Long Xiaonangui is the king of a country, but at this moment, he can't see the slightest majesty of an emperor on his face, only the usual elegance and calmness. If he is not wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, he is serious about painting at this moment, and he looks like a modest and jade-like young master of Moshang.

The paintbrush in his hand strokes lightly and meticulously, as if there is a picture scroll of a beautiful woman that needs to be perfectly outlined in his brush.

The process of painting went smoothly, and Long Xiaonan seemed to be immersed in it, but when he was about to finish the painting, his hand suddenly stopped, and the soft eyes staring at the woman on the scroll in front of him gradually became deep and cold.

In the next second, he took the paintbrush in his hand and slammed a negative "X" on the beautiful painting that was only a few strokes away.

not her!

This is not her!

Annoyed, Long Xiaonan tore off the picture scroll that was completely destroyed because of an "X", then crumpled it into a paper ball and threw it on the ground.

Looking around, there are already many crumpled paper balls on the ground, all of which are paintings that he is not satisfied with.

Long Xiaonan closed his eyes, suppressed the impatience in his heart, took another piece of white drawing paper, and started painting again.

Not long after, another unfinished painting was crumpled into a ball in his hands and thrown to the ground.

Repeated several times, discarded balls of paper spread almost every corner of the imperial study, Long Xiaonan's patience finally ran out, he threw away the last piece of drawing paper that he didn't draw a few strokes on, and shouted: "Come on!"

Outside the door, Chief Eunuch Li Zongguan pushed the door open and entered.

Director Li didn't seem to see the discarded paper balls all over the place, but he could easily avoid those paper balls that obstructed the road, and came straight to Long Xiaonan.

"Your Majesty." Manager Li bowed and saluted.

Long Xiaonan sat back on the chair, knocked his eyelids lightly, raised his eyes and asked, "How is the preparation for the banquet going?"

Manager Li bowed and replied: "Going back to the emperor, the preparations have been completed on the side of the palace, and there is no problem on the side of the Eldest Princess, just wait for the banquet to start now."

As he said that, Manager Li glanced calmly at the ball of paper at his feet where a woman's face could be vaguely seen, and added: "The invitations to King Qi and Princess Qi were also sent at the first time, and it should be received by now."

Long Xiaonan's gaze landed on a portrait of a woman on the table that was so blurred that she couldn't see her face clearly, and murmured: "Will she come?"

Although Long Xiaonan didn't mention his name, Manager Li knew it well, and he replied firmly, "If it was just an ordinary banquet, it would definitely not be, but Princess Dachang's wedding banquet... As far as I know, the relationship between Princess Dachang and King Qi has always been good, so this time Princess Dachang's wedding, even if King Qi doesn't look at your Buddha face, will definitely attend the wedding banquet of Princess Dachang, and of course, Princess Qi will also attend."

Long Xiaonan didn't say anything more, he waved his hand, indicating that Director Li could step back.

Manager Li bowed: "The slave will leave."

Just when Director Li bowed his head and was about to step back, Long Xiaonan suddenly said again: "Where are you leaving?"

Long Xiaonan's questions were endless, but Manager Li was tacit: "I set off yesterday, in order to ensure the safety of this trip, this time I will send people from there, and their skills are all top-notch. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

The best one?

It's so good that every time you go out on a mission, do people always go and never return?

Long Xiaonan secretly sneered, and then said: "Let the other side keep an eye on it, even if it doesn't work in the end, don't let that sinner do bad things, and get rid of it if necessary."

"Yes." Manager Li understood.

After Manager Li withdrew, the Imperial Study Room returned to silence.

Long Xiaonan's eyes remained on the blurred scroll on the table.

I don't know if he stared at the fuzzy portrait in front of him for a long time, and Long Xiaonan's vision gradually became blurred, and he couldn't remember the face of the woman who appeared in his dreams almost every midnight dream in the past two or three years.

The picture scroll in front of him was when he and her first met, and he organized and painted it bit by bit based on the only two or three times he met her.

At that time, after the painting was completed, he really did not expect that she would have such a deep impression in his heart, so deep that every frown and smile of her was perfectly and truly presented by him in the painting.

But at this moment, no matter how Long Xiaonan thought about it, he couldn't figure it out, obviously it had only been a few years, how could the picture scroll in front of him, which had been well kept and maintained by him, become more and more blurred without warning in the past few days, until now it was completely unclear.

However, what made Long Xiaonan even more confused was——

Perhaps the painting will become blurred due to the polishing of time and years, but how can even his deep impression of the woman in the painting become so blurred? It is even impossible to draw her every frown and smile perfectly into the painting.

Long Xiaonan stroked the picture scroll in front of him so blurred that even the outlines of the characters could not be seen clearly, a self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "That's right, we haven't seen each other for two years, nine months and twenty-one days, it's been so long that my memory of you is blurred."


Night, dark as ink.

In the lonely night, a black figure that almost merged with the night threw himself into the Mu residence.

Su Yin tore off the human skin mask under the veil of the black bamboo hat, and changed into a black dress before lighting the candles in the dark room.

The candlelight illuminated the whole room, and one could vaguely see the hazy and charming face under the veil of the bamboo hat that Su Yin did not rush to take off.

Su Yin blew out the torch in his hand, his eyes flickered darkly: "Come out."

With her surprisingly calm voice, the door of the room opened suddenly.

It was pitch black outside the door, and it was so quiet that there was no sign of trouble, as if there was no one at all.

However, the air was quiet for less than three seconds, and a red figure appeared outside the door as if teleporting through space.

Su Yin squinted her eyes.

When she saw the face of the visitor, she was stunned for a moment, and then she sneered slightly: "Who am I to say? It turns out that you are the defeated general, oh no, now it is more appropriate to call you a coward, why? You fled in that battle back then, and you still have the guts to show up today?"

Being ridiculed as soon as he came out, it is impossible for anyone to have a good temper, not to mention that the person being ridiculed is none other than Li Zhan, who has always had a bad temper.

Li Zhan was still wearing a floor-length red robe, and the candlelight shining from the room made the femininity around him even more profound.

He walked towards the room quietly, but did not step into the room, but leaned lazily on the door frame, with frivolous eyes: "Crazy woman, you still dare to mention the events of the past. If you hadn't played tricks behind your back, do you think you could beat me?"

Su Yin sneered disapprovingly: "Conspiracies and tricks are also a kind of strength, and a defeated opponent is a defeated opponent. Since you were inferior to others and became a cowardly turtle, why are you so brave now?"

"It's true." Li Zhan scanned the surrounding environment with a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, and there was a half-smile in his eyes: "I don't know who has an unyielding desire to linger on, chasing men all over the world, but still can't love, the pity can only end up living like a parasite in this desolate mansion..."

At the end, Li Zhan turned his gaze back to Su Yin. He didn't seem to see her hideous face under the veil of the bamboo hat, and asked with a smile, "Why? Is that old Jun Lintian still refusing to talk to you?"

The so-called killing and punishing the heart.

Li Zhan's last blow undoubtedly killed Su Yin's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

The pain deep in my heart was poked again and again, and Su Yin's usual calm tone no longer existed, replaced by an extremely sharp and sharp voice: "Shut up!"

Li Zhan shrugged his shoulders and continued to add fuel and vinegar: "Isn't it good to be a good person? If you have to be a beast that sprays poisonous juice from time to time, it's no wonder that you chased Jun Lin, who was poor in the sky and fell into hell, and he still ignored you."

Good words are warm in three winters, and bad words are cold in June.

Li Zhan's sarcasm, which is neither warm nor cold, immediately defeated Su Yin's calm and calm pretense, and there were strange streamers of light like strands of silk glowing around her, making her whole person look gloomy.

Obviously, Su Yin is now on the verge of madness, as long as Li Zhan stirs up the flames a little, she will definitely explode.

However, Li Zhan did not come here today to anger Su Yin, he came with another purpose.

As for Li Zhan's purpose, after Su Yin changed his mind, he suddenly understood.

Guessing why Li Zhan came here based on what he said just now, Su Yin laughed angrily: "I said you have been timid for more than ten years, why did you suddenly dare to show up? It turned out to be because of that little bastard Mu Ziling."

People with a bad temper like Li Zhan usually have another disgusting personality hidden, that is, protecting their weaknesses.

And if he can protect his weaknesses, there are only those two little brats surnamed Mu in the world.

So at this moment when he heard Su Yin say his little girl, Li Zhan, who originally wanted to be merciful, couldn't bear it anymore.

He changed his posture leaning against the door frame, and then folded his arms around his chest, as if he was recalling something unsightly from the past, with a look of contempt: "Su Yin, you forgot how you were in the ancient domain, how did you stick upside down and take off. Just in front of Jun Lintian, don't you bother to be looked at by him... Speaking of lowly, you are the originator, who dares to compare with you?"

Su Yin was full of treachery, and roared angrily: "Enough! Shut up!"

Li Zhan stood up straight, and snorted coldly: "Crazy woman, before in the Central Prosperity, you had someone give my little girl a shadowless needle, and you still haven't settled with you, but now you're even looking for the old cancer of the dragon snake, what do you want?!"

The bamboo hat and veil that Su Yin wore on her head had been shattered by the treachery overflowing from her at some point, revealing her true face.

I saw that her originally charming and beautiful face had become distorted and hideous at this moment.

Su Yin was not at all curious about how Li Zhan knew about the old man Long Snake. Instead, after hearing what he said, a sinister and sinister smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth: "What do you think I am trying to do to invite the old man Long Snake from the ancient domain?"

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