Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 832: Ask for help

?Although they are all military officers with hundreds of thousands of people under their hands, they are still far from the level of decision-makers.

It is not for them to decide to train such a force, or even... they are not even qualified to make this proposal.

And Zhao Weiju was right. Even if the above made a temporary intention and decided to build such an accelerated version of the armored unit, it would take nearly a month at the earliest...By then, I am afraid that the battlefield will no longer take refuge on No. 1029. So.

But anyway, with the strength of Qi Lin and Zhao Weiju's hands, it is impossible to continue the offensive. The only thing they can do is to hold on to their positions.

"Let's do it... I will negotiate with the above to see if we can get some support from the above, even if there is no formed armored unit, it is good to transfer a few more power armors." Qi Lin said.

Zhao Weiju is not only an officer of the consortium alliance, but also a backbone member of the organization. He knows the identity of Qi Lin Lei Falcon team, but what he doesn't know is Qi Lin's other identity-a member of the Shadow Force.

The shadow force is directly under the control of the parliament, and the membership structure is very simple. There are only two members responsible for issuing tasks and members responsible for performing tasks. For this reason, the members of the shadow force can directly communicate with the upper level of the organization.

The members of the parliament naturally belong to the decision-making level. At least on the surface, they have the highest status and the greatest power in the entire organization.

Qi Lin felt that if he contacted the council directly as a member of his shadow force and asked them to give some support, he would not be rejected.

"It can only be this way, I hope it will be useful." Zhao Weiju said, he did not have great expectations for reinforcements in his heart. After all, in his opinion, Qi Lin from the Lei Falcon team is very strong, but he is only authorized. Words, but not too high.

Of course, this is when Zhao Weiju doesn’t really understand the value of Thor’s Hammer... He thought he could redeem such equipment as long as he joined the Thunder Falcon team, but in fact, even in the Thunder Falcon team’s military merit redemption list There is no Quake...This thing does not exist as standard equipment.

Qi Lin was able to obtain this set of Thor's Hammer. In addition to the identity of the shadow troops and the help of the council, the organization wanted to test the actual combat performance of Thor's Hammer is also a very important reason.

"The long-distance communication equipment is still at the Eagle Station. Let us first give it to us. If we can't support it, we will launch a flare." Zhao Weiju continued.

It is also strange that after taking advantage of the military strength, the Revolutionary League did not choose to continue pursuing. They did not even clean up the ruins. Instead, they retreated behind the original defense line and began to sweep the battlefield.

For Qi Lin and Zhao Weiju, this is good news, at least they get this short respite.

Zhao Weiju and his men are still strengthening the defense of the position, while Qi Lin returned to the Eagle Station alone, preparing to use the communication equipment left in the station to request assistance from the Parliament.

However, when Qi Lin sat down in front of the spare communication device, he discovered an extremely embarrassing problem...

He did not have the contact information of the member of the congressman who served as his contact person, and he did not even know the name of the member...

The communication between the two parties has always been one-way. The parliament naturally has a way to find itself, and if you want to find the parliament, I am afraid that you have to go back to the headquarters.

Moreover, when the identity of the shadow force is kept secret, it is probably not an easy task for him to see the members of the parliament.

As for the device that communicated last time was blown up by the self-destruct module, Qi Lin couldn’t use the “redial” function to contact his contact person... However, even if it was not blown up, it is estimated that the other party used it. Communication equipment is also one-way dial-up, and will not accept any communication applications from outside.

"I forgot about this..."

Qi Lin had no choice but to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor-in desperation, he had to connect to the exclusive communication channel of the Thunder Falcon team again.

"Ah, you haven't contacted others for a long time, they really miss you~~~~~"

The beautiful correspondent appeared on the screen again, but this time her dress changed from a full set of organizational uniforms to a set of **** lace see-through underwear and a white shirt that was simply draped over her shoulders. In this way, it seemed that he had just gotten up from the bed, and even the coquettish tone carried a touch of sleepiness and laziness.

Qi Lin subconsciously glanced at the time displayed on the corner of the screen-2:15 midnight. According to the regular schedule, it was indeed time to go to bed. It was just less than ten seconds after he initiated the communication request. It is connected, no matter how you look at this woman, she should have been guarding the other side of the device.

Qi Lin already has considerable resistance to this level of charm. He has returned to normal with a slight stagnation, and said to the correspondent, "Can you help me contact the council?"

"Parliament?" Hearing Qi Lin mentioned this word, the correspondent immediately put away the lazy expression. The body that was leaning on the table was also sitting upright immediately, and even because of the excessive movement, the pair on the chest Majestic also shook violently a few times, swaying a circle of attractive ripples.

"Yes, does Thunder Falcon team have the authority to directly contact the council?"

"Sorry, no... But if you have important things, I can apply to my superiors, but can I pass..."

"Then what if I want to find a member of the council?"

"A certain member? Who is it?"

"I don't know his name, I only know his appearance, I can describe it to you..."

"Uh..." Hearing Qi Lin say this, the correspondent's face also showed a silent look, "You know, for people of our level, the identity of the councillor is kept secret. On weekdays, They all have another important identity. Many of them are executives of the affiliated consortium. I think it might be easier to find them through the channel of the consortium alliance."

"Okay..." Qi Lin knew that he was basically out of play when he heard the other party say this.

But at this moment, the screen suddenly plunged into darkness, and then the somewhat hoarse male voice rang: "Are you looking for me?"

"..." Qi Lin knew that his communication must have been monitored again, but this time, he didn't dislike it.

"Yes, I need support. The Revolutionary League has an armored force in the southern middle area that does not exist in the intelligence. If there is no support, it is estimated that the Eagle Station may not be able to defend."

"Armored troops? How many people? What type of power armor is equipped?" the other party asked people. The power base is mainly T-50 and T-51, and the combat effectiveness is not strong. , If there are too many tartans, I guess only 100 units will be enough to deal with them. "

"I see, the reinforcements you want are already on the way. Although there are only sixty power armors, they are all "Obsidian"." It took several minutes before the other party replied Qi Lin.

Obsidian is a heavy-duty power armor. In the case of close combat, the thickness and tonnage of the armor are basically equivalent to the combat effectiveness of the power armor. The role of sixty obsidians is definitely no less than that of a hundred bird-eating spiders. even more.

Qi Lin didn't expect that the other party would actually agree to his request so readily. With these sixty obsidians in hand, as long as there is no change in the follow-up, it should be no problem to capture the southern middle area.

"Your luck is good. The organization has just acquired 51% of the shares of the two alliance member consortiums through asset acquisitions. The designation of this armored unit just appeared in the organization's army sequence 30 minutes ago. Now they After boarding the train, the command will be directly transferred to you after arriving at the Eagle Station."

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