As soon as he talked about the frightening scene after he found Mu Ziling off the cliff yesterday, Long Xiaoze completely forgot about it, he called Mu Ziling "Sister-in-Law" while calling himself "Brother" completely without knowing his seniority.

Mu Ziling secretly laughed, but she didn't bother with him, she caught the key point in his words, and asked with a calm face, "Who did you hear that I was pushed down?"

"Ouyang Feiyu." Long Xiaoze said, wondering again: "Yesterday he seemed to come down to look for you too, but I don't know what's wrong with him, he didn't take the usual way, after telling us that you were pushed down by someone, he climbed down the cliff with his bare hands. Logically speaking, if he didn't have any accidents, he should have reached the bottom of the cliff long ago, why? Didn't he find you?"

It turned out that Ouyang Feiyu's bloody hands yesterday were caused by this, and it was also caused by coming to her.

Realizing this, Mu Ziling frowned slightly, and then he couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Regarding Ouyang Feiyu's way of climbing down the Baizhang Cliff with his bare hands, she didn't have any unclear thoughts in her mind, she just felt that there was something wrong with Ouyang Feiyu.

She and him were not even acquaintances, but he tried to make her owe him favors over and over again, and tried every means to be her creditor, without asking whether she agreed or not.

Seeing that Mu Ziling did not respond for a long time, Long Xiaoze stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her eyes: "Sister-in-law three?"

Mu Ziling came back to his senses: "Huh?"

Long Xiaoze asked again: "Did Ouyang Feiyu not find you?"

Mu Ziling rolled his eyes at him angrily: "Why are you looking for me? Do you really want him to find me?"

"No, I mean, at least Ouyang—" Long Xiaoze was about to explain something, when Qing Ling, who felt the air pressure around him dropping rapidly, quickly raised his foot and kicked him.

Long Xiaoze jumped up from being kicked: "Hey, little junior sister, why are you kicking me?"

Qingling snorted confidently and confidently: "Kick you which pot can't open which pot to lift, Ouyang Feiyu has a brain, don't you think you have a brain? It's his fault that you don't want to die. You keep asking sister-in-law what's the matter? Do you want to kidnap morally? Besides, you didn't see that all the seniors were with sister-in-law. It's missing a lot of muscle."

"Hey~ I said you little girl, if you don't fix it for a few days, your mouth is getting sharper and sharper." Long Xiaoze rolled up his sleeves angrily, as if he was going to hit someone.

Qingling put her hands on her hips, and puffed her chest out again: "What? You can't beat me, do you still want to beat me? Come on, I'm afraid of you?"

Seeing that the two enemies were about to fight again, Mu Ziling shook her head helplessly, she was about to walk back to Long Xiaoyu's side, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of something falling from Long Xiaoze who was arguing with Qing Ling.

That thing is bright yellow, like a booklet or something.

That fellow Long Xiaoze and Qing Ling were arguing passionately, and they didn't even notice that something was missing from their body.

Mu Ziling walked over to pick up the things on the ground, only to find that the bright yellow object was indeed in the style of a palace booklet, but it was not a booklet, but an invitation card.

The people invited on the invitation were none other than her and Long Xiaoyu.

Mu Ziling roughly scanned the content on the invitation.

The content inside is simple and clear. It is roughly a celebration banquet held to celebrate the victory of Jialuo Kingdom in the previous big battle. The banquet venue is the Imperial Palace.

Logically speaking, in addition to the ministers of the court, the generals and marshals who were invited to this kind of celebration banquet were the generals and marshals on the bloody battlefield. It was only natural that Long Xiaoyu was invited to this kind of banquet as King Jia Luoqi, but why was she, a little girl, also invited?

Just when Mu Ziling was wondering——

I saw that Long Xiaoze, who was still arguing with Qingling just now, rushed to Mu Ziling's side at some point, and took out a red invitation card from his bosom to her: "Don't tell me, I forgot, sister-in-law, this one is for you too."

"This is again..." Mu Ziling took it in doubt, and after seeing the contents, she couldn't help being shocked: "The wedding banquet of the eldest princess? Your little aunt?"

Long Xiaoze nodded: "That's right, little aunt is going to get married again... No, it should be that little aunt is finally getting married."

Mu Ziling frowned: "Didn't you say that her marriage partner died in that battle? What is it called Meng?"

"Meng Gaoyi!" Mentioning the vice-commander Meng Gaoyi who had gone bad on the battlefield a few times before, which made them almost besieged by the enemy, Long Xiaoze immediately became angry: "Hmph, how can Meng Gaoyi, that coward, be worthy of my little aunt? Fortunately, he died in battle, otherwise the young master would have beaten him so hard that he couldn't come back."

After a pause, he pointed to the place where the groom's official signature was on the invitation: "Sister-in-law, look carefully. The groom's official name is Yu Xiangru. I don't know him, but I heard that he seems to be a scholar, and he is also a new civil servant in the court. Before, Meng Gaoyi was forced to assign to my little aunt by my father after listening to someone's slander. But this Yu Xiangru... seems to be my little aunt's favorite, and then the fifth brother found out and gave them a marriage."

Earlier when she heard that Long Jiayi was going to get married, Mu Ziling wondered if it was because Long Jiayi wanted to completely forget the unfavorable emotional entanglement with Mu Ziye that she was eager to find someone to marry.

Now, looking at the red invitation card full of joy in her hand, Mu Ziling's heart is more filled with this idea, but no matter what she thinks, this is not something she can control.

Now she can only hope that Long Jiayi can really marry a beloved man.

Mu Ziling sighed secretly, then turned his eyes to the two invitations in his hand, and asked strangely: "Are the dates on the celebration banquet and the eldest princess' wedding banquet correct? Why are they on the same day? The location is also the same, both in the palace?"

Long Xiaoze explained disapprovingly: "What's so strange about this? It's a big event for my little aunt to get married, and this celebration banquet can also be regarded as a state banquet in a prosperous age. Wouldn't it be more joyful if the two get together."

Mu Ziling looked at the two invitation cards in his hand, one yellow and one red, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

What is this called "happy and happy"? Make it unnecessary.

At this time, Long Xiaoze suddenly thought of something, he leaned close to Mu Ziling's ear and whispered: "Sister-in-law, you know, Third Brother has never liked this kind of banquet with many people, no matter how big or small, the number of times he has participated in these years can be counted on one hand, so I guess he won't go this time, but it doesn't matter, if you want to go, I will take you..."

Before the last word "go" came out of Long Xiaoze's mouth, his back was picked up by one hand, and then he was thrown onto the grass not far away like a rag.

"Third brother! I'll just whisper to third sister-in-law, what, what's wrong?" Long Xiaoze choked at Long Xiaoyu dissatisfied, but the next second he met Long Xiaoyu's cold gaze, his arrogance froze instantly.

Mu Ziling glanced at Long Xiaoze amusedly, then she handed the two invitation cards to Long Xiaoyu: "How should I say? Go or not?"

Long Xiaoyu glanced at the invitation, but didn't accept it, but just reached out and rubbed Mu Ziling's head: "You decide, go if you want, and don't go if you don't want to."

Mu Ziling directly expressed his thoughts: "I don't like this kind of banquet either, but it's not good for us to be absent for your little aunt's wedding, so let's go? At least I want to bless you."

"Okay." Long Xiaoyu took Mu Ziling's hand, ignored the others, and walked away.

Guiying Guixi led a group of shadow guards to follow quickly.

Long Xiaoze, who didn't dare to make a sound for quite a while, finally got up from the ground in despair. Holding his heavily injured buttocks, he trotted to Qingling who was about to walk away: "Junior Junior Sister, do you think the third brother today is a little scary?"

"It's right to be afraid, who told you to stick to my sister-in-law? How dare you whisper?" Qingling completely forgot that she was also the one who was bounced away by Long Xiaoyu just now, and she gloated and said, "I think you are itchy and deserve it. Brother stingy didn't kick you away just now, so you should burn incense to Amitabha Buddha."

"Oh no, that's not what I'm talking about, what I'm talking about is..." It's rare for Long Xiaoze to be teased by Qing Ling without blushing, and he said seriously: "You don't think that the third brother today seems to be different from before, he seems to be less...popular."

When describing the last two words, Long Xiaoze suddenly seemed to have figured something out, he snapped his fingers: "Yes, it's the lack of popularity, the popularity of human breath, don't you think that today's third brother looks like the one we saw in Central Prosperity?"

"You mean Pluto?" Qing Ling immediately thought of this person, and after mentioning the name, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "Xiao Zezi, I think you haven't been thrown enough, how dare you say that senior brother is like that monster Pluto."

Long Xiaoze unhappily raised his hand and tapped Qing Ling's head: "What's going on in your brain, little girl? I'm talking about that... the one who felt out of reach when I stood on that stage."

Hearing Long Xiaoze's description, Qing Ling almost uttered two words without thinking: "Master."

Long Xiaoze shrugged: "It's not your master."

Qing Ling also said immediately: "Don't tell me, I haven't noticed yet. Although the aura of the previous senior brother was also very strong, just now his aura was so strong that people dare not approach him. I only felt this feeling in front of the master before. I didn't expect that there is another senior brother now..."

As he was talking, Qingling suddenly lowered his face: "It's over, it's over, I didn't dare to provoke my senior brother before, and now my senior brother has become like the master again, so I don't dare to provoke him anymore. What should I do? I feel that the distance between me and Xiao Lingzi will be getting farther and farther in the future."

Long Xiaoze originally complained in his heart, but when he heard this, he immediately became happy.

He stretched out his hand very skillfully, hugged Qingling, and comforted him with a smile: "It's okay, don't you still have me? My brother will accompany you from now on."

"Go away, who wants you to accompany me!" Qing Ling directly raised her elbow, slammed into Long Xiaoze's abdomen, and ran away with a face of embarrassment, leaving only Long Xiaoze holding her belly and screaming behind her.


Gallo Palace.

In the imperial study room, Long Xiaonan stood in front of the easel, drawing with a brush.


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