Facing Long Xiaoze and Qingling's firmness and persistence, Mu Ziling felt mixed feelings in his heart for a moment, and was more moved.

She knew that they would catch up without hesitation, so they must have great determination, even at the risk of death, but it was their determination that made her even more unable to let them follow Pluto with peace of mind.

This is a dangerous and unpredictable road, but it is the road she has to take.

She has no choice, but at least, she can choose not to implicate them before embarking on this road.

Thinking about it, Mu Ziling said seriously, "Listen to me..."

"Don't listen." Qingling interrupted her suddenly: "Little Lingzi, I know that I am not as strong as you, let alone as senior brother, but one more person has more strength, even if it is just a trivial strength, but As long as I can help you, then I will be content."

"What's more, I gave you the Faluo Dzi Bead with my own hands at the beginning, and told you to get his approval before you can go to Pluto... Although this is the master's explanation, in the final analysis, I have participated in this matter , so you can't leave me halfway."

Mu Ziling's mood was complicated and heavy at first, but after hearing Qingling's last words, she was immediately speechless.

She knew that the little girl Qingling was usually very eloquent, but she turned black into white without blinking an eye, and gave her the Faluo Dzi bead just by the hand of her father-in-law on behalf of the great god, and she would have a part in tearing it out. Participate, is that okay?

As everyone knows, what made Mu Ziling even more speechless was that now Long Xiaoze, who was completely in the same spirit as Qingling, also immediately answered: "I was there when the master explained to my junior sister, and I also heard it, so I also Participate in the same way, and you can't leave me behind."

One is talking nonsense, the other is talking nonsense, these two people are really a match made in heaven.

Mu Ziling pulled the corner of her lower lip speechlessly, she really didn't know how to persuade them to go back home, so she could only throw an olive branch to Long Xiaoyu: "What do you say?"

Mu Ziling asked seemingly casually, but her indicative meaning was all written on her face.

Before Long Xiaoyu could speak, Long Xiaoze made a decision: "Third brother, you don't need to say anything, even if you use threats and force today, we will never go back."

To be honest, this was the first time since Long Xiaoze grew up that he challenged Long Xiaoyu with such arrogance. After the challenge, although his expression remained the same, his heart was already scared.

Because he knew clearly that no matter whether Long Xiaoyu used threats, force, or any cruel method, he couldn't hold back any of them.

Qing Ling, who had no idea that Long Xiaoze had been cowarded for a second, also nodded: "Second."

Long Xiaoyu took the thoughts of his little girl into his eyes, turned to look at Long Xiaoze: "Ask you something."

Look, this opening is not right.

When did the third brother ask him something and be so polite to him?

Long Xiaoze, who was feeling cowardly from the bottom of his heart, beat the drum secretly, and then said: "Ask."

After a pause, he breathed a sigh of relief, and added: "But we have to agree in advance... In view of the possibility that you will have a husband and wife, I won't tell you everything, I can only talk about it according to the situation." answer."

Hearing this, Mu Ziling almost didn't want to give Long Xiaoze a capitalized "serve".

She said, why is this guy always so careless and heartless? He dared to use all the caution in his bones to deal with Long Xiaoyu.

Compared with Mu Ziling's clothes, Long Xiaoyu seemed to agree with Long Xiaoze's "Women sing and husbands follow", and the tone of his mouth was a little less cold and a little more easy-going: "It's nothing, I just want to know How much is your family?"

Mu Ziling's eyes flickered slightly, and he faintly realized the deep meaning of Long Xiaoyu's question.

Long Xiaoze couldn't hear it anymore, and he protected his pockets like he was protecting money: "Know people without digging into the bottom, third brother, we have been together for so many years... No, it was us brothers who have been together for so many years, but you never cared about my livelihood Yes, now you suddenly ask me what my family wants to do?"

Without waiting for Long Xiaoyu to explain, Long Xiaoze guessed cracklingly: "It's not that you want me to spend all my money in exchange for a chance to go to the Central Prosperity with you, right?"

The more he talked, the more Long Xiaoze felt it was possible. He looked at Long Xiaoyu with bitterness and hatred on his face: "Third Brother, I used to think you were black-bellied, but I didn't expect you to be so dark, so dark." Obviously, it doesn’t matter if you’re black, but don’t think I’m stupid, think I’m so stupid that I’d spend all my money in exchange for a chance to take risks with you.”

"But let's be serious. We have been brothers for so many years. If we had changed before, I could turn a blind eye and close one eye, and give you black and white, but not now. Now I can't give you a single point..."

As Long Xiaoze said, he naturally stretched out his hand to take Qingling's hand: "Now I still have to rely on this family background to marry a wife."

Mu Ziling had already been amused by Long Xiaoze's series of self-righteous long-winded speeches. Seeing that he was talking about marrying a wife, but he didn't forget to hold Qingling's hand, she immediately smiled, with an aunt's smile on her face: " Young Master Long, after talking about it, after talking so much, it turns out that getting a daughter-in-law is the key point~"

It has to be said that what Mu Ziling said hit the nail on the head, it almost touched Long Xiaoze's heart.

Long Xiaoze tightened Qingling's hand and emphasized: "Marrying a wife is not the key point, but the most important point."

Embarrassment floated on Qingling's cheeks, she glared at Long Xiaoze, and pulled back her hand forcefully: "You are married to a wife, why are you holding my hand?"

Long Xiaoze didn't let her pull back, and asked confidently: "What's wrong? Is it okay if I hold my future wife's hand?"

In the end, he turned his attention to Long Xiaoyu and Mu Ziling: "Third brother and third sister-in-law, do you agree to this marriage?"

Long Xiaoyu glanced over the two of them, then fixed on Long Xiaoze, and said in a clear voice, "Treat her well."

It was just four simple words, but Long Xiaoze felt the deepest meaning of solemn delivery, and he also solemnly nodded: "Definitely."

Mu Ziling also suppressed her smile, and said seriously: "Although you call us brother and sister-in-law, from today onwards, we are Qingling's natal family, so if you dare to make her unhappy in the future...you know the consequences."

Qingling's eyes turned sore: "Thank you, brother and sister-in-law."

Long Xiaoze held Qingling's hand tightly, and said firmly: "Don't worry, as long as I have a bite to eat, I will definitely not let my junior sister go hungry. Even if I am hungry, I will try my best to keep my junior sister full." .”

It has to be said that Young Master Long's brain circuit is very strange, and the oath is all based on Qingling's foodie nature.

"Brother Ozawa, are you poor?" The Martian girl who had already wiped out two bunches of candied haws raised a new bunch of candied haws in her hand, and suggested with a serious face: "If you are so poor that you can't open the pot, then you can give it to me. Sister Qingling buys candied haws to eat, candied haws are very cheap."

Mu Ziling and Qing Ling couldn't hold back, they both laughed out loud.

Does he, Young Master Long, look like someone who would be too poor to let go?

Long Xiaoze's face turned black, and he looked like a bad brother and fierce: "Then you should take your time and eat, my money is so much that I can buy out the entire candied haws world in Mingyue Continent."

"Really?" The Martian girl's eyes lit up again and again, and she leaned forward: "Then you should take care of me too? I can't marry you, but I can help you eat candied haws."

"!!!" Long Xiaoze, who has always been proud of his lip service, was choked for the first time so that his chest was tight and short of breath, and he couldn't catch a single word.

Seeing his third sister-in-law and future daughter-in-law all laughing, the mockery in their eyes was not obvious, Long Xiaoze felt even more depressed, and he sighed with self-pity: "Only women and villains are difficult to raise, this The words are indeed true."

After chatting and laughing, Mu Ziling realized that her original intention had caused Long Xiaoze to confuse her. She straightened her face, looked at Long Xiaoze and asked, "Now you know why you asked about your family background, right?"

Seeing Mu Ziling's serious face, Long Xiaoze didn't smile any more, he honestly said: "I don't know very well, but I know that third brother is rich and powerful, so why should I blackmail my wife? But then again, if If you really have any difficulties, you don't have to be polite to me, just say it, let alone wanting my wife, I don't even think about murder and arson, I believe my younger sister will agree with me. "

"En." Qing Ling nodded without hesitation.

Mu Ziling was provoked by the seriousness of the two of them, and laughed lightly: "You can keep my wife for yourself. When I ask about your family background, it's not about how much money you have, but about how much power you have."

A smile flashed across Long Xiaoyu's eyes.

His family, Mumu, knows him well.

On the other hand, Long Xiaoze seemed to have heard some funny joke, and immediately raised his head and laughed: "Hahaha... Third sister-in-law, don't make fun of me, I am a pampered son who knows nothing, except With the martial arts of a half-way monk, how can there be any military power..."

In the middle of Long Xiaoze's words, he suddenly withdrew his smile, quickly swept around, and then leaned into Mu Ziling's ear and whispered: "To be honest, I raised three hundred black cavalry in private. When the Four Kingdoms fought, I only brought one hundred black iron cavalry, and there is an unremarkable small city outside my pass, which hides fifty thousand elite soldiers."

In the end, he sat up straight and concluded solemnly: "...that's all."

Is that all?

Mu Ziling twitched the corner of her mouth, almost rolling her eyes with contempt.

She had known for a long time that Long Xiaoze didn't seem to be such a fool on the surface, just passing by every day, but had a real stature and status, but she didn't expect that he actually hid such a big power behind his back.

Although there are only tens of thousands of troops, it is far from comparable to the high officials and generals in charge of military power in the country, but at the very least, Long Xiaoze's soldiers are just Long Xiaoze's soldiers, there is no such thing as one person under ten thousand people, but ten thousand people People above people are above others.

Based on this alone, Young Master Long is too impressive.

He can fly.

The more she thought about it, the more Mu Ziling felt that the Long Xiaoze in front of her was not a brat who played tricks in front of her all day long, but a typical murderer with a ruthless face and a happy smile.

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