Come to The Peak

Chapter 1076: : Sword Deterrence

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Magic weapon, if you get this magic weapon, his strength will definitely go to the next level, even with his mind that has been practicing martial arts for hundreds of years, he can't help but excite.

As a joke, the emperor Chu of the Kingdom of Chu sold his daughter to Gu Han for a spirit sword and red king. He was much poorer than Chu Tian, ​​and was naturally hot.

"Is that what the overlord said earlier?"

Eventually Yi Sheng retracted his fiery eyes, seemingly afraid of Luo Yu's remorse, and finally asked such a sentence.

"Hehe ... I'm in awe of Luo Yu, let alone in front of the heroes of the world"

Luo Yu smiled, but the corner of his mouth evoked a wave of tide.

"Okay, the overlord is refreshing, then I will give birth today to teach the overlord a trick!"

Yi Sheng quickly said that his mind was already occupied by a spirit.

Compared to the world tree species that the Emperor Wuyuan could only use successfully, this magical tool is more realistic. Although the overlord is strong, he is easy to be born and is also the first person of Zhao Guowu. Can't live.

"Then Brother Yi is ready"

Luo Yu raised the sword in his hands, and the ten swords were condensed behind Luo Yu. The gentle temperament of Luo Yu suddenly changed and became extremely aggressive and powerful.

The people present were shocked when they saw the ten swords. Although they had known that the Overlord's mood had been fulfilled, they still felt shocked when they saw it, especially when there were sword repairers present, and their hearts were sighed.

The artistic conception is complete, and it is difficult for the general Emperor Wuhuang to reach. This has nothing to do with cultivation. It depends on the individual's awareness of the artistic conception.

Wu this thing has always been illusory. Some people concentrate on practicing swords for ten years and do not get started. However, some people suddenly understand because of feelings in their hearts.

Luo Yu was able to launch an attack comparable to that of the Emperor Wu, and the ten strong swordsmanship had a great relationship.

Yi Sheng was dignified in his heart, and a black sword appeared in his hand. This knife was only a medium-grade treasure.

The body's surging yellow soil attributes the true elemental power to radiate, the eight swords behind it condensed, and Yi Sheng's momentum has climbed to the peak. The true elemental power has been stirred up in the surrounding space of hundreds of meters, and the blue robe also screams.

Yi Sheng held the knife in both hands, his eyes were fully focused, and he stared at Luo Yu, saying: "The king, please come out with a sword!"

Luo Yu smiled. She held the sword alone, her eyes moved, and the tenfold sword's meaning all melted into the sword.

"Buzz ..."

Zi Zhi made a sound of swordsing, and a sword came out flat.

The tenfold lavender sword-shaped ripples rushed towards Yisheng.

These ten circles of sword pattern have no other martial arts like Mount Taishan, and the momentum of opening up the world is just like the ten circles of ordinary air waves ripple in the space.

"Tiger knife!"

Yi Sheng slashed out, a tiger howling sounded, and a yellow giant tiger hundreds of meters snarled and rushed to Luoyu's ten-folded sword wave.

There was a roar of overbearing tiger power in Kyushu between the tigers rushing to Pentium.

Hum ~ hum ~ hum ~

This ten-fold sword wave is like the slow impact of light water on the giant tiger sword strength.

One lap, two laps, three laps ...

The giant tiger had no effect. Seeing the past nine laps, the giant tiger was about to hit Luo Yu.

"To be successful!"

Yi Sheng was excited.

But on the tenth lap, the light of the yellow giant tiger suddenly darkened, and a loud explosion exploded, dissipating into vitality.

The ten laps of the sword wave impacted Yi Sheng again, Yi Sheng Zhenyuan's body was dark and broken.

Buzz ...!

After being weakened, Jianbo hit Yi Sheng's body.

Yi Sheng glared, looking at Luo Yu, and then slowly put away the knife and gave Luo Yu a fist.

"The prestigious veteran of the Overlord Elder Martial King has been instructed"

噗嗤 ~

Then Yi Sheng spit out blood, and fell into the air.


People in the Taiqing Palace rushed to catch Yi Sheng, and found that the internal organs of his body had cracks and serious injuries.

This sword, Luo Yu left his hand, if the ten sword waves merge, it can already smash his five internal organs.

The people present were silent, looking at the figure standing with the sword in his eyes, afraid to look directly in fear.

"A trick, really a trick!"

"Mum, is the Overlord really so strong?"

"Hey, one day these characters are on the list of Wu Wang, we will look up to their glory for a day."

In the presence of all the kings of martial arts, only Nangong asked Tian Tian's blandness. He knew Luo Yu's strength and naturally he would not be surprised.

"How about, guys, who wants to share a chance? Who doesn't accept it? I am also satisfied today Luo Yu, magic weapon, elixir, Yuan Shi, have strength, these are yours."

Luo Yu said sarcastically. Everyone heard the words turned red and speechless.

The purpose of Luo Yu is nothing more than to kill chickens and tamarins, to directly deter this group of people with absolute strength. If they do not do this, they will surely have a steady stream of people to fight his idea of ​​world tree species.

"Yes, who doesn't agree?"

Duan Yu and others also stepped forward and laughed at everyone.

"No one would say thank you, Luo Yu, farewell!"

When Luo Yu saw good, he closed his fist, and then his wings broke away, Luo Qingqinger and others quickly followed.

The kings looking back at Luo Yu looked at each other, and finally left with a sigh and a heart full of hope.

Since the rumors are true, there may be world tree species in this Vientiane space, one by one looking around in the secret place of Vientiane.

Of course, the world's tree species were not found, and many people broke into the vicious beasts' nests and were eaten by others.

The news that Luo Yu got a world tree species was also spread in the secret realm. Many people were intent on it, but without the strength to grab, they had to be jealous.

However, a world tree species has completely inspired everyone's passion for treasure hunting.

As a result, there were people with good luck, the world tree species could not be found, and Shenpozhi was really found by some people.

After a group of people from Luo Yu got the world tree species, they set off for the next space seal point.

The next seal of space was above a volcano. Everyone blasted the space together and broke the space seal inside. The triple space shook once and a huge space crack appeared.

To the surprise of Luo Yu and others, they found another Shenzhizhi nearby!

The discovery of Shenpizhi at the seal of the space twice in a row surprised everyone.

Luo Yu looked at the divine spirit found in his hands and narrowed his eyes. He seemed to be thinking about something. He looked up at the broken seal of space law. After the seal of space law was broken, there was still a fascinating spirit in the surrounding area that did not dissipate.

"I understand!"

Luo Yu's eyes brightened, revealing the color of surprise.

"Yu, what's wrong?"

{◎ √Genuine first / post I

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Several people asked in confusion.

Luo Yu put away the spirit of Shiba and laughed: "I finally know why there is the word of Shiba in the seal of space"

"Oh why?"

Several people were surprised.

"The seal of this space contains a powerful divine power, which fills the surrounding space, so it is easier for the seal of the space to grow Divine Chi."

"Haha ~ That's not to say that we can get the spirit of Shiba when we find the seal of space!"

Duan Yu said with surprise.

"Well, you should get it if you are lucky"

Luo Yu smiled and nodded.

The crowd was excited for a while, and there were nine seal points in space.

"Haha ... what are you waiting for, let's go to the next seal point, don't let others find it first and dig it first"

After getting this distinction, everyone couldn't wait to get up. After recovering Zhenyuan, he rushed to the next seal point.

There have been huge changes in the second and third spaces. There have been five more space cracks in these two spaces, and a large amount of space has overflowed.

The third blood demon space.

"Haha ... It seems that someone is really destroying the seal of space law, and my family will see the sky again."

The five demons looked at the newly appearing cracks in the space, exulting.

"It seems that the maiden is really saving us. After being trapped for so many years, she is finally going out."

Blood Ji Jiao's body was shaking with excitement.

"Yeah, huh, two races of shemales, this time you must go out and give them fierce revenge"

The evil killer said coldly.

"It's better to keep a low profile. If you can go out and find a way to break the seal that leads to the space of the Demon Realm, although the saints can't shoot at will in the world, but if we go too far, I'm afraid we will anger the old people. Guy "

Bloody Mountain is more sane.

"Hey, this time, some of us broke the seal of the space. I think what the demon clan ’s reaction is, I think I'm going to die. I want to seal us for two thousand years and let the seal and the integration of space imprison us forever. "

Eater Jun laughed.

"Well, go back and inform the clan, the time is coming when my blood demon clan will reign in the world again!"

With a wave of his hand, Xuelieshan returned to his own temple, and several others also went back to arrange.

In the space of the demon clan, the four demon emperors look ugly.

"The fifth space crack, it seems that someone is deliberately destroying the space seal."

The beautiful woman in Tsing Yi, the empress of the Dragon tribe, Longyue, looked at the new cracks in the space, her face frosty.

"Well, to suppress the demons for more than a thousand years, if I let anyone know who is breaking the space cracks outside, I must spare him!"

The patriarch of the White Tiger tribe, the man in the white robe, Anna said coldly.

"Hey ... maybe it's God, we can't intervene in the first space in the second space, now we can only plan for the worst."

Xuanwu patriarch Beixuan sighed, and Phoenix phoenix phoenix also frowned.

"Who the **** is destroying the seal of the space? Is it the demons who have never died of the seal?" Long Yue muttered to himself, and his eyes were full of cold anger.

Time passed slowly, and Luo Yu and others stayed in Vientiane for half a year.

In the past six months, they destroyed eight seals in space, leaving only one unbroken.

Sure enough, Luo Yu expected that they got a soul-stirring shiba in six of the eight seals.

What do the six sacred spirits mean? It means six peerless martial arts lords, plus a world tree species. This time their harvest in the Vientiane mystery is too great.

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