Come to The Peak

Chapter 186: :fate

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Chapter 186: Destiny

"Diao Mang, you really play!" Luo Yu, looking away from the sword, looked at the sword marks on the ground with a somber face.

"Huh! Who wants to show mercy to your men, today let this girl teach you a lesson prodigal son."

"Smelly girl, do you think the little master is afraid of you, today who sees who teaches who!" Luo Yu held the Kendo in both hands.

It wasn't that he wanted to have general knowledge with the girls, but that the girl shot too hard and used martial arts as soon as she shot. If he hadn't been hiding fast, he would have been seriously injured if he could not die with the power of that flame sword.

"Miss ...!"

Just as the two were out of control, a shout came from a distance, and a black sergeant on a white horse rushed over.

Sergeant Heisha turned over and dismissed Xuan Xuan, and said, "Miss, there is a distinguished guest in the palace, and the Lord wants you to hurry back"

"Guy! Who?" Fu Xuanxuan asked, suddenly.

Heisha Sergeant approached and whispered in Fu Xuanxuan's ear, then took two steps back.

After hearing this, Fu Xuanxuan said, "What, they are here! Hee hee, I haven't seen them for a long time."

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Luo Yu looked at him without saying a word.

"Boy, this girl has something to do with you today, so I won't see you in general. Don't let this girl see you next time."

Luo Yu froze.

Fu Xuanxuan said, turned over and rode on the black flame unicorn

"Dead Xiaohei, you made me lose face today." Riding on the Heiyan unicorn, Fu Xuanxuan twisted Xiaohei's ears angrily. For Fu Xuanxuan's provocative power, Xiaohei did not dare to be angry Dare to speak, but had two voices of grievance.

"Drive! Go!"

Fu Xuanxuan patted the back of the tiger, and left with the black sergeant. When he left, he turned around and looked at Luo Yu with a hate, as if to remember the other person's appearance in his heart, so that he could take revenge next time.

After Fu Xuanxuan left, Luo Yu also carried the purple giant sword back on his back, then jumped onto the carriage.

"Oh, boy, I found that you're quite feminine. You can meet women there."

Lao Hao laughed inside the carriage.

"Come on, Master, this kind of femininity is still rare," Luo Yu said helplessly.

"Hee hee, my brother is so good or bad, there are flowers everywhere," Xiao Lan laughed.

"Um ... Xiao Lan, who taught you this?" Luo Yu's head was full of black lines, and she even left a fascinating impression on Xiaoya's heart.

"What Sister Yao said this month, she said that handsome boys are fancy, and they will mess with flowers," Xiao Lan said innocently.

"Don't listen to her talking blindly. Although the brother is so handsome, he is definitely a good man with a loyalty." Luo Yu shook her long hair and said very badly.

Xiaolan "..."

"Come on, boy, don't be narcissistic, hurry up and find an inn."

The three of Luo Yu found a house named Xiankelai and stayed there. They asked for a Tianzihao room. The so-called Tianzihao room was actually a separate courtyard. A red plum was opened in the courtyard. It was white. There is a touch of joy in the courtyard. There are four courtyard rooms, and a training room dedicated to martial arts to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth. Among them, there is a poly array, which helps the martial arts to absorb the vitality better.

However, the entire courtyard of such a facility is not worth it. It costs 1,000 yuan a night to stay, which is a cheap stone. Luo Yu paid a half month's room fee, which is 15 yuan. stone.

"Master, what about the next days?" In the spacious training room, the three sat cross-legged on a futon. A burning copper furnace drove out the cold, and a ray of green smoke slowly rose. The room was full of a touch of light. Sandalwood fragrance.

"There are nearly twenty days left in Tabitha. The next 20 days will teach you a caster for the teacher to get you started. After you go to the Luo tribe to participate in Tabitha, you will take Xiao Lan to the extreme cold to solve her cold. The phage problem "

Hao Lao said faintly, probably planning the direction of the next trip.

"Uh-huh! When did you start teaching me the caster?" Luo Yu asked expectantly.

"Oh, stinky boy, what are you anxious! Take a day off today. You have experienced a lot of things along the way, a lot of battles. Let's take a good look at yourself, practice all the way, relax and relax, and the cultivation of your mind is No, from time to time, you need to stop and summarize the gains and losses, so that you can go faster and go further, "Hao Lao scolded and exhorted.

"Oh, Master taught that Yuer was taught"

Then Luo Yu found a room by herself, unloaded the giant purple sword, unloaded the black iron shield, unloaded all the equipment, and lay comfortably on the bed, while the little sparrow flew on the beam of the house with eyes closed.

With your hands behind your head, you looked at the roof quietly, remembering everything you had set foot on the ancient martial arts, Meng Xin's death, she broke through the innate and was killed by the inner strength of the murder, and then the soul was reborn and reborn. In this wonderful and colorful world of warriors, in the six years when he was boring and humiliated, Qinger's unwavering companionship, later digging, and later Qinger was taken away by the mysterious strongman of the Zixia Tianzong, Bailu three major In the family battle, Nangong Xiner died to save him, and met the teacher Hao, thinking that everything was behind him.

Unconsciously, after experiencing so many things, after hearing about the battle of the demon warrior, Luo Yu's heart gave birth to a feeling, perhaps, his rebirth in this world is not an accident, perhaps, there has always been a pair of mysterious hands behind Promote all this, perhaps, what relationship this world has with previous lives.

He had too many confusions, too many puzzles, and even felt like he was caught in a chess game, and he was the important chess piece that could affect the game.


Too much confusion makes a long sigh.

"Perhaps, there is a destiny in this world." Luo Yu reached out and looked at her palm.

"Mo Yu, are you faithful?" Suddenly asked the little bird on the room beam.

"Woo!" The little dragon murmured lowly, a touch of thought appeared in the aura of the purple pupil, then shook his head.

"Oh, don't believe me? I just don't believe in destiny, I just believe in myself!" Luo Yu suddenly clenched her fists.

"Since you are not faithful, and I am not faithful, then let the two of us who are not faithful fight this god, and I have to see what secrets are hidden behind my rebirth. Who is behind all this, even if it is a game, even if I am a chess piece, I will jump out of this game, because I am Luo Yu, my destiny can only be controlled by myself, not by others about!"

Huh! The chickadee nodded humanely.

"Hahahaha, you can go against the sky, or jump out of the game, no matter what, with you along the way, I'm not alone in Luo Yu!" Luo Yu jumped up, jumped on the beam, and touched the little dragonfinch. Feather laughed.

In another spacetime, in a strange space, a jade table carved by a **** jade, a pot of jade wine, wearing a purple gold robe, a man who looks handsome and not like a man laughs

"Ha ha ha ha, did the little guy notice? Ha ha, there are 10,000 years, 10,000 years, before the calamity of heaven and earth comes, I wait for you to rise"


It ’s okay to work overtime, stay up all night, no matter how low the manuscript fee, how bad the grade is, haha, this way, with you, I am not alone in October

(To be continued)

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