Come to The Peak

Chapter 1476: : Several Legacy

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Luo Yu's sigh made Luo Yu's heart very unpleasant. He had experienced the feeling of betrayed by his favorite person, when the Anhu of the White Tiger minority ancestor arranged a fake Qinger to cheat him.

And he, because of a series of grudges with An Hu later, was hit by his father Annan in the real world.

"Mu Ling clan, Li Mo ..."

Luo Yu remembered the name, Muling, but he had some grudges with him.

"This is the first inheritance I give you. The second one. Will you seal the Quartet of the Luo people?"

Luohe asked suddenly.

"Well, yes"

Luo Yu nodded, that is the famous seal technique of the Luo tribe, which can seal the blood veins, the true power.

"The next thing I want to pass on to you is the true Quartet Seal. The Luo Quartet Seal is a simplified version I originally passed on, and the authentic Quartet Seal is called the Quartet Seal and the Seal of God. Sealing the blood, repairing, spirit, vitality "

Luo He points a finger, and the memory of condensed runes about the Quartet's seal seal method, all the memories of condensed runes are transferred to Luo Yu ’s soul memory. Luo Yu first remembers this memory in his soul, and then slows down later. Slow research cultivation.

"Well, that's all about the exercises. As for martial arts, I didn't have time to condense and leave the supernatural seeds when I was seriously injured. There is nothing to pass on to you. In the end, what I want to pass on to you is everything in this cave!"

Luo He got up and glanced at the vast world of the cave outside, his eyes were full of perseverance.

Of course, his reluctance is not the kind of reluctance to give Luo Yu, and the kind of reluctance to leave.

"This cave day, must you, do you want me to devour the cave sky with Guixu swallowing spirit?"

Luo Yu was surprised, guessing the purpose of Luohe.

"Yes, you devoured my origin of Dongtian. The realm should be able to break through the current level. That world tree, or transplant to your Dongtian, you should open your own Dongtian world first."

Luo He said, Luo Yu nodded after hearing the words, and opened his own cave world. There was a huge vortex of space over the cave world of Luohe ancestors leading to Luo Yu Cave.

"World tree, get up!"

Luo He suddenly sighed, thinking of the power to control his cave space.


Just hearing a loud roar, the cave world of Luohe began to shake violently, and the world tree that was thousands of feet high roared and began to shake violently. Then it slowly broke through the earth and flew to the huge Space swirl.

The creatures in the caves of the Luohe ancestors, the beasts looked at all this in horror.

In the Luoyu Cave Sky, the huge world tree emerged from the space vortex, and slowly fell on a hundreds of miles of plain in the Luoyu Cave Sky World.

As soon as the plain fell, the silver roots of the world tree, if spiritual, quickly took root in the earth.

Luo Yu's cave world suddenly has a world tree thousands of feet tall!

And the power of space brought by the World Tree immediately merged into Luo Yu ’s cave world, and only heard a thunderous roar, Luo Yu ’s cave world is constantly expanding!

Ten thousand kilometers

11,000 kilometers

Twelve thousand kilometers!

Thirteen thousand kilometers!



20,000 kilometers! !!

Horrible, Luo Yu's cave sky actually doubled directly, twice as much as before!

The area of ​​his cave world is no smaller than that of many renovated cultivation secrets, and it can accommodate tens of millions of people and even hundreds of millions of people to survive, and there is more than enough space.

However, the newly expanded space is still barren. There is only a piece of wasteland. Luo Yu sends a voice to the spirit of the world, Lianer and Little White Tiger, who will naturally transform the cave.

Wearing a white tiger-patterned military robe, a 16- or 7-year-old Luo Yu juvenile looks like a small white tiger looking incredible at the expansion.

"Oh my God, where did my father get this world tree, it's eighth-order?"

Little white tiger rubbed his eyes.

"Brother, what are you talking about, don't hurry up"

Lian'er took a little white tiger, and the little white tiger just recovered. He and Lian'er quickly mobilized the heaven and earth in the space. The barren land gradually turned into green meadows, mountains, and lakes and rivers. , Gradually becoming richer.

This is the benefit of having the spirit of the world.

In Luohe Cave Heaven, without the World Tree, the power of space in Luohe Cave Heaven is obviously too weak, and Luohe is also somewhat weak. He sits on the temple chair and looks pale.

"Ancestral, you ..."

Luo Yu cares about stepping forward to help, Luo He waved his hand, and said, "Luo Yu, my remnant is about to dissipate immediately. I still have some spirits in the cave, and all the creatures in the world have moved to your own cave. , And then refined the cave days.

By the way, there is a nine-pin elixir called wormwood in Dongtian, which is for Yuner. After refining, she can directly refine the body into flesh, breaking through the shackles and becoming emperor. You remember to give her, and, Treat Luo Yu's servants kindly and treat them as real people. Those people are the earliest people who followed me in Luohe.

In the winter snow ice field in the outside world, there is a ball of heaven and earth, a strange fire, and a mysterious fire. I got the seal underneath that year. If you do n’t refine the flame, you can refine the fire. Do more with less "

Luohe was like explaining the funeral, and Luo Yu was told one by one, Luo Yu could not help feeling a little ruddy.

Luohe suddenly laughed and said, "I Luohe was born in Luoshen River. After two hundred years of cultivation, it has been across the continent. But in the end, everything will return to dust and soil. If there is an afterlife, I still vowed to ask the peak , Even if there were no bones on the road, hahaha, gone, gone ... "

In the laughter, there is the sadness of the hero's end, and there is an indomitable courage, and more is, no regrets. Even if he falls, his lover betrays, but he has no regrets!

After Luo He laughed, his blue eyes closed, and that ray of residual soul was exhausted and dissipated.

"Children and descendants Luo Yu, send ancestors!"

Luo Yu's voice was sobbing, kneeling on the ground, kneeling three times, and then got up, using a piece of jade to refine a jade coffin, and put the body of Luohe in the coffin.

"The ancestors rest assured, your regrets, Luo Yu will walk for you, the woman who betrayed you, Luo Yu, will let her come to Huangquan to atone for your sins, sure, sure!"

Luo Yu looked at the jade coffin and said it word by word. Then he put the jade coffin into his cave world.

Luo Yu then walked out of the Liuli Temple, and he also included the palace into his own cave.

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In this world, there are many living creatures and beasts fed by Luohe. Luo Yu's divine power directly covers the entire cave world. The powerful breath presses all the creatures to shiver.

"My name, Luo Yu, will be your new master, and all souls will gather in the plain."

With Luo Yu's order, all the monsters and spirit beasts, the demon king and demon king converged on the plain, with hundreds of thousands.

Luo Yu also collected this batch of living spirits into his own cave, and directly took away all the elixir treasures in the medicine field, including the most precious strain of nine-step wormwood.

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