Come to The Peak

Chapter 1477: : Demon is also affectionate

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Most of the good things in Luohe Dongtian were scraped away by Luo Yu, and then they left Luohe Dongtian and appeared in the hall of Luo people. The battle dragon and Luo Tianyi were still there.

Upon seeing Luo Yu come out, Zhanlong quickly asked, "Boss, what good things have you got?"

Asking about this is something that warriors are taboo after all, but the relationship between Zhanlong and Luo Yu is not to avoid these rules.

"I got a lot of treasures, I will tell you later, yes, I also got an eighth-order dragon crystal inside, for you"

Luo Yu directly lost a dragon crystal to the battle dragon, which was the only one of the most precious treasures he found in the treasure house of the Liulidian.

The battle dragon was not polite. He accepted it with a smile, and Luo Yu said to Luo Tianyi, "God, do you plan to continue living here, or follow me, and live in my world?"

"We naturally follow the clan master"

Luo Tianyi said.

"Okay, don't build a city of ice and snow. Call the people to move into my cave. Where has the city been built for you, and all kinds of cultivation resources are available. If you want a cave, you can also inform the spirit of the world.


Luo Tianyi and others retreated, and did what Luo Yu said. Soon after, hundreds of thousands of Luo people gathered, and Luo Yu entered the world of Dongtian and began to live in his world.

As for Luohe's Dongtian, Luo Yu is not in a hurry to refining immediately. Anyway, Dongzhu is there, he can refining at any time.

"Boss, now what are we going to do, Huizongmen?"

The two were over the Luo inner city, looking at the empty Luo inner city and the snow and snow, a ruined ice city.

There is no one in a thousand miles, and the ruins of a barren city give a sense of desolation.

"One day in the depths of this winter snow and ice field is a strange fire, a mysterious fire, and I am going to refining. It may take a long time to cultivate."

Luo Yu said.

Bingmo's mysterious fire, Tiandi Qiuhuo ranked sixth.

"Well, I just refined those two dragon crystals. After refining, my realm should be able to break through."

The battle dragon nodded, and the battle dragon entered his own cave world practice. Luo Yu took the cave dragon bead into the cave world.

The battle dragon entered the practice, Luo Yu flew to the vast snowy field, and the spirit power covered the entire winter snow ice field, and explored carefully.

Finally, he found the coldest place in the winter snow ice field, Luo Yu turned into a purple thunder, and flew towards the cold place.

First ¤ (hair (◎

Huh ...

The snowflakes fell into pieces, and the cold wind blew the long hair of Luo Yu's robes in a frenzied dance, which really complied with that poem.

Snowflakes are like palms that are difficult to cover their eyes, and wind is like a knife that keeps worrying

Not long after, Luo Yu flew over a vast snowy mountain.

The white giant peaks are layered on top of each other, forming a cedar forest standing in the cold wind. It is a rare beauty on the earth. From time to time, there is a sea of ​​blue, a lone eagle screams in the air, a dive down, almost like a lightning, and grabbed The only ferocious beast Snow Rabbit foraging.

The temperature here is the coldest, already below minus Baidu, and ordinary birds, beasts and humans cannot survive.

In this snow-capped mountain, there is a huge ice-snow canyon, hundreds of feet deep into the earth, and the ice cliffs are steep.

Luo Yu fell into the gorge, where the hot air in the gorge could be frozen into ice dregs, but for Luo Yu, this cold has nothing to do with itching.

After walking into the gorge, after a short walk, a pool of hundreds of meters in diameter appeared in the gorge.

This cold pool, braved a lot of white cold air into the outside time, the cold water is also pale white color.

And in the center of Hantan, there is a face-sized white lotus, seventh-order elixir, and iceberg snow lotus.

"Xuanbing Hantan, um, the pond water is a good quenching spirit."

Luo Yu smiled. He knew that the ice soul was below, and the water of this ice pond, regardless of the water, was the liquid condensed by the extremely cold air, and the temperature might be above minus 1000 degrees.

When Luo Yu was about to fly into the cold pool, a roar came suddenly, and the roar came from a distance in the canyon, with a sense of grief and indignation.

Luo Yu froze slightly. He stopped and walked slowly.

At the other end of the canyon, a group of people surrounded the two demons.

These two monsters are large and small pure white foxes.

The larger one is several feet in size, with white hair throughout, canine teeth sharp and four claws sharp, with six tails behind.

Spirit Beast, Six-tailed Snow Fox!

This snow fox, seeing the demon's strength fluctuating, has a spirit of fire, and the fox's fur has many wounds, one of which almost split her back in half.

And the baby fox, the size of an ordinary domestic cat, looks just after she was born, white fluffy, her eyes are like two blue gems, and behind her there are nine small tails, which are extremely cute.

Divine beast, nine-tailed fox!

Surrounded by them are four clan, three men and one woman, all are King Wu Xiuwei.

"Haha, you can't escape. Give up your pups, we can spare you a life."

The bald man sneered, holding a blood knife.

"Don't think"

The six-tailed snow fox spit out people's voices, it was a woman's voice.

"I don't know what to do, kill her, and take that nine-tailed fox to get the blood of the beast"

The bald man drank coldly, and the three killed the six-tailed snow fox.

"Screams ..."

The six-tailed snow fox guarded the cubs, and the six white-tailed tails suddenly turned into whip.

The three kept dodging, and from time to time launched attacks to kill the six-tailed snow fox.

The six-tailed snow fox protected her child from being harmed, and the small nine-tailed fox was under her soft body.

"Oh! Oh ..."

There was a constant wailing sound, the blood of the six-tailed snow fox and the tears of the little nine-tailed fox were mixed together.

Finally, the six-tailed snow fox who was seriously injured couldn't resist, and was fatally injured by two splits. She lay on the ground all at once, with a pair of claws and six tails covering herself and the small nine-tailed fox.

"Child, mother is sorry for you, mother can't protect you ... child, mother shouldn't take you to this world, sorry, sorry ..."

The tears of the six-tailed snow fox rolled down, and the little nine-tailed fox groaned constantly, licking her nose.

"go to hell"

The bald-headed man plunged angrily, and the blade was inserted into the back of the six-tailed snow fox. The six-tailed snow-fox wailed for the last time, his eyes gradually dim.

"Mother ~ Mother ~"

The little nine-tailed fox can finally speak, and the little paw holding the six-tailed fox's head crying and sorrowing and crying, it is the crisp cry of the girl.

"Hahahaha, these nine-tailed foxes are ours"

The bald-headed man stepped on the back of the six-tailed fox and laughed, jumped down, grabbed the nine-tailed fox, and held it in his hand.

The nine-tailed fox snarled at him, his four claws were scribbling, a sharp knife appeared in the hands of the bald man, and he sneered: "Little cute, the blood of your **** and beast is ours."

After that, he was about to open his belly, but his body freezes instantly, and everyone's body freezes instantly, staying in place and unable to move.

Luo Yu suddenly appeared in front of the man, took the nine-tailed fox gently, and then looked coldly at the four.

As soon as the thoughts moved, the power of space shrank, and the four beeps four times, exploding into four blood mists. No bones remain.

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