The chaotic battlefield was still going on, Xiao Xian slowly walked to the side of the anti-aircraft battery, and in front of him was the battlefield of Kong Laosan's air defense squad that had been smashed by the Japanese enemy planes.

The ground was full of flesh and severed limbs, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

In a small pool of blood on the ground, he picked up a small flute and a shattered military uniform next to it.

A thin piece of paper leaked out of the doctor's upper pocket, soaked in blood, but intact.

The clothes in this area are very well preserved, apparently intentionally.

Xiao Xian took out the red paper, which was supposed to be white.

It was a letter, only a few words that were sloppy and crooked, and he did not open it, it should have been a letter from home, with the address written on it.

Xiao Xian carefully put away the flute and family letters, raised his gaze again, and looked at the shattered world in front of him.

Three fighters were shattered and needed a dozen lives to support.

Is this kind of deal worth it

? In the barrage:

"Woo woo

woo..." "Woo woo..."

"Is this still a war? This is clearly a huge meat grinder!"

I have imagined the cruelty of war, but I have never imagined that it can be so cruel, it is completely detached from all the concepts I know about war in books, movies and television, is it that our ancestors defended the land we live in today in such an environment

?" "It's so distressing, it's too cruel, why did the hateful enemy come to invade us?"

The prosperity of China today is inseparable from the stubbornness of the ancestors, may the whole world, the land of China, all the loyal souls be rested, we... Life is good!"

In the live broadcast screen, a gunshot suddenly rang out from afar.

The camera continues to pull in, the Japanese sniper is discovered, and the 7-person team outflanks from the side, and finally approaches the sniper building.

But there was a problem when it came to attacking the building.

The people who can become snipers are the ones who have been alone for a long time and have been alone and away from the crowd.

They have the keenest perception of their surroundings, and any movement on the earth can transmit any signal to the brain through hearing, sight, touch, taste, and smell.

A team of seven hides on the battlefield and determines the location of the snipers by the sound of sniper rifles.

didn't expect that the other party had been waiting upstairs for a long time, and the time bomb was buried in the corner of the stairs.

Three fighters were killed on the spot.

The commander of the sixth battalion took the lead, resisted a shot, hugged the sniper on the spot, and pulled the grenade in his hand.

However, he underestimated the strength of the sniper, and the opponent's physical strength was now at its peak.

In this battle, the Japanese sniper has been sniping at others in the sniper building, and has not participated in the group battle below at all.

The preservation of physical strength is the most complete, and compared to those of them who have been fighting for a long time, it is not a dimension at all.

The Japanese sniper snatched the grenade with absolute strength before it exploded, and threw it at the other three Sichuan soldiers with a backhand.


A huge crack appeared in the wall of the sniper building.

The three fighters were each wounded, but none of them hesitated to rush towards the Japanese sniper at the same time!

The five of them scuffled together in an instant.

In the face of the four Sichuan soldiers who had been fighting for a long time, there was no panic on the sniper's face, and there was a touch of contempt in his ease.

The four words of the sick man of East Asia have long been ingrained in his heart, and the people in this land used to smoke a lot, and their roots have long been polluted.

An opponent of this level simply does not deserve respect.

He is tall and burly, and he stands out from the crowd in the local area.

What's more, the physical strength has been at its peak, and several people have come and gone three or four times.

The six battalion commanders were not opponents at all, they were knocked down by the opponent's strong force value, and they were already paralyzed on the ground and lost their combat effectiveness.

The sniper casually pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the enemy, and the feeling of a hunter watching his prey spread in his heart.

This sense of accomplishment in controlling life and death particularly intoxicated him, and he was a little reluctant to kill these people.

He wanted to linger for a little longer.

Therefore, the sniper chose to close his eyes, and the outside world was accompanied by countless artillery fire, and he held a pistol and danced gracefully in front of several prey.

He opened his arms as if he were holding a wonderful girl, and with the sound of the baptism of war as the background music, in this small sniper building, he demonstrated a beautiful melody that crossed the battlefield and the song of peace.


music seemed to come to a climax, and the sniper's movements were even more exaggerated, but he always felt that something was missing.

So, he fired a shot, and one of the Sichuan soldiers fell in response, and the sniper sacrificed the height of the song with his life.

He smiled contentedly, his movements were exaggerated and graceful, the main theme of the battlefield seemed to be more ups and downs, and the music of death was playing in all corners of the world.

He must continue to cater to the melody of the artillery fire outside, and death is the most beautiful flower on the battlefield.


He ended his life again, and the melody representing the other side of the small sniper building became even more violent!

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