Cold King’s Dominating Love, Genius Medical Consort

Chapter 848 Without me, he can't do it

Being stared at by Mu Ziling, the Smiling Killing God felt a little guilty: "Sister-in-law, don't look at me like that, I'm afraid."

Mu Ziling rolled her eyes.

"Hey~" Long Xiaoze returned to his usual hippie smile, and said with a helpless wry smile, "You also know that being born in the royal family is involuntary, even if I don't have the heart to fight for it, but as the saying goes, often in the river Is there anyone who doesn’t get wet shoes while walking? Life is so long, even if I’m a big man with strong bones, I can’t always rely on my third brother to protect me, can’t I? So it’s normal for me to raise some soldiers in private, so I’m prepared.”

Mu Ziling knew that Long Xiaoze would say these words without hesitation, and would reveal his truth, because she had absolute trust in them, so she didn't ask him politely again: "May I borrow it?"

Long Xiaoze didn't seem to have expected that Mu Ziling would make such a request, he was taken aback for a moment, and in a flash said, "Borrow, ah, no, how can we use the word borrow between us? Just say it directly, How many soldiers do you need?"

Mu Ziling glanced at Long Xiaoyu, seeing that he had no objections, she said without hesitation: "Just what you said."

Long Xiaoze was stunned again, and this time he bluntly expressed some doubts: "It's all fine, but why do you need so many soldiers? Are you going to level Mingjie?"

The old god Mu Ziling asked back: "Do you think that only your 50,000 army can level the Ming Street? Can you move the Pluto who has a destructive posture?"

"I think..." Long Xiaoze touched his chin, and said in a serious manner: "Fifty thousand should not be enough for Pluto to play, and five hundred thousand should be enough, but I only have fifty thousand, and I can hardly step on the street of the underworld." Let's go down the street, after all, whoever enters that ghostly place will only be slaughtered."

Long Xiaoze couldn't forget that when they entered Ming Street, they lost all their martial arts, and because of this, they spent sky-high prices on a table of shrew meat buns in Minghun Tower, and in the end they had to swallow this loss so badly that they couldn't bear it anymore. Lost dumb lose.

Seeing that Long Xiaoze had already sat dead on the Pluto affair, Mu Ziling secretly laughed in her heart, not in a hurry to tell him the truth, she looked at Long Xiaoyu again and asked what he meant.

Long Xiaoyu cherishes words like gold: "Not enough."

"It's really not enough to step on Ming Street..." Long Xiaoze was completely caught up in his own thoughts, he thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "Oh, yes, I still have a tiger talisman. It was stolen from Long Wenyu's hands, and he has a full 500,000 troops stationed outside his domain, I have inquired about it earlier, these troops only recognize tiger talismans but not people, so...hehe, you understand."

Long Xiaoze said with a wicked smile, then he took out the tiger talisman from his pocket, and said: "This tiger talisman is absolutely complete, it is guaranteed to be able to mobilize 500,000 troops, if it is really necessary, I will Now you can take the Tiger Talisman to dispatch troops and generals, and in this way, there will be fifty-five troops in one fell swoop, plus three hundred black cavalry, not to mention Mingjie, the Central Prosperity can be crushed."

Holding the tiger talisman in his hand, Long Xiaoze was overwhelmed with arrogance, as if with a tiger talisman in his hand, I have it in the world.

How could he know that Long Xiaoyu walked away before the Tiger Talisman warmed up in his hand.

Long Xiaoze looked at the empty hands, and before he could react, Long Xiaoyu had already thrown the tiger talisman to the ghost who was waiting by the side: "Send it to Fengyuejian quickly."

What the hell?

Long Xiaoze blinked, then blinked again.

His Tiger Talisman, his "world".

It wasn't until the ghost had taken orders and disappeared from everyone's sight that Long Xiaoze couldn't sit still, and asked a series of questions: "Hey, why did you go to Fengyuejian? Is it Juncheng? That is still a big romantic place... How can we get there with an army of 500,000? Aren't we going to take an army of 500,000 to the Central Prosperity to deal with Hades?"

Long Xiaoyu was sending messages with Yudie at the moment, so he ignored him.

Mu Ziling seemed to feel guilty because she dug a hole for him, her eyes wandered around, but she didn't look at Long Xiaoze whose face was full of question marks.

Qing Ling shrugged her shoulders, indicating that she was also in a daze.

Long Xiaoze's bewildered eyes turned back and forth on his third brother and third sister-in-law for several times. Suddenly, he widened his eyes and realized belatedly: "Third brother and third sister-in-law, you...are you going to rebel?"

Look at this question.

When rebellion is as simple as cutting cabbage.

Mu Ziling secretly rolled her eyes, and her wandering eyes finally fell on Long Xiaoze: "If so, where do you stand?"

Now the world is ruled by Long Xiaonan, if anyone wants to rebel, it is against Long Xiaonan.

Undoubtedly, what Mu Ziling said was to make Long Xiaoze choose between his third brother and fifth brother.

Long Xiaoze didn't give a straightforward answer like the previous few times, but fell into inner struggle.

Among their brothers, the three of them had the best relationship since they were young. He never thought that one day, two or three of them would turn against each other.

But if this day actually happens...

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoze's eyes suddenly hardened, and his eyes were full of firmness: "I support third brother."

Seeing Long Xiaoze's earnest gaze still showing a trace of struggle, Mu Ziling couldn't bear to tease him anymore, she patted him on the shoulder, and explained lightly: "To tell you the truth, we and Long Xiaonan do have a relationship. If there are some contradictions, they may tear their faces apart in the future, but as for whether they will rebel..."

At this point, Mu Ziling tilted his head to look at Long Xiaoyu, with a knowing smile on the corner of his mouth: "I don't think your third brother is interested."

Long Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows slightly, noncommittal.

His Mumu just understands him.

Although Long Xiaoze already had an orientation in his heart, but after hearing what Mu Ziling said, he still felt a little relieved: "Then you are..."

Mu Ziling restrained his expression: "You should have heard about Long Xiaonan's attack on Zhongjun City. If he wants to occupy any piece of land on this continent, no one will stop him, but Zhongjun City , he can't touch it."

Mu Ziling's words were concise and to the point, but they also mentioned the key points.

"Why?" Long Xiaoze was suspicious, as if he had thought of something, he asked again in surprise, "Is it because of the century-old curse that would cause catastrophe if he violated Zhongjun City?"

Mu Ziling shook his head, then gave him a very pertinent answer with a smile on his face: "Because Zhongjun City is your third brother's lair, if no one offends me, I won't offend anyone. If anyone offends me, it will be destroyed." , do you understand what this means?"

Long Xiaoze originally had one question after another, but when he heard this answer, he instantly became quiet.

Not only Long Xiaoze, Qing Ling was also shocked.

Long Xiaoze didn't know how long it took him to digest Mu Ziling's last words, but when he spoke again, he had already taken out two tokens from his bosom, holding them to Long Xiaoling like offering treasures. In front of Yu: "I donated three hundred black iron cavalry and fifty thousand troops for free. I don't want any more. From today onwards, I have made a decision. Third brother, you have to cover me. I will support you against the sky and the earth, fifth brother. In short From now on, I will follow you, you used to be my third brother and my boss, but from now on, you are my big brother, big boss."

Long Xiaoze was caught off guard by this wave of rainbow farts.

Mu Ziling blinked, with a puzzled expression on his face: This guy changed his face too quickly, right? What is he messing with?

Qingling nodded her head in agreement: The thigh of the city lord of Zhongjun City...who doesn't want to hug it?

The Martian girl stuffed candied haws in her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, and she had a cute and mysterious smile on her face: I can't say it, I can't say it.

As the person who received a lot of rainbow farts, Niao Du Niao Long Xiaoze glanced at him, and sent him away impatiently: "Take your black iron horse and go to the Feather Palace to guard."

"Okay~" Long Xiaoze responded, stood up awkwardly, then turned his head wonderingly and asked: "Hey, no, aren't we going to the Central Prosperous World?"

Long Xiaoyu wasn't as good-natured as Mu Ziling. He glanced over coldly, and said mercilessly: "Are you going to be a disservice? Or can you be a hindrance?"

Depend on!

Not so demeaning.

Anyway, he is also a top-notch Lianjiazi now, okay?

Long Xiaoze felt wronged, but he couldn't think of a word of rebuttal.

Seeing that Long Xiaoze had just "rested", Qingling was not calm anymore, she moved her lips: "Senior brother, I..."

Long Xiaoyu's tone was cold and uncompromising: "You are the same."

Too much deception!

Qingling dared not speak out.

Seeing that although Long Xiaoze and Qing Ling were dissatisfied and unwilling, they had no choice but to stand up in the end, ready to go home, Mu Ziling secretly laughed inwardly.

Easily kills two people with one shot.

It has to be said that at times like this, it is only effective if her family's majestic monsters come out.

Seeing that Long Xiaoze and Qing Ling had already got on their horses and were about to leave, while the Martian girl next to her was still gnawing candied haws with selflessness, unmoved at all, Mu Ziling hurriedly pointed Long Xiaoyu lifted his chin: There is another one.

Long Xiaoyu glanced at the Martian girl expressively: "Nughide come with us."

Mu Ziling was puzzled.

This is a little girl who can't even know three-legged cat kung fu, are you sure it's okay to follow her?

The Martian girl's sweet voice came out very fittingly: "Little sister-in-law, I can't leave."

"Do you know why?"

"Huh?" Mu Ziling showed curiosity.

The Martian girl hid behind Mu Ziling, as if treating her as her own protective shield, then she pointed at Long Xiaoyu with a small finger: "Because he can't do without my help."

Long Xiaoyu's face suddenly became cold.

Before he could make a move, the Martian girl quickly retracted her head, and hid behind Mu Ziling again: "Little sister-in-law, the villains are going to beat me."

Mu Ziling looked at Long Xiaoyu leisurely.

The moment Mu Ziling's eyes met, Long Xiaoyu's cold expression glowed, and instantly became extremely docile and harmless.


But Yu Wenhao and Yue Linglong who went to the Central Prosperity earlier.

The two of them were not the only ones on this trip, and Chu Yao, the former prince of Qinglan Kingdom, was also traveling with them.

Since the defeat in the Four Kingdoms War, Qinglan Kingdom surrendered to Jialuo, and the entire royal family of Qinglan Kingdom fell apart overnight...

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