Come to The Peak

Chapter 1774: : Human Ancestry

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Ge Xiuzhu and Wan'er's eyes were shocked.

"How can Xiaoyu be a reincarnation? How could we not find out before?"

Waner said in shock.

"Xiuwen ... Xiuwen ... Xiao Yu ..."

And Ge Xiuzhu's eyes looking at Luo Yu were more complicated, with joy, doubt, and a hint of helplessness and pain.

The flesh of the two was condensed after a few breaths. Jiu Leitian looked at Luo Yu coldly and said, "The incomplete six reincarnations can be so powerful. It is indeed the ultimate of the reincarnation, but you still cannot kill. Me, Xiuwen, what are we talking about? "

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng should make peace!

Also, Luo Yu is a reincarnation body. If he can't kill him, he might as well take a step back and make peace.

"Make peace? Hahaha ... make peace?"

Luo Yu smiled.

"If peace can save my third brother, then we can make peace, but my third brother is dead, Jiu Lei, was killed by your people, I swear to him, I must kill you!"

Luo Yu roared, carried purple zygomatics, and turned into a sword light to kill Jiulei Tiansheng.

"I don't know why, you think I'm afraid you won't succeed"

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng was furious, and saw a nine-color thunder bead in his hand.

This bead is surrounded by thunder and light, and contains terrifying power. One bead is a party of thunder.

Superb artifact, Jiu Leizhu!

One of the strongest cards of Jiu Lei Tian Sheng.

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng Jiu Lei's power surged into Jiu Lei Zhu.

With a roar, Jiu Leizhu became a few kilometers in size and suspended above Jiu Lei Tiansheng. Jiu Thunder Dragon tumbled and roared inside Jiu Leizhu, and a terrible energy wave spilled out.

Rumble ...!

"Nine Thunders are gone!"

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng roared, and saw nine Thunder Dragons roaring and killing from within Nine Thunder Pearls. The power was much more powerful than the nine Lei power he had played before.

boom! boom! boom!

Between the nine thundering gallops, that million miles of space was broken, and the power was scary.


The first golden thunder dragon came, and Luo Yu struck it with two swords, slashing thunder dragon in half.


However, the second turquoise thunder dragon hit Luo Yu severely.


Luo Yujian protected his body, but was still bombed and tossed, and his body was seriously injured.

Articles 3, 4 and 5 ... All Thunder Dragons are madly killed, and they are about to kill Luo Yu.


When Ge Xiuzhu saw this scene, he suddenly raised his heart and roared.

"Tower of Babel!"

However, at this time, Luo Yu also had a small golden tower in his hands. The small tower rose against the wind and turned into a huge tower. He himself was hiding in the tower.

boom! boom! boom!

All the other thunder dragons bombarded the golden giant tower. The golden giant tower was surrounded by eight lights, resisting the thunder dragon's bombardment, and the golden light flickered.

But the space around the golden giant tower was all broken.

"Well, the Sky Tower! Sky Tower really is in your hands!"

The sight of Jiu Lei Tian Sheng seeing this scene is extremely ugly, and the Tongtian Tower is also an excellent artifact.

The figure of Luo Yu appeared outside the tower again, and most of the Shengyuanli in his body was drawn into the tower.

Buzz ...!

The towering tower exudes horrific power, dazzling with light.

"Badao Zhensha!"

Luo Yu urged Tongtian Tower, and eight colored lights converged and killed Jiulei Tiansheng.

The Baicai Shenguang contains the power of eight rules, including gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, thunder, and wind.

"Nine Thunders are gone!"

The roar of Jiu Lei Tian Sheng urged Jiu Lei Zhu again, and Nine Thunder Dragons blasted to Ba Cai Shen Guang.

The power of these two attacks almost exceeded the scope of the strongest Heavenly Saint. A small world outside the void of millions of miles directly collapsed and shattered.

The world of the ancient Cang continent was also struggling to support under the protection of many saints.

However, at this time, two purple chaos gods of light shot out from the void, forming two enchantments, enveloping two attacks, without letting the two attacks kill each other.

The two terrorist attacks exploded in the enchantment. The enchantment was dim, almost broken, and full of cracks.

"Well, this is ..."

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The two were astonished, but they were powerful in Tiansheng, almost sweeping the world with Tiansheng who was not in an energy level.

And Luo Yu and Jiu Lei Heavenly Saint, and all the Heavenly Saints, the Great Saints, and the saintly strong men will show the color of terror under this coercion.

"Meet the ancestor!"

All the powers of Qiankun Realm are saluting salute at this moment, shouting the ancestor in their mouths.

Luo Yu and Jiu Lei Tiansheng received the artifact and respectfully saluted.

The Chaos God Light just now is the sage's shot!

Shengzu, that is the highest peak of the universe at the level of San Cangjie.

Some people say that the ancestor is the pinnacle of the world, most people think so.

However, some people say that Shengzu is actually another realm, another martial arts world.

However, no matter what kind of statement, the strength of Shengzu need not be questioned.

"Jiu Lei, Xiu Wen, enough. If you continue to fight, the walls of the San Cang Jie will be affected. The grudges between you have already hurt the whole world. If you fight again, you can only seal your two "

An indifferent voice sounded with great coercion. In the discourse, there was absolute strength and confidence.

Luo Yu and Jiu Lei glanced at each other coldly, without speaking.

Listening to this voice, Luo Yu already knew that the ancestor shot.

Human ancestor, the first peak of the human race in the world of San Cang.

"Human ancestor Ming Jian, Jiu Lei has an intention to make peace with Xiu Wen, Xiu Wen himself must be entangled with Jiu Lei to live and die"

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng holds his fists respectfully.

"Okay, the grudges between you are very clear. Although this seat acquiesced you to seal Gu Cang, it did not let you seal the seal with confusion. All grievances will be divided after the catastrophe."

The ancestor yelled.

Then he sent a message to Luo Yu alone: ​​"As for Xiuwen, this seat is also because of the friendship between you and Xiuzhu. It takes a lot of effort to seal your memory, and the power of reincarnation avoids the pain of the two of you forever. The power of reincarnation is unlocked, this seat is not for you to use this power to destroy the world, all grievances, after the catastrophe you and the two of you will be separated.

Luo Yu heard a word in her heart, and then suddenly realized that the power of her reincarnation was originally sealed by human ancestors.

But it is also the strength of the seal reincarnation that only exists at the level of Shengzu.

"Yes, Nine Thunders Respect the Decree"

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng respectfully said.

"Imperial Order of Luo Yu"

Luo Yu also respectfully led.

The ancestors later said to all Qiankun saints: "The time of the great calamity is not too long, so wait to work hard to help the San Cangjie survive this calamity. I do n’t want to see a large-scale sacred crowd fight again. If not, it will die! "

A sentence of gray flying smoke killed the murderous domineering Ling Ran.

"Respect the law!"

The mighty man on the field, respectfully, should be respectful, and dare not violate it in the slightest.

Then the voice suddenly disappeared again and again in the heavens and the earth, as if never before ...

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