Coaching legend

Chapter 64 Absolute Strength (Part 2)

When George entered the locker room, he was all smiles.

"Frederick, that's great. Next year, I guarantee you'll be able to join the Swedish national team. In fact, with your current ability, you should definitely join the Swedish national team. It would be great if you were English, then the English national team would have one more player who can play left and right, pass and shoot."

As soon as George entered the locker room, he began to praise Ljungberg.

After the last fight with Ljungberg, George actually thought a lot. Which talented player in the world football doesn't have a temper? There are also gentlemen, but not many.

Take Manchester United for example. Ferguson coached Manchester United for more than 20 years and changed one batch of players after another. I don't know how many players with personality there are. Starting from Cantona, the king of Manchester United, there are not many good guys. Even Keane, Beckham, Scholes, and Giggs in the 92 generation were not good kids.

And the later Ronaldo and Rooney were all real problem players. Their talents are rare in the world football, but their tempers are also counted in the world football.

But Ferguson still used his superior skills to make these players obedient.

Of course, there will be some dirty things, but there are not many scandals during the season. Only after the end of the season, when Ferguson cleaned up the players, can we see some clues. What Ferguson is best at is the stick and the carrot.

George's performance is enough now, and his support within Burnley is also very high. So there is no need to use extreme methods to establish prestige. Appropriate praise is very necessary, as long as people like to be praised.

The same is true for Ljungberg, a player who thinks highly of himself. He smiled when he heard George's praise. George is not a coach who is good at complimenting, and it is not easy to hear some praise from George.

Ljungberg felt this deeply, especially when he saw George treat Ballack and Daniel. Anyone with eyes in the team can see that George values ​​Ballack and Daniel. But these two people are also the ones who are scolded the most by George.

Just after praising Ljungberg, George started to criticize again. "Balak, you didn't do well enough in the first half. Especially in terms of transfer, the left side was lively and the right side was too quiet."

Balak nodded. Ballak's performance has always been like this. No matter whether George praised or criticized, as long as George assigned a task, Ballak would nod. He completed the task meticulously on the field, with all the excellent qualities of German players.

"Okay, everyone performed well in the first half. Keep up the good work in the second half." George clapped his hands and praised everyone's performance.

George did not mention any tactical issues in the second half. Facing the A-League, George was ready to play with me as the main force. This is the style that a strong team should have. If it is in the Premier League, George needs to prepare more. But in the A-League, George must remain unchanged in the face of changes.


In the second half, the Birmingham coach replaced two people in succession, especially hoarding players in the midfield, preparing to compete with Burnley for the midfield. The increase in the number of midfielders increased the pressure on Ballak sharply, but George did not move.

"George, aren't we going to make a substitution? The midfield is a bit passive!" Evan Sawyer came to George and asked with a frown.

George smiled slightly and shook his head. "Evan, playing tricks can't make up for the gap in strength. If the score on the field is still tied at this time, then we still need to compete with them for the midfield. But now they are behind, and their forwards are not the kind of people who can stand alone. If I were Birmingham, I wouldn't play such low-level tricks."


"Birmingham is far less powerful than our Burnley, and now it is behind. If I were Birmingham, I wouldn't want a transition in the midfield at all. He didn't even think about what the midfield is for in this situation. Playing the traditional English style of play and directly kicking high balls can make up for the disadvantage in the midfield." George was dismissive of Birmingham's adjustments. If he was replaced by a ruthless coach like Mourinho later, he might even have two forwards. No midfield at all.

Evan Sawyer nodded.

"Also, Evan, I didn't make adjustments just to see how Ballack performs. I plan to be the core midfielder of Burnley in the next ten years, and he will also be the core midfielder of the German national team. He must be the best midfielder in the world in the future. If he can't even handle this, he is not Ballack."

Evan Sawyer opened his mouth wide, not quite accepting George's point of view. Evan Sawyer knew that George attached great importance to Ballack, but he didn't expect that Ballack's status in George's mind was so high. Now the midfield of the German national team has superstars such as Sauer, Thomas Hasler, and Effenberg, and the current German team is a super team in the world.

George said that Ballack would become the core midfielder of the German national team, which is a very high evaluation of Ballack. Ballack is now just a midfielder of a League One club.

George ignored Evan Sawyer and walked directly to the sidelines. "Michael, Michael!" Then he made a gesture of pressing forward.

Seeing George, Ballack came back to his senses a little. Just now, he unconsciously fell into the midfield swamp and forgot his responsibilities.

After a quick look at the situation on the field, Ballack understood that Birmingham was now using five midfielders to fight for the ball in the middle, with the most intense competition being in the middle guarded by Ballack and Neil Lennon.

Therefore, Ballack stopped entangled with them and kept passing the ball from left to right and from right to left, making Birmingham's fight in the midfield useless. The fight in the midfield became useless, and the situation on the field became the situation in the first half.

"Balak got the ball and passed it to the left... Ljungberg got the ball and passed it to Daniel with his heel. It was a beautiful pass! ... Daniel passed the ball, Klose, Klose, shot. Beautiful, Klose, it's Klose!! Burnley leads Birmingham 2-0."

"... Robbie Keane received the ball and dribbled past the central defender. Robbie Keane is now facing the goalkeeper and shooting!! Hehe, the ball actually went through the goalkeeper's small door... Robbie Keane, who joined the team on a free transfer in the summer, scored a goal in the counterattack."

"Camoranesi, he has dribbled past Birmingham's left back... The ball was passed to the penalty area... Ballack!! Super heavy artillery, got it. 4-0, Birmingham was beaten into a sieve by Burnley."

The fans at St. Andrews Stadium had no energy to scold George and Burnley in the end. They could only helplessly watch Birmingham being ravaged by Burnley one goal after another.

"Burnley showed the momentum of a super strong team. George said at the press conference that Burnley has reserved a promotion spot. Anyone who has watched this game will not think that George is bragging, because Burnley does have the strength."

"From the beginning of this game to now, Burnley has completely controlled the game. No matter in what aspect, Birmingham cannot pose any threat to Burnley. As long as Burnley wants, this game can be played 6-0, 7-0 or even 8-0. I think there will be no problem."

"Here I would like to say a special word about Burnley's midfield general Ballack. This 21-year-old player is now more and more like a general. He organizes Burnley's midfield in an orderly manner. He is an all-around midfielder. He can defend, score goals, assist, and control the rhythm. If this performance continues, who can say that he can't become the new Effenberg."

Amid the praises of Mortensen and Alan Hansen for George and Burnley, the referee blew the whistle to end the game.

George was very satisfied with the game from the process to the result. In the media interview after the game, he smiled and said: "Super League, wait! Burnley is coming!!!"

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