Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 843: Founder blood

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This train was originally used to transport the second batch of the revolutionary prisoners, but Zhao Weiju used his power to let the train stay in the station for half an hour, and picked up the special passenger Qi Lin.

Of course, the reason is naturally not to evacuate the battlefield, but to "escort trophies specimens"-not only are there traces of transformation on the body of the corpse demon, the earth dragon is also not a naturally evolved mutant creature, within its huge body, Qi Lin also found similar catheters and artificial organs.

These samples were full of a wagon, and Qi Lin was squeezed in a small corner...Fortunately, Thor's Hammer was small, otherwise, he might have to pick up the car outside.

The speed of the train was not fast. It took nearly twenty hours to reach the headquarters of the organization, and the train was greeted by hundreds of fully armed military policemen in black.

The captives were quickly taken away by the military police, and the samples Qi Lin brought were also taken away by the people in the research room. Before long, on the huge platform, only Qi Lin and one sitting were left. The old man in black robe not far away.

This black-robed old man Qi Lin is no stranger—it was this guy who broke into his residence with someone, and tied himself to the organization chariot in a way completely equivalent to intimidation.

"Are you waiting for the bus? Or are you waiting for me?"

Qi Lin walked towards the other side.

"Wait for you...I have to tell you something. You'd better be mentally prepared." The old man took off the hood on his head and squinted at Qi Lin. The crow's feet in the corners of his eyes were tightly wrinkled together. .

"What's the matter?" Qi Lin felt an ominous sign from the other's tone.

"Your little girlfriend, Song Xiaodie, she is missing."

"Missing?" Qi Lin felt a little bit in his heart, but fortunately he suppressed the urge to pick up the old man, and asked in a cold voice, "When did it happen? How did he disappear?"

"Four hours ago." The old man glanced at his watch. "You were still on the train at that time."

"Who discovered it? Where is Aya?"

"The agent responsible for secretly protecting them... Before she disappeared, she killed several of my men. As for Aya Aoi, for safety reasons, she was transferred to the sixth district, the executive officer of the emergency special handling department. Said it would protect her personal safety."

"Kill your subordinates? Okay, how could she kill people? Wouldn't it be your subordinates seeking death on their own? How did you promise me before?" Qi Lin's heart was filled with anger, and she wanted to say that Aya Kui took the shot Killing the agent of the organization, then he can understand, after all, this crazy loli has always had a volatile temper, let alone take a stranger's life seriously, but Song Xiaodie... how could she do this? Kind of thing?

Unless those guys took the initiative to provoke her...

"Calm down a little bit and listen to my explanation... Her bloodline has undergone erratic changes, and the whole person has been'mad'... Now even if you appear in front of her, she might not recognize you. Come."

"Bloodline? Madness? Is it because of the bloodline bloodline? What is going on?" Qi Lin asked one after another.

"First of all, I have to say sorry to you. I deceived you about the kinship. In fact, the organization actually knows the reason for the kinship in detail, but the part of the information that is open to the public rarely mentions the kinship. The true origin is nothing but the technical department of the organization has never stopped researching this particular evolutionary."

"You keep talking."

"There is nothing wrong with the fact that the blood family appeared in the Middle Ages. The original cause was a failed alchemy experiment-uh, I will not describe the content of that experiment. After all, the manuscript of the alchemist was more than three hundred. Page, it would be too cumbersome to explain in detail."

"The first blood clan in history was the wife of the alchemist. She mistakenly drank a bottle of alchemy for wine. After experiencing a serious illness, she turned into a blood-loving beast. "

"Her husband, the alchemist, and their two children, were the first human beings to be killed by the blood family. After killing them and sucking them into mummy, this ancestor blood family left her. Residence, and since that day, one murder after another began to happen one after another in that small town... Of course, we now know that these cases were all done by the blood of the ancestor, but at that time , But it seemed very strange-all the deceased had round hole-like tooth marks on their throats. The blood in their bodies was all sucked up. This caused a great panic in the town. Many people believed that they were Some kind of demon from **** killed."

"Can you make a long story short? I'm not here to listen to the story." Qi Lin said.

"Cough cough...well, in a word, this is how the first blood race appeared. Later, some people who were attacked by her and did not die on the spot, after experiencing symptoms such as fever, coma, etc., all survived. The blood race, but with the scientific level at the time, people regarded this situation as a curse and a plague."

"First embrace?"

"It's the first embrace... the blood of the blood race is poisonous and can infect any creature that comes into contact with it. Of course, many infected people will die, but if they survive, they will become a new blood race."

"But I said at the beginning Song Xiaodie was not embraced for the first time, but she became that way."

"That means that she is actually the same as that alchemist's wife, an ‘Ancestral Blood’."

"What do you mean?"

"The blood of the ancestor blood is the most primitive kind of blood. They have the most powerful, but also the most difficult to control, power. With the emergence of generations of new blood, the blood of the ancestor blood gradually fades, although The abilities of these blood races are not as powerful as the ancestor blood races, but they have become very easy to control. This is undoubtedly beneficial to the blood race as a whole. They can disguise themselves as human beings and live in human society, just every once in a while A certain amount of blood is enough, and even later, the blood of livestock and poultry has become the staple food of the blood."

"But Song Xiaodie's strength... is not that strong..."

"That's because she hasn't awakened yet. From the description of my surviving subordinates, the strength she showed before her disappearance is no less than that of a fifth-level evolutionary."

"...The original ancestor blood clan, that is, the wife of the alchemist, what happened to her?" For some reason, Qi Lin suddenly changed the subject.

"She only lived for a few months, and it may be shorter. The body of the human body cannot withstand such a powerful force. She drew too much blood. The power from the blood of the ancestors burst her alive."

"Why doesn't she stop?"

"She can't stop, her consciousness has been completely suppressed by the instinct of the ancestor's bloodline."

"So... Song Xiaodie has become like her?"

"Yes... the desire for fresh blood has completely controlled her mind... She must continue to forage for food, look for new prey, until death."

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