should not stay in the First Division, we want to go to the damn Premier League. We want to become a Premier League team. This time next year, I will be the head coach of the Premier League team, and you will be the players of the Premier League team."

"Premier League, Premier League!"

George looked at the extremely excited players and nodded. "This is the first game, and the road to the Premier League is right under our feet."


"Listen to the curses at St. Andrews Stadium. They kept cursing at Burnley's young coach George Levy. Just looking at the atmosphere at St. Andrews Stadium, you would think this is a city derby with a century of grievances. In fact, Burnley and Birmingham have no hatred at all in the past hundred years." BBC famous mouth John Motson commented on the game. He looked at the atmosphere of the stadium, smiled and shook his head.

"John, you can't blame the Birmingham fans. Birmingham fans are full of resentment towards Burnley. There was no grudge in the first hundred years, but one game is enough to make the two teams hate each other for many years." Liverpool legend and current BBC host Alan Hansen is another host of this game.

"Yes, last year Birmingham had a great chance to enter the top six. But they lost to Burnley by four goals at home and completely withdrew from the list of promotion play-offs. Alan, do you remember what coach Levy said after the game?"

"Of course, George was a big shot in the English League One at the time. He said that if he wanted to be promoted, he should ask Burnley first."

"Hahahaha, this coach who is even much younger than many players is really interesting. He simply announced this year that Burnley has already reserved a promotion spot." Motson and Alan Hansen laughed there.

"But judging from the game, Birmingham fans can only continue to hate Burnley." The game was too easy, or too one-sided. Alan Hansen teased the two teams very easily.

"Burnley is becoming more and more like a strong team now, and it should be said that it is becoming more and more mature." Mortensen commented on the current Burnley team.

At the beginning of last season, Burnley's performance was already eye-catching. Especially the solid defense, which made all the English League One teams sigh. Many critics agreed that Burnley's promotion was a foregone conclusion when the English League One had been going on for a little more than a quarter.

Unfortunately, George's car accident happened later, and Burnley's performance plummeted. Many media felt sorry for Burnley.

However, Burnley at that time was not without shortcomings. The biggest shortcoming was walking on one leg. The right attack was obviously better than the left, and most of the attacks on the left were attacked from behind by left-back Daniel Morrison. Therefore, as long as the opponent chooses to defend, especially if Yongberg on the right is not in good shape and can't open the wing, then the middle is not easy to play.

But this year is different. With George introducing Camoranesi, Ljungberg went to the left and echoed Daniel, and Burnley's wing opened up all of a sudden. The wing opened up, giving Ballack in the middle more options.

In this game, George made some new changes in the starting lineup. The striker was a combination of Klose and Robbie Keane. The new Robbie Keane really made George's eyes light up. In fact, George's biggest impression of Robbie Keane was his performance in Liverpool.

Robbie Keane's performance in Liverpool was a real disaster, and it also became one of the evidences that Benitez bought the wrong person in Liverpool. Therefore, although Robbie Keane is very famous, George has not seen much of Robbie Keane's performance at his peak.

But this time, seeing Robbie Keane at the age of seventeen, George was greatly impressed by his strength. Seventeen-year-old Robbie Keane is already very top-notch. Not only has he surpassed many of his peers, he has even become a main player in some lower-level Premier League teams. This is an absolute genius, so George chose Robbie Keane as the team's main force without hesitation.

In the midfield, apart from Camoranesi playing as right winger and Ljungberg going to the left, Neil Lennon in the middle is a full-time defensive midfielder, and Ballack is the core of the midfield.

In the back line, there is no change except that Finnan replaces Grant and Jaskelainen replaces Miller.

If there is a change, it is that Burnley has strengthened its offensive power from the previous cautious defense.


It was Ljungberg who scored a goal for the team. After a season of training in the English League One, Ljungberg has become more and more like a general. Breakthroughs, passes, and shots are all done quite well, and Burnley players also support Ljungberg very much.

When Ljungberg was on the right, more than half of Burnley's offense was concentrated on the right. Now that Ljungberg is on the left, Burnley's offense is more concentrated on the left.

Although this makes Camoranesi's right side a little quiet. But George is not worried, because the current situation is just because everyone is familiar with Yongberg and is used to giving the ball to Yongberg. And George believes in Barak, he will definitely know how to let the ball go to the most dangerous place.

Birmingham is also very familiar with Yongberg, so there is also a dedicated person to defend. Unfortunately, after going to the left, Yongberg's way of playing has also changed. Unlike when he was on the right, he chose to go to the bottom line and then pass the ball. Instead, he shot after cutting inside, or cooperated with Daniel, making Birmingham's right back defenseless.

In the 23rd minute, it was also because of the hesitation of Birmingham's right back that this goal was caused. Yongberg got the ball, and Daniel on the left inserted at high speed, which made Birmingham's right back worried. I don't know how to defend, Yongberg took the ball and cut inside in this gap, causing a loophole in Birmingham's defense.

Yongberg was 25 meters away from the goal, and suddenly a cold shot rolled into the goal. The Birmingham goalkeeper didn't react at all.

This is the routine that George has been practicing in the summer. The attack on the right side relies more on Camoranesi and Finnan to cross the ball, while Ljungberg on the left side cuts in and shoots more, and cooperates with Daniel.

"Our coach Levy is very cool today, wearing an Armani coat." The game was a foregone conclusion, and Burnley firmly controlled the situation on the field. If it weren't for the excellent goalkeeper of Birmingham, Burnley would have scored two or three goals. So Mortensen's eyes were on George's clothes.

George wore an Armani coat today and stood at the side of the court from the beginning, with his hands in his pockets.

This was of course not George's own dress, but was put on at the request of Sera Aimi. Amid the abuse of tens of thousands of people at St. Andrews Stadium, George was like a hero who defied the heavens, standing at the side of the court, ignoring the fans' curses at him.

At the end of the first half, Burnley led Birmingham by one to zero.

(Happy New Year to everyone.)

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