Come To Douluo, Don’t You Have a Relationship

Chapter 173: A mouthful of dog food



The two little girls who were whispering suddenly heard two strong vomiting sounds.

They raised their eyes at the same time.

I just saw the sound of the girl with scorpion braids and the ordinary boy coughing dryly.

"What's going on here?"

There was doubt in the eyes of the two of them.

Only to see Dai Mubai said helplessly: "I just said why I didn't remember one thing."

"When I mentioned that there were only three students in our college, I introduced the man I met just now."

He waved his hand helplessly and said, "It can't be my fault."

"It's just that you two acted too quickly. I just saw that you have finished eating."

The ordinary boy coughed a few times, raised his head slightly: "Mubai, you must tell us in advance."

While speaking, he seemed to have recovered a little bit, and patted the girl with scorpion braids on the back to relieve her breathing.

The girl finally recovered her breath, and opened her wet eyes: "You boys, how can you have such disgusting soul skills?"

Anger quietly floated on her face.

The ordinary boy had no choice but to comfort him when he saw it.

blah blah.

The two women didn't care to listen.

Instead Dai Mubai sighed long, and said to the second daughter: "Fortunately you didn't eat."

The words were addressed to two people, and the eyes were directed at Zhu Zhuqing.

The expressions of the two women were a little cold.

Ning Rongrong said even more bluntly: "Senior, don't look at my Zhuqing with lustful eyes."

Then he stood in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

Dai Mubai looked embarrassed, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

He has a good impression of Zhu Zhuqing, and a good feeling for Ning Rongrong.

If he is disliked by two people at the same time, then he will not be able to express his little thoughts.

Had to go back to the original place.

Continue to lead the way.

A group of five people quickly arrived at the place of the fourth test.

Dai Mubai roughly introduced to them that this fourth level is to test the strength of the team.

When they came to the open space of the fourth level, the two women were surprised to find a middle-aged man in his fifties.

Dai Mubai said respectfully: "Mr. Zhao, I brought someone to test the fourth level."

The teacher had a hulking back, rubbed his eyes, and said in a low but muddy voice, "Four more people are here this year?"

"Yes, they are all exempt from the fourth level."


The hulking teacher stood up, although he was not tall, he was extremely strong.

Cough cough, it's really not tall, it's shorter than an ordinary twelve-year-old boy.

So naturally not as tall as the male lead.

"This teacher is so short, my Tang Muchen is at least a head taller than him."

This is Ning Rongrong's thoughts.

"Compared with him, the degree of firmness is not much different, and the height is slightly different."

This is Zhu Zhuqing's inner voice.

The teacher in front of him had broad shoulders and even more terrifying muscles. His face was kind, but it gave people a strong oppression.

"Sure enough, my boyfriend's muscles are better. They are not so prominent and look good."

This is Ning Rongrong's conclusion after imagining Tang Muchen's appearance.

"Well, it's still far from his muscles."

"I licked his muscles more than once."

"It seems to have tasted well."

This is the feeling of Zhu Zhuqing who felt shy when he remembered some wound cleaning actions he did some time ago.

Zao Wou-ki, the tool man has really hammered.

Being compared in the minds of the two girls respectively, Tang Muchen won completely.

"All four of you have passed the twenty-fifth level, which is pretty good. It seems that there are quite a few little monsters this year. This is the last level for me. As long as you pass my test, you can officially become a member of Shrek Academy. However, my test is not easy to pass, the actual combat is the strength that every soul master must have, and what I am evaluating is your ability in this area."

Although Zao Wou-ki was secretly murmured, what he said was also what Dai Mubai said just now.

Leave this guy alone.

His smiling eyes swept over the four of them: "I am Zhao Wou-ki, since you are all exempt from the test, then I will come and play with you."

"I'll give you a stick of incense time to discuss."

"After a stick of incense, as long as one of you can persevere until the end, you will pass the test, but don't try to escape by tricks."

"It is impossible for you to block my power, so what I want to see is your ability to unite and cooperate."

At the end, I added a word.

"Let me see your ability to unite and cooperate."

"Mr. Zhao, this is not good."

Dai Mubai hesitated a little.

Zhao Wou-ki waved his hands to signal him not to speak.

"I will compress my strength to the appearance of a soul master, and I can only use three soul skills."

"In this case, it is fair."

"Dai Mubai, also, remember to come to me to practice Sanda tomorrow."

"Your actual combat skills need to be honed."

Ignore Dai Mubai's bitter face.

"You can discuss it, Mubai, you can give them my ability.

The remaining five people had no choice but to get together and communicate.

Dai Mubai first talked to them about Zao Wou-ki's ability, which aroused everyone's strong vigilance.

The seventy-sixth level Soul Sage is not that simple.

The ordinary boy smiled and said: "Hello, my name is Tang San, my spirit is Blue Silver Grass, a great soul master of the twenty-ninth level control system."

The girl with scorpion braids also continued: "My name is Xiao Wu, Martial Soul Rabbit. A great soul master of the 29th-level assault system."

Ning Rongrong was also smiling: "I am Ning Rongrong, my spirit is the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, a great soul master of the twenty-ninth auxiliary system."

"I'm Zhu Zhuqing, and my spirit is a Nether civet, a great soul master of the twenty-ninth-level agility attack department."

After the introduction of the four people, everyone including Dai Mubai looked towards Ning Rongrong.

"Are you from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue cutely at Zhu Zhuqing: "Yes, but I am similar to an ordinary person. Currently, I can only release two soul skills, which can increase the speed and strength by about 30% respectively. This time it is also because Something just came here."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Tang San smiled and said: "In this case, the configuration of our team is still good."

"I have a proposal. Ning Rongrong is in charge of supporting the three of us, Xiao Wu is in charge of the main attack, I am in charge of controlling Teacher Zhao's actions, and Zhu Zhuqing is in charge of containment."

This is a relatively complete method that has been proposed so far.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong also agreed.

"Then, Ning Rongrong, don't get too close at the beginning, try to stay as far away as possible."

Tang San suggested.

Ning Rongrong nodded: "Don't worry, when I formed a team with my boyfriend, I was very good at it."

"Boy friend."

The surprised sounds of the three people sounded at the same time.

Dai Mubai felt that such a beautiful girl had a girlfriend, he was so angry and beat his chest, while Tang San was purely surprised, Xiao Wu was very curious.

She said weirdly: "Wow, you actually have a boyfriend?"

"Then why didn't he come here with you?"

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