"Kong Laosan, can you still send your daughter to learn music?" Liu Feng finished filling the bullet, jumped into the position of the No. 2 gunner, and stood side by side with Kong Laosan.

"Who knows, I know Cao Qiusheng, the main gunner of the anti-aircraft battery around the wall, not from the same regiment, I used to drink together, and I died just now, the No. 2 gunner doesn't know, but this kid has turned himself into a target, and plans to fight the enemy head-on, can I retreat?"

Liu Feng smiled: "Don't kick me down this time, Lao Tzu is also going to take down the next fighter, go below and show off with the brothers, and see our heroic sacrifice, isn't it better than you?"

Kong Laosan smiled lightly, slowly raised his legs, and put them down....

Liu Feng didn't seem to see it, and hid in the dark with him, watching the three fighters fly towards the wall.

Now their position here is not exposed, the live target is the other party, what they have to do is to take it by surprise, and if they make a move, they must defeat an enemy plane.

The fire dragon of the anti-aircraft guns was constantly spraying, and the speed of the enemy planes was very fast, and it only took a few seconds for a dive to descend.

"Keep reloading

!" "Done

!" "Fire!"



The wing of a fighter plane was pierced, the direction was unstable, and the weak point was caught on the spot by the second fierce man, and the next moment it penetrated the fuel tank of the enemy plane.

This is the first flower of death under the stars that has been opened under the war tonight

! Boom!

The explosion of the fighter jet illuminated the ground below, and their position was instantly exposed.

The anti-aircraft battery, gunners, loaders, and directionalists, a total of six, were like the brightest light in the night in the next moment.

They indifferently embraced death, which was already expected, the only advantage of the game between anti-aircraft batteries and the air force, was hidden, and they were exposed.

The results speak for themselves, their bodies were hit by machine-gun fire from two other fighters, and none of them were left intact.

Kong Laosan's eyes stood up, and he took advantage of the remaining two fighter jets to shake his mind.


had been hiding in the darkness without revealing their position, and those two fighters hovering at low altitude could have thought that there was still an anti-aircraft gun hidden behind the flanks.

One of them did not react, and the pilot was pierced by the powerful anti-aircraft gun, and at the same time, the pilot was only half hit in the head, and the mixture of brain and blood blew up a windshield, and the plane crashed diagonally into the forest in the distance.

The other pilot reacted quickly and immediately lifted into the air, the missile and machine gun were activated at the same time, the fire snake was sprayed, and dozens of Sichuan soldiers around it instantly evaporated.

"Call me!" Kong

Laosan looked angry, don't give Lao Tzu back when he comes down.

The anti-aircraft guns spat out bullets frantically, turning into golden light in the darkness.

Xiao Xian looked at it like a meteor flying from the earth to the sky, with the dark sky as the background, only the countless golden lights left the only color in the black curtain.

But the fighter pilots had already spotted them, and the fighters were going up fast, and they had a hard time catching them!

"Hurry up!"

The Japanese fighters finally flew to a higher height, dropping seven or eight missiles along the way, and the machine gun in the belly was still spraying.

The indiscriminate attack was about to overturn the entire ground, and the professional skills shown by this pilot made Kong Laosan frightened.

The moment the other party spotted him, he seemed to turn into a cheerful bird, decorating a beautiful dance under the night sky.


fighter continued to rise, just above their heads, Kong Laosan was unwilling, but helpless.

Suddenly, in the direction of the tower in the distance, another anti-aircraft gun lit up, like the eyes of death in the darkness, the direction of the 727th regiment, and he had been waiting for a long time at this moment.



When the Japanese fighter pilot rises to a certain safe height, the life instinct of life separated from death will produce a relaxed mood.

In addition to Kong Laosan, the other main gunner of the anti-aircraft battery seized this opportunity to appear only for a moment.

Strike in an instant! The

enemy plane's pilot's face changed in horror, and his wings were instantly smashed into a sieve.

He cursed angrily, and knowing that he was already very lucky, he turned on all the missile release devices.

The machine gun and missile bullet in the abdomen were released at the same time as the anti-aircraft battery where Kong Laosan was located on the ground!

It became a vulture in the darkness that looked at death as if it were home, and it swooped down.

Kong Laosan and Liu Feng had mud and blood mixed with their faces, and no one took a step back.

They watched as the fighter jets left an extremely rounded arc in the sky in a parabolic manner, swooping and flying, and roared angrily:

"Keep loading

!" "Done

!" "Fire!"

At this moment, the live broadcast was slowed down, and between the earth and the sky, the eagle and the tiger in the dark night were about to complete the final duel.

The phantom shadow of the world seemed to be hidden, and all that was clearly visible was the roar of the fierce tiger on the ground, and the sharp cry of the eagle falling from the sky!

After a short slow time, the picture suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, the Japanese enemy plane was only less than 30 meters away from the earth.

All the prey is clearly visible in the eyes of the eagle at this time.


! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The fuel tank of the fighter exploded instantly when it was hit by an antiaircraft gun, and Kong Laosan and his air defense squad withstood almost all the anger of the enemy plane

! A team of nine people, in the blink of an eye, there were no bones left!

They were torn apart in an instant by the frenzied power of the missiles and machine guns, and the sky was sprinkled with blood

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