Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 824: Elite of the Revolutionary Army (July/10)

Qi Lin continued his slaughter, looking at the Gelian soldiers falling under his gun one after another, he seemed to feel that he was on the original battlefield...

He didn't want to kill people, but he had to kill them. From a righteous point of view, killing these people can save more people. However, in Qi Lin's eyes, he was just trying to keep himself alive.

Killing is not a hobby, but a need.

This was true on the battlefield at the beginning, and it is also true in the underground world.

Many things are involuntary, but they must be completed. He knows that he is a pawn, and a useless **** will inevitably become an insignificant victim in the entire chess game.

He doesn't want to be such a victim. If he wants to live to the end, he has only two choices: one is to do his best to win the game, and second, to overturn the entire chessboard.

With Qi Lin’s current ability, it is obviously impossible to choose the latter. Let alone overturning the chessboard, he hasn't even seen the boundary of the chessboard... and before he could see all that. I have to keep myself alive.

Ten minutes later, the power supply in the base still has not been restored, but the messy gunfire has never stopped. Qi Lin did not deliberately count, but the powerful mental power made him clearly remember that from the generator Counting the two guards in front of the tent, the number of Geunion soldiers who died in his hands had reached 87.

And when Qi Lin shot the 88th Revolutionary League soldier, he finally encountered a guy who could threaten him for the first time.

A shuttle bullet flew past Qi Lin's cheek tightly. The sharp wave of air cut a few blood marks on his face, and then healed quickly. It was Qi Lin who foreseeed the danger in advance and made a subconscious dodge action. As a result, otherwise, these bullets should have just hit his head.

"The other party also has night vision capabilities!"

This was the first reaction in Qi Lin's mind. He subconsciously looked in the direction where the bullet came from, and saw a tall and thin man wearing sunglasses standing on a high concrete platform and looking down. He moved quickly to change the magazine for the assault rifle in his hand.

This person was wearing the uniform of an ordinary soldier of the Revolutionary Army, and the weapon in his hand was also a common standard large-caliber assault rifle. However, Qi Lin knew in his heart that this person was definitely not an ordinary Revolutionary Army soldier!

Just like the Thunder Falcon Squad and the Basaka Army in the Alliance Army, there are naturally elites in the Revolutionary Alliance, and this guy who almost burst Qi Lin's head is obviously such an elite.

Night vision ability is not rare. A first-level evolutionary can get such ability if he is lucky. When Qi Lin gains night vision ability, even the first-level evolutionary is not even considered as a first-level evolutionary, but there is danger in the subconscious. The warning has been telling Qi Lin that the opponent's strength is definitely not weak, it is an existence that can threaten oneself...

Level 4 evolution? Level 5? With these shots alone, Qi Lin did not get a clear answer, but at this time the other party had replaced the magazine and pointed the gun at Qi Lin.

Naturally, Qi Lin would not choose a hard-resistant bullet, especially a ten-millimeter caliber full-power bullet. Once he dodges, he quickly hid behind a tent——

However, what Qi Lin didn't expect was that across the tent, the opponent still accurately locked Qi Lin's position. The large-caliber warhead in the high-speed flight ripped the thick canvas and hit Qi Lin's calf.

A large muscle on the calf was torn off, and the piercing pain caused Qi Lin to see a large piece of cold sweat from behind. The blood rushing out completely wetted only half of the broken trouser legs, and Qi Lin did too. One staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the leg bones were not hit. For Qi Lin, these injuries can heal in less than a minute.

Although the flesh and blood carried by the bullet can't grow out so quickly, it shouldn't be a problem if it doesn't affect the movement.

"Can a precise hit even across the tent?"

Is it prediction or luck? Or does it mean that the other party has the ability to see through or accurately locate?

That guy didn't carry a night vision goggles. Could it be that he has the same thermal visual ability as Qi Lin's game?

If this is the case, Qi Lin only needs to lower his body temperature, but he does not dare to bet like that. When he is on the verge of suspended animation, Qi Lin's own physical functions will be suppressed to a very low level. It will become stiff and slow, and it's okay to deal with those secret whistle, but if the opponent's ability is not thermal vision, then he is really a living target.

The tent, which can’t stop the bullets, seemed useless. Qi Lin could only move quickly behind a concrete pier. Soon, the opponent’s bullets followed him like a shadow and hit the other side of the concrete pier. On the side, a large number of fragments fell down rustlingly, which made Qi Lin ascertain that the opponent was not relying on luck or anticipation to lock himself in—during the process of moving from the tent to the concrete pier~www.wuxiaspot. com~ He has never been directly exposed under the opponent's field of vision, but the opponent still found his position as if he had opened a perspective hook.

The man was constantly shooting at the concrete pier. Although the concrete pier was thick, the power of the large-caliber bullets was not vegetarian. After a few shots, the concrete pier had been smashed by almost one third. Qi Lin even I can feel the violent vibrations from the back when every shot hits it.

There were already several deep cracks on the side where Qi Lin was located. He didn't know how many shots this concrete pier could hold. Once it was smashed, there would be no bunker nearby that could block large-caliber bullets.

Must find a way to fight back, at least not let him stand on a high place so recklessly to suppress himself...

Qi Lin quickly thought about countermeasures...

The opponent uses a BN-03 large-caliber assault rifle with a caliber of ten millimeters. It adopts a piston-type air guiding structure, and the magazine is used for ammunition. There is no optional expanded magazine model. The standard magazine has a maximum capacity of 14 rounds... …

The opponent had fired twelve shots after changing the magazine, which means that he still had the last two bullets in his magazine.

The wound on Qi Lin's calf had healed. Although there was still some faint pain, it was not a major problem. He brewed for a while, and then he had to rush out from the left side of the concrete pier.


A bullet hit the ground on the left side of the concrete pier, but Qi Lin hit the ground hard with his toes, and he jumped a big step towards the back in a semi-returned posture, and most of his body emerged from the concrete. The right side of the pier came out.

The opponent really has the ability to "see through", then Qi Lin will use his plan to deceive the opponent's pre-judgment gun and fight back from another direction!

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