Seeing Le Tian's back going away, Mu Ziling frowned slightly, and she turned to look at Li Zhan: "What does he know?"

Looking at the little girl who told her that her nose was not her nose and her eyes were not her eyes just a second ago, she looked at her innocently like a curious baby this second, Li Zhan grabbed three walnuts from the table, and with his palms, the hard walnut shells instantly turned into powder.

"Huh?" Mu Ziling blinked in confusion.

Li Zhan stuffed the walnut kernels in his hand into Mu Ziling's mouth: "I'll understand after I've worked on my brain."

Mu Ziling, who was forced into a mouthful of walnuts, chewed a few times, and then glared at Li Zhan, "Excessive!"

Li Zhan was simply too lazy to care about this little girl, big or small. He shelled a whole plate of walnuts, and then pushed them in front of Mu Ziling: "Patch it up quickly, and leave as soon as you finish it up. Every day, if you don't have anything to do or something, it's so embarrassing to run away from me."

While chewing on the walnuts, Mu Ziling complained vaguely: "I used to think that my little brother-in-law was pretty good, but now it seems that he is not as good as my brother."

Look at this little girl who eats inside and out?

It would be good for her to peel walnuts for her to eat, but she complained and disliked him?

Not to mention how miserable Li Zhan was, he snorted angrily: "What's the matter with that brat? He wants you to find him."

"I would rather." Mu Ziling curled her lips, and then she picked up a fallen red maple leaf on the table, and her voice suddenly dropped: "Look, it's late autumn again, and it's also the time when he left... It's not long, but it seems like a long, long time."

He was not used to it at all, and he couldn't see the little girl's sad appearance. Li Zhan was about to scold him, but what the little girl said next made him stop talking.

"Little uncle, I miss Mu Ziye a little bit." Mu Ziling blinked her big eyes and asked sincerely, "Do you miss him? Do you want him to come back?"

Li Zhan cast a lazy sideways glance, and hummed in confusion: "What does that brat have to worry about? One of you is already enough for me, so it's best for that brat not to come back..."

Before the end was over, Li Zhan caught a glimpse of the little girl staring at him from the corner of his eye, gnashing her teeth as if she wanted to rush up and tear him apart.

As if he was really afraid that the little girl would pounce on him and tear him apart, Li Zhan secretly rubbed his nose, and simply leaned his head back against the tree trunk behind him.

Just when Li Zhan pretended nothing happened and was about to close his eyes and fall asleep, the little girl with an unfriendly expression suddenly said, "Do you know about blood sacrifice?"

Li Zhan's eyelids hadn't been fully closed yet, after hearing this, his lazy body straightened up as if he had been pumped with chicken blood: "What do you want to do?!"

Mu Ziling opened his mouth, but before he could make a sound, Li Zhan said angrily again: "Little girl, don't try to use that rotten and stupid method to get that brat back. You forgot that that brat used that stupid method because he couldn't find you all over the world. You don't know how much he suffered because of it. Hmph, if it wasn't for luck, that brat would have been far worse off, so..."

Before Li Zhan could say the last warning, Mu Ziling suddenly interjected: "So... can the blood sacrifice really bring Mu Ziye back?"

Dare he say a lot, but this little girl didn't understand?

No... How could she not understand?

It is clearly——

Immediately realized that he seemed to have been tricked by this little girl, Li Zhan wished he could bite off his tongue on the spot, he let out a "bah" angrily: "Who told you that the blood sacrifice can find that brat, it's just nonsense, nonsense!"

Mu Ziling replied with a smile: "Didn't you just say that?"

Li Zhan, who had been generalized again, choked on his chest.

As if losing face, Li Zhan raised his hand and knocked on Mu Ziling's head: "What do you say, don't listen to the good ones every day, and listen to the bad ones, let me tell you, don't say that that brat has only been away for a year, even if you have been away for a hundred years, you must not give me the idea of ​​using such a stupid way to find him!"

Mu Ziling covered his head in pain, pretending not to give up: "But I was the one who cured his sequelae back then, as the saying goes, if the same thing happens again, I don't think he will suffer much..."

Obviously, she couldn't finish her sentence, and Li Zhan slapped Li Zhan on the head again: "You have the nerve to show it to me about the blind cat bumping into a dead mouse? Look at the bottom of this plate of walnuts, why is your little brain still not growing? It doesn't matter if you are stupid, at least you can make up for it, but don't think about making up for it while thinking about doing stupid things..."

Being scolded for being stupid for no reason, and being constantly emphasized that she is stupid, the little volcano in Mu Ziling's heart has already jumped ten feet high.

Who knew that Li Zhan's mouth seemed to be open, and he babbled endlessly without giving her the slightest chance to refute.

"Back then, if I had known in advance that brat was acting so impulsively, I would have torn his bones apart long ago. Can I still keep it until now?"

"Hmph, it's also lucky that brat survived the blood sacrifice after the blood sacrifice. If it were your broken body, it would be so withered that not even the skin would be left."

"Don't talk about doing it, don't even think about it, how about paying the blood sacrifice with your broken body? Heh, it would be nice if you don't directly sacrifice..."

After hearing this, Mu Ziling felt a sense of loss, but she also knew that Li Zhanbaba's words were not exaggerated at all.

Because she had seen with her own eyes how the sequelae of the blood sacrifice ravaged Mu Ziye's body, not to mention the person who suffered the crime, she was a bystander watching at that time, and almost followed her to half her life.

The reason why she mentioned the sudden blood sacrifice just now was because of the words that Xiaohan left before his death that day: If you want to find Mu Ziye, only your close relatives can use the blood sacrifice to lure...

Whether it's true or not, Mu Ziling would not risk her life just because of a servant girl's words, not to mention she didn't know how to perform a blood sacrifice, and the only person in front of her who might know the blood sacrifice... Mu Ziling glanced at Li Zhan unintentionally.

At this time, the latter was looking at her with exceptionally gentle and harmless eyes, a pair of beautiful peach eyes flashed with smiles, but there seemed to be a chilling light in the eyes.

He said softly: "Little girl, don't try to do things beyond your power, or my little uncle may not bear to see you suffer such extreme crimes, and tear you apart with his own hands. I will give you a good time, do you hear me clearly?"

Not afraid of Li Zhan getting angry, but afraid of Li Zhan laughing.

Just laughing and talking so softly... This is too creepy.

Mu Ziling's heart trembled, and she nodded her head repeatedly: "Yeah."

"That's good..." Li Zhan stretched out his hand in relief, and stroked Mu Ziling's head: "Don't worry, that brat will show up when he is needed."

At this time, instead of being comforted, Mu Ziling's face turned dark, because when Li Zhan stretched out his hand, she felt a weight on the top of her head, as if something unknown was covering her head.

That was not a big hand from Li Zhan, but a fluffy something, taking the place of her head, enjoying the caress of Li Zhan's big hand tenderly.

Mu Ziling stretched out his hand reflexively to grab it.

"Don't move." Li Zhan grabbed her upward grasping hand and hissed again: "You scared my darling."

God damn sweetheart!

Mu Ziling gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly, and before she could make another move, Li Zhan had already comforted his sweetheart, and took it off Mu Ziling's head by the way.

Seeing the nine-tailed little spirit fox being hugged by Li Zhan and smoothing its fur, the corners of Mu Ziling's mouth twitched.

In the Central Prosperity Back then, wasn't this little thing playing tricks on a group of them? At that time, because of its tuft of hair, she suffered a lot from it.

Mu Ziling didn't give Nine-Tailed Fox a good look. Similarly, Nine-Tailed Fox showed hostility towards this human being who almost robbed him of his love. He bared his teeth and grinned at Mu Ziling, making "Woo-Woo" sounds from his mouth, just like an angry little milk dog.

Mu Ziling was immediately amused by its cute and cute posture, and she couldn't help snorting: "This little thing doesn't grow up big, but it has a big temper, heh~ you still dare to stare at me?"

As if he understood Mu Ziling's provocation, the whining sound of the Nine-Tailed Linghu increased a little bit, the hostile look looked so vicious.

"Okay, my darling wants to whisper something, you go." Li Zhan waved his hand at Mu Ziling in disgust, and then turned to the side to fondle his darling fondly.

And then, Mu Ziling heard the nine-tailed fox really "cuckoo" the so-called "whispering" with Li Zhan.

Mu Ziling has two spiritual pets himself, so he can tell that the nine-tailed fox is talking about something with Li Zhan.

Mu Ziling, who really couldn't understand the gibberish, snorted lightly, and didn't intend to stay any longer.

She got up and left.

And just when Mu Ziling was about to walk out of the garden, Li Zhan behind her suddenly stopped her: "Little girl, when are you going to leave?"

Mu Ziling paused, thought for a while, and said, "We're still preparing, but it's coming soon."

When returning to Yu Palace that day, Long Xiaoyu and the ghost told them to go to a faraway place. At first Mu Ziling thought they were going to Zhongjun City to help in the battle, but later realized that they were not going to Zhongjun City, but the Central Prosperous World.

The purpose of going to Central Prosperity is self-evident.

Presumably that will also be an unknown battle.

After replying, Mu Ziling caught a glimpse of Li Zhan's usual casual face, which seemed a little unusual, and she was about to ask something more.

At this moment, the ghost hurried over: "Princess, General Mu has been found."

Because she didn't see Mu Zhenguo in the palace that day, Mu Ziling was worried all the time, and then she asked Ghost to send someone to look for it, but she didn't expect to hear the news so soon.

Mu Ziling looked away from Li Zhan: "Where is it?"

Ghost: "It's just outside the door."

"Outside the door?" Mu Ziling subconsciously looked out of the garden, who was there?

Seeing Mu Ziling's actions, Ghost quickly explained: "It's outside the palace."

Hearing this, Mu Ziling immediately frowned in displeasure: "When did Yu Palace become so heavily guarded that even my father won't let in?"

Gui Mei hesitated to speak: "No, it is... You should go and see for yourself."

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