Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 172: Girl's Friendship

A group of five people walked on the road.

Dai Mubai briefly mentioned to them some things that Shrek Academy needs to pay attention to and the four checkpoints.

"The first test is to test the bone age and whether you have two spirit rings to determine whether you are eligible for admission."

When Dai Mubai turned his head to talk to Tang San, he unconsciously aimed at Zhu Zhuqing from the corner of his eyes.

Ning Rongrong, who was holding her hand, seemed to sense something, she quickened her pace a little bit, slightly surpassing Zhu Zhuqing by half a body.

This covered most of Dai Mubai's eyes.

At the same time, Ning Rongrong stared at her beautiful eyes, showing a fierce look.


Dai Mubai's behavior was found to be a little embarrassing, so he could only turn his head and continue leading the way.

"Oh, this is our second testing location, I'll talk to this teacher first."

As he spoke, he had already walked towards the teacher who was testing over there.

There are only four people left in a group of five.

However, three of the four are heavenly fragrance and national beauty.

Under the eyes of the two women, the ordinary-looking boy and the cute girl with scorpion braids quietly began to flirt.

"The relationship is really good."

Ning Rongrong said unconsciously.

"Well, my boyfriend doesn't know what's going on now."

Simmering and chasing, it looks so cute.

With a smile in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, he suddenly raised his hand and put it on her little head: "Maybe, I have the same idea as you now."

Her voice was soft.

Ning Rongrong nodded vigorously: "Yes."

The two girls looked at each other and felt that it was too suitable.

"It's selling sausages, it's selling sausages, take a look, take a look, don't miss it when you pass by, Oscar brand sausage, delicious and sweet, cheap and plentiful. It only costs five copper soul coins. I ate the Oscar brand sausage , to ensure that it is easier for you to pass the entrance examination."

There was a soft sound in the distance.

Although the two women didn't feel curious, the two who were with them were already a little eager to try.

The grilled sausage was sold by a bearded uncle.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing glanced at him and stopped looking at him.

I only heard the girl next to me calling out delicately: "Brother, I want to eat."

The ordinary-looking boy pampered her head and said, "Okay."

Let's talk, turn around and walk towards the barbecue stand.

After a while, the boy came back, handed one to the girl, and held one in his hand.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and started to eat.

The rich aroma explodes in the taste buds.

For a while, both of them ate with relish.

Dai Mubai on the side was talking about this matter to the teacher in charge of the second and third tests.

The teacher nodded, agreed, and said, "It seems that we may have a few more students this year."

Dai Mubai obtained consent, and hurriedly walked towards Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Of course, when he saw Tang San Xiaowu eating the big sausage with relish, his eyeballs were going to pop out, and the corner of his mouth cracked into a smile that didn't know what it meant.

"Uh, Tang San, this..."

It wasn't until Dai Mubai spoke out completely.

A sharp voice from behind interrupted.

"Teacher, why can they enter without testing."

A boy who may have heard two people whispering shouted loudly.

For a while, the ups and downs of the people behind were chattering.

"Teacher, you won't cheat for personal gain."

When the test teacher heard this, his expression became serious.

"We won't engage in favoritism. All soul masters over level 25 can enter without examination."

"No way?"

"We are all only twelve years old, how can their soul power be so strong?"

Dai Mubai said in a deep voice: "If you can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it either. When I first entered school, my spirit power was level 25."

"Little San, let them see your martial soul."

While speaking, he threw a piece of white crystal to Tang San.

The two women only saw him release his soul power.

In an instant, the crystal in his hand shone brightly, shining with crystal colors.

This is clearly a symbol of reaching the twenty-ninth level.

The one named Xiaosan smiled slightly, and handed the crystal in his hand to the girl with scorpion braids.

The girl giggled, and the same light bloomed in her hands.

"Another level twenty-nine."

The two women even heard someone exclaim.

The girl with scorpion braids stuck out her tongue at the boy, trying to put the crystal in his hand.

The people present felt inexplicably sour.

"I thought, the two of us could test it, too."

A soft voice sounded.

It was our Miss Rongrong who spoke.

She took the crystal ball that Xiao Wu handed over later, and smiled slightly at the girl with scorpion braids.

Inject soul power.

Immediately, the radiance burst forth, not inferior to the first two.

Everyone was shocked.

Twelve years old, three twenty-nine grades.

There was a decent smile on Rongrong's face, and the etiquette of the nobility was vividly displayed on her body.

I don't know how many boys' eyes it attracted.

Rao Dai Mubai and Tang San were also bewildered in an instant.

Later, it was Xiao Wu who pinched him fiercely before he came back to his senses.

His eyes were inexplicably embarrassed, and he immediately started coaxing Xiao Wu who was pouting angrily.

Looking at Ning Rongrong's smiling face, Zhu Zhuqing also felt that this girl was extraordinarily beautiful, the hibiscus came out of the clear water, and she was naturally carved.

Very beautiful girl.

"I'll try too."

Zhu Zhuqing said to Ning Rongrong. '

According to her original personality, she should have gotten it directly and quickly.

Ning Rongrong smiled and nodded towards her, and handed over the crystal ball, their hands unconsciously touched each other.

An inexplicable tremor, a very familiar feeling.

Whispering in the heart at the same time.

Zhu Zhuqing took the crystal ball with shock on his face, and quietly injected his own soul power.

The white light shines brightly.

"The fourth twenty-nine level."

This time even the teacher of the test showed a horrified expression.

After a long time, they clapped their hands.

"Papa papa."

"It seems that our little monster is not simple this time."

Dai Mubai was also in shock, but seeing that the testers in front of him looked like they had never seen the world, he snorted coldly: "I said it all, you can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't do it."

The teenagers who were awakened by his words all looked ashamed.

"Okay, Mubai, take them to the fourth test."

Dai Mubai nodded, and led the five people forward, but he seemed to feel like he forgot something.

Along the way, Dai Mubai roughly told Tang San some history of the academy and general stories.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong kept holding hands and talking to each other.

The kitty was originally not very talkative, but the Ning Rongrong in front of him gave him the feeling that he really hit it off.

She felt that it was good to chat with this person.

The brief exchange made the relationship between the two quietly warm up.

After all, Zhuqing is not a person who refuses interpersonal communication, and people who are cold on the outside and hot on the inside often desire warmth more.

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