"Then why didn't he come here with you?"

Xiao Wu asked innocently.

"Because his goal is not here, and I can't go to the school he attends, my father arranged for me here, saying that I will meet good mentors here."

Ning Rongrong's voice was suddenly low.

"Which school...um."

The outspoken Xiao Wu was covered by Tang San before she finished speaking.

"Xiao Wu."

The tone is a little heavy.

And motioned Xiao Wu to look at Ning Rongrong's position.

Her expression was slightly sad.

But he still answered with a smile: "He went to the Wuhun Academy, and he has to recruit students to participate in the Wuhun Academy."

"The academy directly affiliated with Wuhundian?"

Tang San asked.


At this time, Xiao Wu was completely silent.

"I remember that if you recruit students from outside, it is very rare, the probability is about one in a thousand."

Dai Mubai interrupted and said.

He has a good personality, although it is a pity that the girl in front of him already has a boyfriend, but he is still worried about her boyfriend.

After all, she will be a school girl from the same school.

"Not afraid."

Ning Rongrong suddenly brightened up.

She said with a little pride: "My boyfriend is twelve years old, his soul power is thirty-five, and he is a top beast spirit."

For some reason, Zhu Zhuqing behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I met him at the peak of the thirty-sixth level."

"It didn't hit."

Just now she felt that the man she obeyed was Rongrong's boyfriend in front of her, and she was terrified.

Now there is no such worry, obviously not.

Our kitty is actually a little younger.

"What, level thirty-five?"

It was the shock of the three of them again.

"It's so infuriating that people compare themselves to others. I was only level 25 when I was twelve years old, and now I'm only level 37. What kind of genius is this?"

Dai Mubai was somewhat envious and extremely hated.

"Really, is this the real genius?"

"The teacher said that it is absolutely impossible for someone to surpass the thirty-two level at the age of twelve. Now, has anyone finally proved it?"

Tang San had a bitter look on his face.

Even Xiao Wu was surprised.

"How could there be such a powerful twelve-year-old."

Ning Rongrong raised her chest proudly when she heard these compliments: "That's natural, my boyfriend defeated all the sixth graders in the second grade of Tiandou Junior Academy, and became the strongest who deserved it."

In the eyes of girls who are in love, these are capitals worth showing off.

I have such a good boyfriend, and the slight sadness was washed away for a while.

"That's great."

Zhu Zhuqing said softly, holding Ning Rongrong's little hand.

"The person you like is the capital to satisfy a girl's little heart of showing off."

Zhu Zhuqing could also feel this feeling.

"The person I like has the same strength, or is stronger."


The other three should not be fed up by the sweet-smelling Ning Rongrong's dog food.

At this time, the voice of rescue sounded.

"Here we go, boys."

Zao Wou-ki's deep voice came from far away.

This made the dog food trio leave quickly, avoiding the invisible and intangible dog food.

"Really, this dog food can be fed to dogs at any time."

Dai Mubai's expression was really a bit ugly. Only Xiao Wu looked envious: "It's so sweet."

Holding the hand of Tang San who was walking in front, she said in a low voice: "Brother."

Tang San naturally knew what this girl wanted to say.

She smiled dotingly: "Indeed, it's a very sweet love."

Back on the field, Zao Wou-ki was already standing on the field, with the appearance of a stick of incense quietly appearing in his hand.

"Let's discuss it."

A smile appeared on Zhao Wou-ki's majestic face.

"Yes, Teacher Zhao."

Tang San took a step forward.

"Come on, then."

Zhao Wuji waved his hand,

The stick of incense had been planted on the ground and quietly began to burn.

"As long as you stick to the time of a stick of incense, you will pass."

Zao Wou-ki's body quietly released a khaki-yellow light.

But Ning Rongrong's speed is obviously faster.

She had quietly released her martial spirit when Zhao Wuji had just inserted the incense.

"Seven Treasures turn out Liuli, the first soul skill."

"The seven treasures are famous, and one is called: strength."

"Seven Treasures are also called, and the second one is: Speed."

The two soul rings rose at the same time.

Six rays of light appeared on the three of them respectively.

The three of them felt their bodies become lighter at the same time.

"Not bad, this time, there is actually a Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. Flender's old money fan is probably going to get excited."

Zhao Wou-ki said so, but his movements were not slow at all.

He squatted down with both knees very quickly, and punched the ground hard.

Visible to the naked eye, the four of them felt their bodies heavy at the same time, making it difficult to move.


Ning Rongrong heard Tang San shout.

He has already released the vines of the blue silver grass.

But there is something faster, that is the figure of Zhu Zhuqing.

There seems to be afterimages in her movements, and the suppression of the increased gravity seems to have little effect on her.

Almost immediately, she picked up Ning Rongrong who was moving slowly on the ground, and left the current position with one more jump.

"Thank you."

Ning Rongrong combed the hair on the sideburns around her ears, and thanked her.

"It's okay, you are careful here."

Zhu Zhuqing replied, the next moment, she left here.

The two on the other side had already launched an attack.

Zhu Zhuqing found a flaw.

There was a cold light on her hands.

"Ghost Spike."

"Unfortunately, it's useless."

Zhao Wuji said carelessly.

"The first soul skill, Fudo King Body."

In an instant, a golden light radiated from his body.

Zhu Zhuqing's first soul skill seemed to have lost its effect.

A feeling of being stuck in a quagmire.

"The second soul skill, Vigorous Vajra Palm."

Zao Wou-ki repelled the remaining two, and used his skills towards Zhu Zhuqing.

"It's basically impossible to hide."

Zhu Zhuqing backed away while using the second soul skill to resist.

But it was all in vain.


When the Vigorous Vajra Palm hit the place where Zhu Zhuqing was just now, Zhao Wou-ki didn't feel that he had hit something solid, so he couldn't help making a slightly suspicious sound.


Suddenly there was a voice from above.

Immediately afterwards, Zao Wou-ki felt his body being restrained.

His whole body was bound by the blue silver grass.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful blow hit his chest hard.

Zhao Wou-ki also couldn't resist this attack, and fell to the ground.

"The first soul skill, Nether Thrust."

It hit Zhao Wuji's chest fiercely.

A grunt.

Zhao Wuji supported the ground and stood up.

The blue silver grass on his body fell off, and his face was a little ugly.

At this time, three quarters of the stick of incense had been burned.

"Mr. Zhao, let's count it as our victory this time."

Tang San asked tentatively.


Zhao Wuji seemed to be a little irritated.

Flashing away from the current position in an instant, he arrived at Zhu Zhuqing's position.

Direct Gravity Enhancement plus Vigorous Vajra Palm package.

Slap Zhu Zhuqing away.

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