Come to The Peak

Chapter 1773: : Six reincarnation (six consecutive bursts)

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The two turned into two streamers and rushed to each other, almost colliding together in an instant.

Luo Yu punched out, and Shengyuanli in her body had become pure black.

With one punch, Wanli Space is like glass breaking, the power of reincarnation, the law of five elements, the power of destruction, the burning of Yuan, the power of Kendo, the power of the flesh!

Six forces converge on this punch, and one punch blows a small world, which is definitely not a lie.

And the momentum of Jiu Lei Tian Sheng is no worse than that of Luo Yu. However, he has cultivated the origins of the nine gods to the existence of the peak of the Holy Order.

Nine-colored Thunder Wrapped Boxing Body, Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Ice, Wind, Thunder, Empty!

Nine kinds of Shenlei powers condense on this fist.


Two fists, as if two worlds collided together, 10,000 miles, 20,000 miles, 100,000 miles, millions of miles!

The turbulent space within millions of miles and tens of millions of miles is filled with two horrible energies, and the space is completely broken.

The sky of the ancient Cang continent was completely broken, and the space was turbulent.

The space in Haizhou, Yucang mainland, was also affected by this horrible energy, the space was broken, and the horrible power was leaked out.

A strong man from Yuantai Realm just flew over here, swept by this energy, and exploded with his body slamming, the spirits were destroyed.

In a world of vast oceans, there is a cosmic hegemonic force, named Tianhejie!

A handsome man in a blue robe with white jade belt around his waist, standing on the seafront of the Xianyu Tower and the attic of the hall, suddenly woke up from the retreat and looked into the void in shock.

"This energy is the breath of Jiu Lei Tian Sheng! Who is not weak in his strength? Who is Jiu Lei fighting with?"

The man in the blue robe ripped through the void, felt the burst of energy, and flew over.

At the same time, not only him, the existence of Qiankang Realm in the Three Cang Realms also sensed the collision of these two terrible energies.

In the Tai Cang continent, in the Tai Cang palace, Cang Mingzi looked at the seal of the ancient Cang continent in shock, and a ray of shock appeared in his eyes.


Ren Zhongjing, Cang You and others flew over, shocked: "Brother, do you feel it?"

Cang Mingzi nodded his face solemnly, and said, "The strong man with the peak of Heavenly Holy is fighting, and in this energy, there are the nine gods and thunderous forces of Jiu Lei Tian Sheng. God fights! "

"The strongest Holy Saint!"

Several people were shocked when they heard.

"How many strongest is the Sancang Realm?"

"Let's go and take a look. The battle between the strongest Heavenly Saints is about the change in the situation on the entire continent, and you can't miss it."

Cang Mingzi tore the space between his words and flew towards the energy.

This is a world where everyone lives and works in peace and goodness. Everyone wants to be a Buddha and be good to others. The golden temples are everywhere in this world.

Little Buddha world! A world with few fights and fights.

Wearing a shabby young monk walking on the ground, holding a golden bowl in his hand, all the way to practice fasting, he suddenly frowned.

"Jiu Lei Tian Sheng, another breath is ... six reincarnations! Is Luo Yu and Ge Xiuzhu born and dead?"

The little monk muttered to himself, tearing up the space of the little Buddha world and disappearing in place.

The entire Three Cangjie! Most of the existence of Qiankun Realm has rushed to the energy burst!


In that turbulent void, the two figures kept in contact and collided, the purple excalibur and the thunder war spear collided, and the space shattered in the collision.


The two banged each other in one punch, spit blood and shot.

There is a ray of shock in Jiu Leitian's eyes, Luo Yu's strength is no less than him!

"I didn't expect that the incomplete six reincarnations were so powerful. If he was sanctified in the origin of samsara, what would he do!"

Jiu Leitian was stunned in his heart.

"Today, you will die!"

Luo Yujian refers to the indifference of Jiu Lei Tian Sheng.

"Well, you want to kill me, you must kill your brother first to complete the reincarnation source, it is possible, now you are not qualified, Kowloon Thunder!"

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng roared, his body suddenly turned into nine rays.

Gold, green, blue, red, yellow, white, cyan, purple, silver!

The nine gods turned into nine thunder dragons, snarled and killed Luo Yu.

With the sky moving through the sky, how can the power be described as a world of destruction.

"Sword of Samsara, six swords reincarnation!"

In the hand of Luo Yu, a purple sword screamed from the purple sword, and the six reincarnation forces in the body poured into the sword.

Six sword shadows emerged from behind him,

Then he stabbed with a sword, and there appeared a huge vortex of reincarnation, from which he shot six huge giant swords.

Black Sword of Destruction!

Black and white reincarnation sword!

Burning Skyfire Burning Sword!

Cyan Kendo Sword!

Golden Power Netherweave Sword!

Purple Five Elements Sword!

Feng! Feng! Feng! ...!

These six swords came out, annihilating the world, centering on Luo Yu, and slashing at the nine Thunder Dragons.

The sword of destruction was chopped on top of the golden thunder dragon, the golden thunder dragon exploded with a wailing sound, and the thunderous thunder filled.

The sword of reincarnation was chopped on the silver space thunder dragon, devouring the entire dragon!

The Sword of Flesh Spiritual Pattern directly shattered the yellow Thunder Dragon.

Six swords smashed six dragons and killed Jiu Lei Tiansheng.

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng looks terrified, the power of Jiu Lei bursts out to resist, and protects the world.

Six swords slashed!

There were also three Thunder Dragons, who also blasted to Luo Yu.

Rumble ...!

Two energies erupted, and their figures were drowned in that terrible energy.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

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The surface of Jiu Leitian's body exploded with sword energy, and the whole person was torn into pieces.

And Luo Yu himself was blasted by three Thunder Dragons!

They even killed a draw!

This is also the first fall of Luo Yu's flesh!

The body of Jiu Lei Tian Sheng condenses slowly in the intersection of thunder and light, and Luo Yu's body is surrounded by white creatures, and bones, flesh and blood are also born on the surface of the Holy Spirit.

Unconsciously, in the surrounding void, nearly a thousand figures have gathered, looking at the two in shock.

They are all the great powers of the Sancang Realm. At this time, I am afraid that most of the saints in the Sancang Realm have come together.

"Who the **** is that? He can even tie with Jiu Lei Tiansheng!"

"His, he, he's Luo Yu, how could it be, how could Luo Yu be so powerful that he could fight against Jiu Lei Tian Sheng!"

"Did Sancang Realm have another strongest Saint?"

Those who came to know or didn't know Luo Yu showed dread and awe.

It is the strongest Heavenly Saint that can kill the body at the same time as Jiulei Heavenly Saint.

In the crowd, two people looked at the power of reincarnation on Luo Yu inconceivably.

They are, Ge Xiuzhu and Waner!

"How can this be, Xiaoyu, it turned out to be Xiuwen!"

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