Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 831: Frustrated offense

Qi Lin took a step back and used the energy shield to smash the two power armors behind him forcibly, and by the way, roast the soldiers in the power armor into cooked meat.

He must be withdrawn. If he does not withdraw, after the energy is exhausted, the armored forces of the Revolutionary League will be able to pile him alive here, even if they use a sea of ​​tactics.

There are still a large number of heavy infantry fallen in the enemy's formation, but at this time, the only thing Qi Lin can do is to wish them good luck...

"Retreat! Old Zhao, detonate the explosive directly!" Qi Lin shouted at the communicator.


Zhao Weiju gritted his teeth and waved his hand vigorously——


A huge explosion sounded, and for a short time, I saw a large amount of smoke and dust covering almost half of the battlefield, and then there was a burst of dense and messy gravel rolling down.

This is the back-hand plan made by Qi Lin and Zhao Weiju a long time ago. They planted a lot of explosives under the load-bearing walls of the buildings in the border block. If the offensive is blocked and needs to be retreated, people will detonate these explosives and bring this block to the ground. All of the buildings collapsed, using the collapsed rubble and the ruins of the building to block the chasing enemy.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and Qi Lin had already retreated to the road, and the remaining fuel was less than 10%. Qi Lin had to actively turn off the energy shield, but at this time even the beam saber in his hand began to appear. Signs of instability, the light blade is bright and dark, and the length is gradually shortening.

At the other end of the street, the bombed building had completely blocked the retreat, but Thor's Hammer jumped over the ruins with just a slight leap, and caught up with the retreat of the Alliance.

As for the old-fashioned power armors of the Revolutionary League, they don't have the mobility of Quake's hammer, and it is impossible to jump over these obstacles.

Qi Lin and Zhao Weiju quickly retreated to the second block, and began to build temporary barricades using modular armor plates. They didn’t have much time. The collapsed houses and broken bricks could not hold back the Gelian for long. When planting ruins, the efficiency of power armor is much better than that of humans.

"Old Zhao, how are the casualties?" Qi Lin found two brand new fuel rods from the supply tank, inserted them into the Thor's Hammer reactor, and then threw the two spent fuel rods emitting intense radiation vigorously Arrived in the ruins opposite.

Although this point of radiation may not cause much hindrance to the Revolutionary League troops, at least it is better than nothing. If you don't throw it away, Qi Lin will have to find a way to dispose of the radioactive waste.

"26 of my men died and 11 were seriously injured. Of these, 7 must be sent to the field hospital immediately, otherwise they would be dead, and the minor injuries would not be mentioned. The number is unclear, but the heavy infantry... …"

Having said that, Zhao Weiju paused and sighed heavily.

"Only one-third of the heavy infantry returned..."

one third? Although Qi Lin was already prepared in his heart, this number still made him a little surprised.

In the battle of just a few minutes, more than two hundred well-trained and well-equipped heavy infantrymen were left on the battlefield forever...

Those heavy infantry who failed to withdraw to this side of the street before detonating the explosives, their ending, needless to say, can basically be guessed.

"No, the other side has a well-established armored force. We are definitely not an opponent. We must also transfer an armored force from above. Otherwise, not only will we not be able to take down the southern middle area, maybe even the Eagle Station will be threatened." Qi Lin said that power armor is generally used as fire support and leading soldiers on the ground battlefield, and its status is not much different from that of tanks, but when a large amount of power armor is gathered together, the iron torrent formed is actually It is enough to wipe out any enemy positions without permanent fortifications.

During World War II, there were also several large-scale tank battles. In this kind of battle, the infantry fighting on foot was almost nonexistent...

In the absence of air force and artillery support, only armored clusters of the same size can contend with such a flood of steel.

"Armored troops...Don't even think about it. If there are armored troops that can be dispatched, they would have already been dispatched, otherwise it would be impossible to give us a heavy infantry troop as a substitute." Zhao Weiju smiled bitterly. After shaking his head, the battle on the frontal battlefield is much fiercer than here, and it is impossible for organizations and alliances to pull down the troops on the frontal battlefield to support the sideline.

The cost of power armor is very expensive. A standard version of the "Tarantula" can be equipped with six sets of heavy infantry equipment or more than 30 sets of light infantry equipment. The resources for producing power armor have always been It’s very tight. After several battles, many power armor production lines under the control of the Alliance have been forced to stop due to material shortages. Only after the power armor that was scrapped on the front line was transported back to be dismantled. Sufficient materials can be obtained.

The dismantling process is not like the "one-click disassembly of equipment" in online games. Many of the components on the scrapped power armor have been completely deformed and damaged. At least 30% of the components need to be recycled after being removed. Casting, it takes But now for organizations and alliances, the most lacking is time.

In addition to the shortage of power armor, not everyone can act as a pilot manipulating power armor. A civilian who has never touched a gun can be sent to the battlefield after a week of emergency training. , But if you want to become a pilot, you must complete a two-and-a-half-month full training course-and this course still cuts out many castrated versions of maintenance, repair and principles. It takes nearly three months for a famous pilot to obtain a "driver's license".

"Can't we piece together an equipment unit to make up the number? You see, those power armors of the Revolutionary Federation are basically dusty and old goods taken out of the warehouse, covered with rust. As for the pilots, I dare say they I only learned the basic operations at most. In this way, the pilot training course can be directly compressed from two and a half months to three weeks." Qi Lin said quickly.

"I also know that the opponents are all half-slingers, but I can’t persuade the people above to also train such a half-sling armored unit to support us, and you also said that it takes three weeks to train a group of half-slinging armours. We Is there three weeks?” (https:)

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