After Qinglan Kingdom surrendered to Jialuo, the fate of the country declined, but in order to stabilize the people's hearts and maximize the benefits of the Kingdom, Long Xiaonan did not kill the royal family.

But after all, the situation of Qinglan Country is gone, who can predict what will happen in the future?

In this regard, after the country surrendered, the entire Qinglan royal family and the government and the public were like birds of fright, falling apart overnight, and later confirmed the sentence: disaster is imminent, and they fly separately.

If you are lucky, you will use all possible means to climb up to the dignitaries of the new country and continue to live in luxury; or hide your name and settle down separately.

Those who were unlucky were placed under house arrest and controlled; or were exiled to the frontier as subjugated slaves;

Of course, there are also people who originally enjoyed a prominent position in the royal family of Qinglan Kingdom. Recruiting troops and buying horses, raising troops and recharging their energy, hoping to restore Qinglan Kingdom one day.

This person is Chu Yao.

As the saying goes, like things gather and people are divided into groups, Chu Yao's ambition is no less than Yu Wenhao's. He can stand out in the same intriguing battle for the crown prince in Qinglan Kingdom, and he has been sitting on the crown prince for many years. underestimate.

Logically speaking, the Qinglan Kingdom was in decline, and Chu Yao, as the descendant prince, would not end up dead, but it was absolutely impossible for him to escape unscathed.

But now, even if he retreated completely, he retreated safely.

Obviously, half of the reason why Chu Yao was able to escape from being sanctioned by the Gallo Kingdom this time was because of his strong foundation, and the other half was due to Yu Wenhao's secret help.

Both of them are ambitious people, and Chu Yao will definitely not think that Yu Wenhao really only thought of years of friendship, so he secretly helped him out of trouble.

In the same way, Yu Wenhao will not look at Chu Yao as a subjugated person whose power is gone, so as to underestimate him.

How rich Chu Yao's background is, Yu Wenhao didn't say it clearly, but also knew the general idea.

The two have been friends for many years, and have conspired together for many years. It seems that they have seen through each other, but in many cases, they have not seen through.

For example, this trip to the Central Prosperity, the two have the same purpose and clear goals, and they have made thorough discussions and preparations when they came, but they never mentioned that if the cooperation between the two is successful this time, the final profit should be spent. who falls.

Because this time there was no Central Prosperous Auction, the three of Yu Wenhao went all the way unimpeded, and they came directly to Mingjie, which left a deep impression on them at the beginning.

Yu Wenhao raised his head and stared at the word "Ming Jie" on the stone gate, and hesitated to move forward.

Seeing this, Chu Yao looked up, but didn't see anything strange, so he asked, "Brother Yuwen, what's the matter? Why didn't you leave?"

Yu Wenhao's line of sight slowly descended, and he looked directly at Mingjie, which was in stark contrast to the current blue sky and bright daylight.

Looking at it at a glance, the green light is pervasive and gloomy.

At this moment, Yu Wenhao, who was standing under the blue sky and white sun, could only see the distance of more than ten meters into the street, and it would be dark any further. He reminded in a deep voice: "Brother Chu, before you go in, you'd better have a Mentally prepare."

"What?" Chu Yao said with a disapproving smile, "Could it be that there really are some ghosts and ghosts in this Nether Street? Even if there are some ghosts and ghosts, with the three of us, oh no..."

At this point, Chu Yao glanced at Yue Linglong, who was on the side with her big belly, and shook his head in distaste: "It's okay for sister Long to be inconvenient, but with the strength of the two of us, why worry about not being able to deal with those monsters? What's more , haven’t you been to this place before?”

"It's because I've been here before, so I have to be more careful." Yu Wenhao said cautiously, and then motioned Chu Yao to go in: "Go in and have a look."

The place in front of him was unfamiliar and unknown to Chu Yao. He hesitated, but finally stepped forward.

A burst of yin qi hit, Chu Yao only felt a chill in his body and mind, and then he felt nothing. He spread his hands at Yu Wenhao: "It's all right? Brother Yuwen, are you worrying too much? "

Yu Wenhao pursed his lips: "You try to exercise your skills."

Chu Yao raised his hand to move his kung fu, his eyes widened suddenly, he couldn't believe it: "The cultivation base is gone..."

He didn't believe it, so he tried again.

Still the same.

"How could this be?" Chu Yao was startled.

Yu Wenhao said succinctly: "Once you enter Ming Street, your cultivation will be suppressed."

Chu Yao couldn't calm down anymore, he ran out quickly: "If that's the case, then what's the point of our coming here?"

Yu Wenhao said: "When I came here, I said that Pluto's ability is so great that our brute force is no different from hitting a stone with an egg, so we can only outsmart... As for the method, haven't we all prepared for a rainy day? What are you worried about?"

Chu Yao frowned, still very worried: "That's the case, but even if we are fully prepared, if we don't have any cultivation ability, then we may have difficulty in taking action, the danger is great, and it is very likely that we will be slaughtered. "

It has to be said that Chu Yao was far-sighted and thoughtful.

The last time I came here, didn't Yu Wenhao taste the taste of "being slaughtered" in the Winghun Building just because of the sky-high price of steamed buns?

Yu Wenhao will not reveal the humiliation he has suffered. He directly stated the possible serious consequences: "If you fail to succeed, you will kill yourself. That's why I made you mentally prepared."

Yu Wenhao's words seemed to be a kind reminder, but Chu Yao didn't think that was the case at all.

He was almost about to turn his face on Yu Wenhao.

Are you going to turn your face?

All the way here was calm and calm, and now that the destination was reached, he had to be mentally prepared.

What kind of heart does Yu Wenhao have?

When Yu Wenhao told him the purpose of coming to Central Prosperity, he agreed without saying a word.

Not for anything else, just because Yao Zhisoul's power can help him regain the world.

But now that the "meat" is close at hand, Yu Wenhao reminded him like an afterthought that there is a great possibility that he will give his life here, how can he not be angry? How can you not vomit blood?

The most irritating thing is that it is not good for Yu Wenhao to take anyone with him, but he is taking a pregnant woman who is exhausted even walking.

Is he afraid of being lonely on the road, so he can bring himself some comfort? Or is it purely a burden?

Chu Yao was furious in his heart, but he still showed a very clear and righteous look on his face: "Brother Yuwen, Yao Zhisoul is tempting, but it's not worth risking your life for it."

A see-through sarcasm flashed across Yu Wenhao's eyes: "It's all here, could it be that Brother Chu wants to retreat?"

His mind was exposed, Chu Yao's face froze slightly, then he turned his gaze to Yue Linglong, and took advantage of her big belly to find himself a step down: "Joke, I am worried about sister Long, look at her belly, seeing her It's about to give birth, so you just have the heart to let your wife and children..."

Chu Yao really didn't open which pot to lift which pot, how could he know, his unintentional words caught the hatred in Yu Wenhao's heart at once.

Yu Wenhao's face gradually turned livid.

Seeing this, Yue Linglong's complexion was not much better, but in order to avoid conflicts between Yu Wenhao and Chu Yao, she quickly interrupted Chu Yao: "Brother Chu, Brother Hao, you don't have to worry about Long'er, although Long'er She is pregnant with Liujia, but she still has the absolute ability to take care of herself, and Long'er still has a way to solve the problem that we will lose all our martial arts when we enter Mingjie."

"Oh?" Chu Yao's eyes lit up: "What way?"

Although Yu Wenhao didn't say anything, he subconsciously turned his attention to Yue Linglong.

Yue Linglong covered her mouth with a smile pretending to be mysterious, then she took out a dagger and cut her index finger directly.

"Sister Long, what are you..." Chu Yao couldn't stop it, but a second later he saw that the blood coming out of Yue Linglong's cut finger was green, and he was surprised: "Green blood?"

Yue Linglong walked up to Chu Yao, and stamped a green dot between his brows with her bleeding finger, "Okay, Brother Chu, you can step in now and see if you can improve your skills."

Without doubting him, Chu Yao immediately stepped into Mingjie again, and then practiced his skills.

In just a split second, he felt a surge of internal energy in his dantian.

"It's done!" Chu Yao was delighted, and then curious: "Sister Long, how can your blood have such a miraculous effect, and why is it green?"

Yue Linglong still maintained a mysterious smile, and then she held her bloody finger, and I looked at Yu Wenhao with pity: "Brother Hao..."

Knowing what she meant, Yu Wenhao closed his eyes, suppressed the depression in his heart, and said softly: "Go ahead."

Yue Linglong stepped forward, and lightly imprinted a little green on the center of Yu Wenhao's eyebrows, and then explained: "Aunt Su planted a blood curse on me, and she said that with this blood curse, we can live less in Ming Street." A lot of trouble, and it can get twice the result with half the effort to deal with Pluto."

Hearing this, Chu Yao's burdensome prejudice against Yue Linglong was instantly swept away, and he said with a sneer, "Then sister Laolong will have to worry about this journey."

Yue Linglong smiled knowingly: "It should."

Seeing the two talking and laughing, Yu Wenhao couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, but that's it, he looked at the green spot on Chu Yaoyin hall, and there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Then he thought that there was a little green on his forehead, and Yu Wenhao felt even more irritated. He resisted the urge to erase the green on his forehead, and snorted coldly: "It's not too late, let's go!" Bar."

Just as the three of them were pacing and preparing to enter Ming Street, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"The three stay behind."

Yu Wenhao stopped and turned his head to look.

Seeing the person coming, Yu Wenhao frowned slightly, with a look of unkindness on his face.

The unkindness on Chu Yao's face was even worse.

Because the person who came was none other than Long Xiaoli who came from Jialuo country.

Not to mention that Long Xiaoli is also a member of the Jialuo royal family, even if he is just a commoner in the Jialuo country, Chu Yao has an urge to get rid of him at this moment.

From the moment Jialuo country forced them to surrender, he swore to God: Jialuo country is his greatest enemy in this life, and it will never be destroyed.


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