Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 823: Please close your eyes at dark (saturday/tenth)

In front of the big tent were guarded two Gelian soldiers. They were holding large-caliber assault rifles in one hand and a cigarette in the other, and they were puffing out the clouds.

Qi Lin hurried forward, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, shook out one of them, and said to the two guards, "Brother, let me borrow a fire."

The two guards glanced at Qi Lin, showing an expression of displeasure, but the next second they stopped their eyes on the cigarette case in Qi Lin's hand, and could no longer move it away.

This is a pack of "Hongtashan". Although in the old times, such a pack of Hongtashan only cost ten yuan Huaxia coins, which belonged to the relatively cheap category of cigarettes, but now, such a pack of Hongtashan can definitely be used in the black market. Selling to hundreds of resource points, especially those that are better preserved, the price can be more than doubled.

And Qi Lin's package of "Hongta Mountain" was taken from the organization's supply warehouse, and it was definitely in the best-preserved category.

As for the hand-rolled cigarettes smoked by the two guards, the tobacco leaves used are basically synthetic substitutes, or the most inferior of the substitutes. In the words of the old smokers in the refuge, smoking this stuff, It is no different from sawdust at all.

Of course Qi Lin could see the greedy look in the eyes of the two of them. He deliberately put on a painful expression and took out two more cigarettes from the cigarette case.

Seeing Qi Lin's acquaintance, the corners of the two guards' mouths slightly turned up, but when Qi Lin walked in front of them, he suddenly let go of his hand, and the box of Hongta Mountain was facing the ground. Fell down.

The eyes of the two guards also moved with the falling cigarette case, and at this time, Qi Lin had put his hands on the back of their necks.

Two highly poisonous steel needles cut through the skins of the two of them. The two people only felt that some small bug had been bitten on the back of their necks, a slight pain, and then a violent nausea came from their throats. Coming up, in the next second, their consciousness has completely solidified.

After dragging the two bodies behind the tent, Qi Lin lifted a corner of the tent, bent over and got in.

Inside the tent is indeed a high-power diesel generator, in addition to a row of batteries like thermos.

The generator was not in working condition, no wonder Qi Lin didn't hear the familiar motor sound outside the tent.

He took out a few pieces of chewing gum-like plastic explosives from his pocket, and Qi Lin stuck them on the core components of the generator and the battery respectively, then plugged in a remote control detonator and quickly exited the tent.


Accompanied by an explosion, a large number of flying fragments pierced the thick canvas tent and scattered all over the ground, and the lighting equipment in the entire black market began to gradually go out...In less than five seconds, it fell into a place. In the dark.

"what happened?!"

"Power off? What happened?"

"Did it malfunction?"

"Assault! It's an attack! I heard an explosion!"

"How could there be an attack, isn't there a sentinel outside?"

"Corps! There are corpses here! Someone has been killed!"

"Quick! Raise the alarm!"

"The battery was blown up too-the alarm won't go off!"

...In an instant, the entire base was in chaos, and at this time, Qi Lin had climbed onto a guard tower, and successfully solved the guards above, and took over the six-pack Gatling gun. .

This sentry tower was not built by the soldiers of the Revolutionary League, but was originally present in the black market. It is a full five or six meters high. It is a commanding height that can overlook most of the black market. The members of the gang who are in charge of watching the scene usually sit On the above, you can find those who dare to make trouble in the black market in the first place... But this Gatling gun and two heavy boxes of ammunition at the feet were installed by the people of the Union.

Looking at the chaos below, Qi Lin sighed in his heart and lifted the grip of Gatling's machine gun. The six barrels began to rotate, and they were getting faster and faster...


The fire from the muzzle of the Gatling machine gun is particularly eye-catching in the dark, and the noisy gunfire is constantly echoing in this confined space, and the bullets fired from the muzzle seem to have eyes. , Swept the Revolutionary Revolutionary soldiers one after another to the ground——

"Tower! The enemy is over there!"

Someone immediately reacted and took up the weapon in his hand and began to fight back. Although it was impossible to aim in the dark, the fire from the high muzzle was really too obvious.

However, Qi Lin had already squatted behind the thick gun shield, and none of these stray bullets that were not accurate could hit him.

After hitting a whole box of bullet chains, Qi Lin jumped directly from the guard tower and landed on the two Gelian heads running towards the guard tower, accompanied by two crisp "clicks", Qi Linhao I stepped on the spine of the two without being polite...

Picking up the weapon of one of, opening the insurance, raising the muzzle is a series of short shots, Qi Lin almost knocked down everyone he could see in an instant.

This is the importance of vision suppression. The Revolutionary League soldiers didn’t even see when Qi Lin jumped from the guard tower, but Qi Lin had already jumped off the entire base one second before. The number of people exposed to his line of sight, the weapons in his hands, their positions, and the direction of running were all recorded.

At this moment, in his mind, there was already a three-dimensional map of the base that looked like a holographic projection. On this map, there were a group after another group of Revolutionary Revolutionary soldiers ramming around like headless flies...

This is like opening a full map plug-in when playing a sandbox real-time strategy game, but in the eyes of Qi Lin’s opponents, the entire map is completely shrouded in an unknown fog of war. The terrible thing is that they can't share the vision of friendly units.

Hmm...Speaking of which, this is similar to the nightmare's ultimate in "League of Legends", except that the duration of this ultimate is much longer than the short few seconds in the game.

Please close your eyes at night... But for many soldiers of the Revolutionary League, they can no longer see the moment when the light comes up.

Qi Lin was holding the gun and shuttled in the darkness. Every time he pulled the trigger, it meant that one or more Revolutionary Revolutionary soldiers were shot and fell. Up to now, neither the soldiers nor the officers have done anything. Understand how many enemies have invaded this base.

Fortunately, there are still a large number of officers in this base. They are trying their best to gather their soldiers. Otherwise, I am afraid that at this time, the revolutionary coalition forces in the base will also be like the troops attacking the waiting hall, killing each other. Woke up……

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