Seeing that the ghost was hesitant, Mu Ziling didn't bother to ask any more.

"Then let's go and have a look." When he raised his foot, Mu Ziling glanced suspiciously at Li Zhan again.

Li Zhan had disappeared, only a ball of fluffy snowballs on the table, waving its beautiful nine tails, while scraping the delicious food on the table with relish.

As if sensing that someone was looking at it, the nine-tailed fox raised its head slightly.

The moment his eyes met Mu Ziling, the nine-tailed fox bared its fangs ferociously, no longer hostile, but with a posture of "my territory is inviolable".

Obviously, Li Zhan left his sweetheart here to guard the door.

Mu Ziling was speechless, then turned and left, followed by ghosts.


Worried that something really happened to Mu Zhenguo, Mu Ziling hurried all the way.

When approaching the gate of Yu Palace, Mu Ziling saw Mu Zhenguo from a distance.

It seems that because of the rush, he was covered in dust and dust, and his majestic and upright face was not only a little tired, but also a little anxious, and there was no other abnormality.

Seeing this, Mu Zi's heart was more relaxed, and he strode towards the door: "Father."

Seeing Mu Ziling walking out, Mu Zhenguo came to her in three steps at a time, and said with a bit of excitement in his voice: "Ling'er, I heard that your mother woke up, is it true?"

"Yeah." Mu Ziling nodded: "Mother has been awake for a while, because she has been bedridden all year round and needs some rehabilitation and recuperation after waking up. I was afraid that Aunt Yue would not be able to take care of her in the Meditation Garden alone, so I brought them all to Yu Palace."

At the end, she asked again with concern: "Father, how about you? We haven't heard from you these days, and we are all worried about you. Are you okay? For example... in the palace?"

In the end, Mu Ziling deliberately mentioned the imperial palace. He wanted to confirm something, but Mu Zhenguo seemed to be thinking about Li En, so he didn't think about it any further. He said concisely: "It's nothing, it's just that some affairs in the court have been hindered for a while."

Seeing that Mu Zhenguo didn't seem to want to talk about it, and Mu Ziling couldn't ask any more, she took out the half piece of jade pendant she got from the nun in the palace before, and handed it to Mu Zhenguo: "It belongs to the original owner."

"This..." Looking at the half of the jade pendant in his hand, Mu Zhenguo's face was slightly startled, only to realize that even though he didn't say anything about the palace, the daughter in front of him knew everything.

Facing Mu Zhenguo's shock, Mu Ziling just smiled knowingly: "Let's go dad, I'll take you inside to see your mother."

After waiting for more than ten years, and looking forward to it for more than ten years, isn't it the day Li En wakes up?

At this moment, Mu Zhenguo didn't have the time to ask how the half of the jade pendant got into Mu Ziling's hands, but even though he missed Li En, he didn't forget another important matter of coming to Yu Palace today.

"Ling'er, is His Highness Qi Wang here?" Mu Zhenguo stopped Mu Ziling who had already turned around and was about to enter Yu Palace.

"He's here, but Dad, if you want to find him, it's possible now—" Before Mu Ziling finished speaking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a carriage not far away from the corner of his eyes, and a man holding a sword stood calmly outside the carriage.

Mu Ziling couldn't help squinting his eyes.

When she came out just now, she was only focused on talking to her father, and didn't pay much attention to her surroundings. She didn't know when the carriage appeared there, or in other words, it had already stopped there when she came out.

The man holding the sword looked like a guard, but he couldn't have come here to protect her father, could he?

Just when Mu Ziling was suspicious, the curtain of the carriage was lifted suddenly, and a person stepped out of it.

Mu Ziling recognized the person at a glance, and couldn't help frowning: "Ouyang Feiyu? What is he doing here?"

"The prince of Beining came with General Mu." The ghost beside him reminded in a low voice.

Hearing this, Mu Ziling suddenly understood something.

Dare her father come all the way to Yu Palace, but still wait outside the door, because of Ouyang Feiyu?

Mu Ziling, who didn't have a good impression of Ouyang Feiyu at all, turned cold, and she told Guigui, "Ghost, take my father to the medicine garden first, and I'll take care of it here."

Before the ghost responded, Mu Zhenguo said uneasy: "Ling'er, the Prince of Beining came here this time to discuss important matters with His Royal Highness Qi Wang, you must not..."

In order to reassure Mu Zhenguo, Mu Ziling turned around with an obedient and sensible look: "Father I know, don't worry about visiting your mother. The visitor is a guest, let alone Prince Beining? Don't worry, I will definitely entertain this Prince Beining who came so far away."

Mu Ziling said so, but Mu Zhenguo still looked worried.

At this moment, Ouyang Feiyu who just came over heard Mu Ziling's words, and immediately echoed with a loud smile: "General Mu, what Ling Ai said is very true. Ling Ai and I are old acquaintances. I think she won't be as blind as these guards and block me, an honored guest."

When Mu Zhenguo heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Ouyang Feiyu, and then at Mu Ziling.

Catching Mu Zhenguo's gaze, Mu Ziling, who was full of displeasure after hearing Ouyang Feiyu's self-righteous words, suddenly smiled into a flower, as if the words "hospitality and hospitality" were written all over his face.

Prince Beining spoke up, and Mu Zhenguo couldn't say anything more. After exhorting Mu Ziling, he followed the ghost into Yu Palace.

Just as Mu Zhenguo and Gui Mei entered Yu Palace, the smile on Mu Ziling's face disappeared. When they disappeared, Mu Ziling didn't even give Ouyang Feiyu a glance, and said coldly to the guards on both sides: "How Yu Palace usually treats idlers with intentions, you should deal with them justly and don't be soft."

After dropping these words in a dignified manner, Mu Ziling left without looking back.

Behind him, Ouyang Feiyu, who was instantly stopped by two rows of guards, his face darkened layer by layer, and he shouted at Mu Ziling's back: "Little fox, you are too unkind, how can you be like this? How can you change your face faster than turning the pages of a book?"

Mu Ziling kept walking, and his voice came out faintly: "It's not the first time you know me, I advise you to go back and forth, so as not to waste your time here and be thankful."

"I want to go back, but it's a pity I won't be able to go back soon." Ouyang Feiyu's tone suddenly dimmed, and he said helplessly: "Little fox, to be honest, I really didn't come to look for you today, I was looking for Long Xiaoyu. As for the reason, I don't need to tell you, you should have heard of it. Soon you Jialuo will raise troops to conquer my Beining. This kind of dirty matter of crossing rivers and demolishing bridges and throwing stones into wells, don't talk about others, just talk about you, little fox, can you stand it? "

It's also fortunate that Ouyang Feiyu dared to criticize Jialuo in full view, but he had to say that he picked the right place to complain blatantly.

At this moment, Mu Ziling had already stopped, and his figure stood motionless.

In fact, Ouyang Feiyu didn't need to say it clearly, she had already guessed his intentions, and she really didn't want to talk to him at first, but after hearing what he said, why did she feel that this matter was a little bit of a burden to her?

It is true that Long Xiaonan turned his back on Qiu Hou, the friend who had helped him so much, but no matter what, did Ouyang Feiyu find the wrong person to solve?

Mu Ziling really couldn't figure it out, why did Ouyang Feiyu come to Long Xiaoyu to solve this matter? As he said, this is a major event that shakes the land of the two countries. No matter how great Long Xiaoyu's status in Jialuo is, it is no bigger than the king of a country, and he is no match for the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty.

Unable to figure it out, Mu Ziling turned around and calmly said to Ouyang Feiyu once in a rare time: "You guys in Beining have experienced this, and I also sympathize with it. It's just that gnats can't shake a big tree. It's a matter between your two countries. How can we manage it? Besides, I might as well tell you the truth, my husband is really not free these days. Let alone you, even I can't see him, so please go back."

Knowing that this little fox has always been hard-spoken and soft-hearted, Ouyang Feiyu's eyes flashed with a smile, and he chased after him with a snake stick: "If Long Xiaoyu is not free, it's the same to look for you, just let them make way, let's find a quiet place to chat."

Who on earth can change face faster than flipping a book?

Mu Ziling rolled her eyes towards the sky, and laughed twice: "Ouyang Feiyu, are you here to make fun of me?"

Ouyang Feiyu has a thick skin: "Just now a certain little fox told her father that she would treat me well as an honored guest. Seeing that her father just left, that certain little fox turned his face and turned his back on me. It's hard for anyone with a discerning eye to look at me like this."

"Who has a discerning eye?" Mu Ziling glanced around, with an innocent face: "I'm sorry, I may be blind and can't see."

Ouyang Feiyu: "..."

He was wrong, it's one thing to be hard-spoken and soft-hearted, but a little fox is still a little fox after all, if she is really so talkative, then she is not the little fox he knew.

Just when Ouyang Feiyu was speechless to Mu Ziling, suddenly, a strange scene appeared in the sky.

The expression on Ouyang Feiyu's face froze, and he stared blankly at the sky ahead.

After a while, Ouyang Feiyu blinked his eyes lightly, and said, "Little fox, your backyard is on fire."

"Your backyard is on fire!" Mu Ziling frowned displeasedly: "Okay, don't talk about it, I can't entertain you no matter what you say, so go, don't see you off—"

While talking, Mu Ziling turned around gracefully and waved.

It's just that before the words finished, Mu Ziling froze in place, staring blankly at the vision that suddenly appeared in the sky ahead.

A red light, a golden light, soaring into the sky.

A large piece of soaring light and shadow almost dyed the entire half of the sky, and everything around it seemed to lose its color. All the palace buildings, flowers, plants and trees in the entire Feather Palace were all eclipsed, except for the two soaring lights and shadows, which shone brightly and intertwined.

At the moment when time and air seemed to stand still, the ground suddenly seemed to crack slightly, and the two interlaced lights and shadows exploded towards the sky on both sides, and then dissipated without a trace.

The color of the foreground reappeared in front of him, and Mu Ziling suddenly came back to his senses, and ran back to the mangosteen forest...

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