Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 844: Race against time

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"Since I know that Xiaodie is the blood of the ancestor, why didn't you tell me at that time?"

"...This is a requirement from the laboratory. The people in the kinship research project said this is a rare sample, and they want to conduct long-term observation..."


The right fist of Thor's Hammer threw out a big hole in the back of the wooden waiting chair, which was only 20 centimeters away from the head of the black-robed old man.

Hearing this sound, the guards under the platform rushed up and aimed their weapons at Qi Lin, but soon they were drunk by the black-robed old man.

"I said, it's useless for you to kill me, I'm just a messenger."

"Who is in charge of this project?" Qi Lin suppressed his anger and asked the other party.

"Due to Song Xiaodie's rampage, the former person in charge has resigned and was sent to the trial court. The crime of negligence is a felony within the organization. Even if you don't find him, he will not be able to live long. As for the subsequent successors, It’s someone you know."

"Someone I know?" Qi Lin couldn't help but feel puzzled. He didn't know many people in the organization to tell the truth, especially in the laboratory...

"Abel. Abel, the person in charge of the new-type transformation project, has now taken over the kinship research project by him and his team. They are mobilizing all the forces that can be mobilized to search for the missing Song Xiaodie."

Qi Lin noticed that the word used by the other party was "search", not "search" or "search."

"What if they find Song Xiaodie?"

"Same as you think in your heart now."

"Abel, you dare not do this. If he does, I will make him regret it..."

"I know your other identity... The shadow forces have a lot of authority, but you have to know that all your authority is granted by the council, and the council can withdraw your authority at any time... They will not condone you. In chaos, if everything is fine before Song Xiaodie has gone outrageously, but now she has completely awakened as an'ancestral blood family', then things will not be that simple."

The black-robed old man stared at Qi Lin and continued: "If you want to save her, then you must find her before Abel's people."

To be honest, Qi Lin really wants to rush to the council now and force them to cancel this research project, but wearing Thor's Hammer, as long as he dares to cross the boundary behind the station, he will immediately constitute The crime of "illegal invasion"-without the special permission of the parliament, the headquarters of the organization prohibits any electronic products from entering it. The severity of this crime is even worse than the crime of negligence.

And if you want to take off the Thor's Hammer, the success rate of "forcing the palace" is even lower.

"I suggest that you still don't use violent confrontation, which is very irrational. In addition, if you are going to find Song Xiaodie, the executive officer in the sixth district should be willing to help you."



Qi Lin didn't follow the black robe old man's suggestion to find Qin in the sixth district. Instead, he drove back to Refuge No. 188 and went to the house he bought.

Due to Song Xiaodie’s rampage, the entire middle area of ​​Refuge No. 188 was sealed off, and military police wearing black plate armor and holding transparent riot shields and electric batons were everywhere on the street.

As for the scene of the incident, it was completely surrounded. As soon as Qi Lin approached, two military policemen greeted him.

"I am a member of the Thunder Falcon team. I was ordered to investigate this incident and let me pass." Qi Lin took out the Thunder Falcon team's badge and pinned it to his chest.

"It's useless, man." The two military police glanced at the badge on Qi Lin's chest. Although they still didn't mean to let him go, the expression on their faces was slightly relaxed. After all, the Lei Falcon team was in the whole organization. Inside are also very famous troops, the members of the Thunder Falcon team, each one is the top elite.

"It's useless?" Qi Lin frowned slightly and said unhappily, "I remember I have this permission, right?"

"That refers to regular cases. The affairs here have been taken over by the parliament. Unless you come with the parliamentary order document, otherwise, even if you are the captain of the Thunder Falcon team, we cannot let you go." A military policeman Putting the anti-riot shield on the ground, the electric baton in his hand pointed behind him, "Did you see the group of people behind the barrier? All the guards, let alone you, but we can’t get in, we can only When you’re a watchdog outside, everyone is a mess, brother, don’t embarrass us."

Qi Lin's gaze crossed his shoulders and looked in the direction of the isolation zone. The military police did not lie to him. Behind the isolation zone, there was not a military policeman, and the people who could walk inside were all those " "Guards", they are wearing neat uniforms, and a large number of precious metal decorations on the uniforms show their superior status. In addition to these guards soldiers, there are several people in black suits. A group of scientific researchers in white coats are talking about all the guards dispatched... By the way, are there any congressmen in it? "Qi Lin asked.

The identity of the shadow army cannot be revealed to these ordinary gendarmerie, and even if Qi Lin said it, they may not believe it... Oh, no, it is no longer a question of believe it or not. These ordinary gendarmerie probably even have the name of the shadow army. Never heard of it.

But the members are different. The Shadow Force is a secret agent organization created by the Parliament. Even if they are not directly under their own agents, at least the tokens between them can be recognized.

"Congressman? Why are you asking this?" the military police asked in confusion.

"I have said that I was ordered to investigate. It was an order of the parliament, but the parliament communicated this order to me through oral means, so I can't produce the supporting documents, but if there is a member of Parliament here, He can prove that everything I say is true."

"Really?" Qi Lin said it all, and the military police had already believed most of it in his heart.

"Do I have to lie to you? Doesn't this mean seeking death?"

"Well...that's what I said, Senator Jarod is here now, I can help you pass a message, but it's not my business if the Senator sees you."

"Well, thank you so much."

"Name, and military number."

"Qi Lin, the official member of Lei Falcon team, number 29." Qi Lin said. Because Lei Falcon team had damaged a large number of players on the surface in the previous missions, Qi Lin had just turned to normal and his number was changed. It became a very high number 29, which was why he didn't do the second strength evaluation test afterwards. Otherwise, with Qi Lin's current strength, he would definitely be able to squeeze into the top three of the Thunder Falcon team.

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