Come to The Peak

Chapter 1077: : Sudden Change

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A blood dragon exploded and opened, and the space was once again burst out of cracks. The nine martial kings quickly issued their strongest blow, and the space was broken and opened.

A golden French seal appeared in the broken space.

"The last seal, broken!"

The Emperor Emperor was cut with fury again, and a thousand kilometers of **** swordman smashed the seal of space law. Once again, a huge gap appeared in the space.

"Haha ~ Seventeen seals are broken, and the last one is left, Luo Yu, are you ready?"

Emperor Yun looked at the broken space, a cold smile appeared in his eyes.

At this time, six people from Luo Yu gathered over a plain in Vientiane's secret realm, looking at this void.

"This is the last seal of space. As long as this is destroyed, my four royal families can be released."

Aoyue said looking at the void, there was a strange color in her eyes.

"Feather ~"

Qinger bit his lip and looked at Luo Yu, saying: "If this seal is broken, my four demon clan will be released. You may become the eternal sinner of the human race. I, I am a bit afraid ..."

"Fool, all come to this point, what are you afraid of?"

Luo Yu felt her soft long hair and didn't care to laugh.

"Whatever the name is, and what the sinner is, do what we do, and fear the world's judgment.

Come on, Kampochi has gotten almost. Let us break this last seal and let your mother out. I used to promise to find your parents. Now is the time to realize it. "

Luo Yu shook Qing'er's small hand, then held the sword with both hands, and gave the strongest blow.

"And slow!"

Just then, there was a big drink in the distance, and two streamers flew into the air.

The comer was a gentle and elegant young man, wearing a white robe, a headband with a scarf, and a sense of scrolls.

The other was a stunning lady in a cyan palace dress.

"Luo Yu, stop!"

"Brother Ge, Waner Auntie!"

Luo Yuqing'er and Luo Yan were surprised at the sight of each other, and then showed great joy.

As for Duan Yu, he didn't know Ge Xiuzhu and Wan'er, but he looked at Wan'er almost straight with a pair of eyes.

"The head of a hundred flowers, another beautiful woman at the head of a hundred flowers ..."

Duan Yu drool almost did not flow out.

"Brother Ge, why are you here?"

Luo Yu was shocked and happy. Ge Xiuzhu and Wan'er had disappeared for more than ten years.

"Don't worry about this first, you can't seal the breach of space, you almost broke the catastrophe!"

As soon as Ge Xiuzhu said this, everyone looked different, Luo Yu frowned, and said, "Brother Ge, do you know?"

"Hum, I ask you, why did you destroy the seal of space?"

Ge Xiuzhu snorted and asked.

Luo Yu's complexion changed slightly. He looked at Ge Xiuzhu and decided to tell him the truth.

"Qing'er's mother and clan were sealed in another space in Vientiane, and I want to rescue her mother and clan."

When Luo Yu said this, Wan'er's face was a little softer, and Ge Xiuzhu frowned, sighing, "You have been deceived."

"What! What do you mean, deceived?"

Everyone looked in doubt.

"Yeah, brother, isn't my mother and clan sealed in this space?" Qing'er asked anxiously.

Ge Xiuzhu looked at the people around Luo Yu and finally said, "Your mother and people are indeed sealed in the space, but they are because of the protection of the ancient Cang continent."

"Protect the ancient Cang continent?"

"Yes, at the end of ancient times, the Demon invaded Gu Cang. At the final stage, there was a Demon royal family named Blood Demon, which was sealed in the third space in the Vientiane space by the demon clan battle and let the demon four royal family The second space suppresses the weakness of space for two thousand years

And this space is the first space. There are eighteen seals of space. If the eighteen seals are broken, the Blood Demon tribe will return to the mainland and set off a war.

If you destroy all the seals of space, the demons will inevitably release, and the four thousand years of repression of the demons and tribe will also be lost. "

Ge Xiuzhu slowly explained, and Luo Yu and others were already stunned.


"What, this, how can this be, but the demon emperor in our demon clan does not say so"

Qinger was unwilling to believe.

"Stupid girl, I'm afraid that Gu Cang's demon clan has been mixed by the blood demon clan lurking on the mainland, distorting the truth."

Waner sighed.

When Wan'er said this, Aoyue's face changed imperceptibly.

"Fortunately, we will feel fast, otherwise you will be in trouble."

Ge Xiuzhu frowned, and Luo Yu and others were scared when they heard that.

"How could this be so many years of planning turned out to be a mistake!"

Qing'er stayed where he was, and two lines of tears flowed from the beautiful eyes.

"Wrong? How could it be wrong, haha, now you know it's too late, Luo Yu, thank you for helping me break so many seals."

At this time, Aoyue suddenly said, "This voice is really the voice of Emperor Ji.


Aoyue suddenly made a dragon yin and turned it into a 100-meter-long cymbal. He flew past the seal of space, a long yin, and a ray of Shenguang came through her mouth.

Rumble ...!

Space was blasted with cracks.

"Uncle, you!"

Qinger and others were frightened.

"No, I'm afraid he's already under control. Stop him!"

Ge Xiuzhu's complexion changed drastically.

"Hahaha ~ It's too late, burst me!"

Chen Long laughed. In his knowledge of the sea, where is there any soul, replaced by a blood-colored bug, it is the soul-eaten heartworm!

"He's going to explode, run away! No, it's too late."

Ge Xiuzhu and Wan'er looked ugly. Then the two looked at each other with hands, and their hands were changed into a knot. A white light curtain covered five people, but they provided energy for the seal outside.

Xiaolong slammed into the cracks in the space. The violent monster power exploded, and a blue light burst and then exploded.

Rumble ~!

A cyan energy shock wave crushed and scattered, covering a tens of thousands of meters, the ground cracked, and all the trees were shattered into dust.

The demon king at the peak of the Nine Calamies blew himself up. How terrible was the power, which was a bit more fierce than the full-fledged Wuwang's full blow. The space that had been broken was directly broken, and the space seal in it was shattered and opened.

The violent air swept through, and Luo Yuqinger was protected by the enchantment of Ge Xiuzhu and Wan'er, without any harm, while the bodies of Ge Xiuzhu and Wan'er outside disappeared slowly, Luo Yu stared. Eyes widened.

"No ~ Brother Ge, sister-in-law ~"

Luo Yu let out a sorrowful cry, an unspeakable heartache poured out, and her eyes became red.

"Luo Yu, don't worry, this is just our energy clone. Our body didn't come in. The space seal was broken. The demons will come out. Be careful yourself."

Ge Xiuzhu sighed, then disappeared with Waner ...

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