Come to The Peak

Chapter 187: : Thief

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Chapter 187: Thief

As soon as the next day, Luo Yu could not wait to knock Hao Lao's door.

"You rotten boy, I knew you couldn't sit still, come in!" Hao Lao in the room said.

: & ... starting

"Hey, Master, your old man understands me," Luo Yu pushed open the door and laughed.

And Hao Lao sat cross-legged on the bed, covered with fiery red Zhenyuan. Obviously Hao Lao was also practicing. After Luo Yu entered the door, Hao Lao Zhenyuan closed and opened his closed eyes, emitting two red lights.

"Hey, the next day is here, Master, can you teach me the caster now?" Luo Yu laughed with rubbing her hands, with a look of ... um ... a look of lustful smile, like a little fox stealing a chicken.

"Don't worry, before you buy something," Hao Lao slowly shook his head.

"Buy something? What do you buy? Is it the material of the caster?" Luo Yu asked.

Who knew Hao Hao shook his head and said, "Go to the street and buy a basket of eggs, the more the better"

"Fuck, eggs! Master, don't you want eggs for breakfast? Buy boiled eggs! Or fried poached eggs."


"Oh ... Master, don't start."

"If you want to buy it for your teacher, then there is so much nonsense. Don't cook eggs or poached eggs. Buy raw eggs, the more the better."

The old man was still hot-tempered, but he just pity Luo Yu.

"Raw eggs, why buy raw eggs?" Luo Yu asked, rubbing her head.

"Of course it's for your refiner," Hao Lao said with closed eyes, too lazy to look at Luo Yu.

"Refiner! Can eggs be used in the refiner?"

"You have so much nonsense, go and buy it, do you still want to learn it?" Hao Lao Ren roared unbearably.

"Think about it! Of course! Don't talk about eggs, even if it's Master Golden Egg your old man wants, I'll find it for you," Luo Yu said quickly, covering her ears.

"Yuer, I'll buy it for you," Luo Yu said, and ran out of the room.

"What the **** is a master trying to lay eggs?" Luo Yu really couldn't figure out what the raw eggs had to do with the mixer.

"Oh, this bag is so big that my father is getting more and more hands-on, is it because menopause is here?" Luo Yu rubbed his head and scolded him and left.

Walking on the street, looking at the lively crowd, Luo Yu looked everywhere for eggs. After looking for a long time, there were all kinds of places selling weapons, elixir, veterinary materials, and medicinal materials. When I asked for eggs, I shook my head and said no.

Out of a restaurant, Luo Yu stood on the street and cursed, "His grandmother didn't have any broken restaurant, and there were no eggs. They were all his beastly eggs such as flaming bird eggs. The old man wanted a basket. How can you afford to breed eggs? "

Luo Yu didn't want to think about it. In this world where warriors are everywhere, who eats low-energy things like eggs, warriors replenishing energy and physical strength are both powerful and energy-rich beasts. The eggs they eat are also fierce beasts. The eggs of poultry, as for low-level things like eggs, are only eaten by poor people. The eggs that were seen everywhere in the previous life turned out to be a rare thing here.

"Ah ... I'll go to the ordinary people's house," Luo Yu sighed.

"Don't run! Stop!"

There was a commotion in the crowd.

I saw a group of tall men running wild on the street. In front of it was a fifteen-year-old girl with a beautiful face galloping. This girl was dressed in a black dress and a long black hair tied to the waist, which is the most memorable. It was those beautiful eyes, full of agility.

This girl is not very high. She is about six in the day after tomorrow, but she is extremely fast, she is extremely flexible, and moves quickly through the crowd. The eight big men behind her who are chasing her are all the soldiers in the day after tomorrow. Above this girl, she can't catch up with this girl.

"Hee hee hee, a bunch of idiots who want to catch up with my aunt, but still have to practice speed," said the girl, looking back at the gang Han Jiao who laughed at her.



Just as she turned around, she suddenly bumped into a person, who was Luo Yu who had just come out of the restaurant.

The girl sat on the ground and rubbed her head, looking at Luo Yudao, "Smelly boy, why don't you walk with long eyes and hit my girl?"

Luo Yu covered her nose smashed by the girl and said angrily, "Who doesn't have long eyes. The young man came out of the restaurant and you hit yourself. I haven't said you yet. You will be the wicked."


"Stop, little thief, dare to steal our master's blood king ginseng, and see if we can catch your leg without breaking!"

What did the girl want to say, but the band of warriors was about to catch up, the girl stared at Luo Yu, and got up and galloped away from Luo Yu.

"Abominable! Mom is really a man who has gotten his teeth out of bad luck and drinking cold water, and can still be hit by walking along the way," Luo Yu scolded with a sore nose.

"Eh! Wait! What about my storage bag?" At this moment, Luo Yu accidentally touched her waist, and found that there was nothing over the waist, and there were traces in the original storage bag hanging on the waist.

"Rely on! A thief!" Luo Yu said bitterly, and the eight martial artists who were chasing the girl also ran past Luo Yu.

"Wait! The little girl stole it?" After knowing who stole it, there was a hint of playfulness in Luo Yu's eyes.

"Mo Yu!" Called, the little dragon on his shoulder nodded clearly, soared into the sky, and then flew in one direction, Luo Yu also chased away in the direction of the little dragon ...

"Hee hee, a bunch of stupid people, isn't it that they can't catch up with this girl!" The girl fled into a remote alley, secretly glanced back at the group of big men who were thrown far behind, grinning.

Subsequently, a golden silk storage bag appeared in the slender hand of jade, which was Luo Yu's storage bag.

"Boy, dare to hit this girl, this storage bag is the price you paid for hitting this girl." The girl smiled slyly, then put away the storage bag, then turned and turned around.


"Why yo, who! Hit the aunt again" The girl turned and walked away, and then bumped into another person.

At first glance, he was a young man with a purple sword on his back, a black alien bird standing on his shoulders, and looking at him with arms folded.

"You, you, you, you ... you are the stinky kid just now! When did you catch up?" The girl covered her little mouth, fingers Luo Yudao, and her beautiful eyes were incredible.

Luo Yu stretched out her hand and said lightly, "Bring it!"

"What?" Asked the girl in a silly costume.

"I don't want to take action with a little girl, and bring it myself," Luo Yu said indifferently.

"Uh ... you found it, hehe, okay, here you are!"

The girl reached into her arms, as if pulling out Luo Yu's stolen storage bag, but suddenly took out two inch-long flying knives, a five-finger clip, and a shaking hand, and the flying sword shot at Luo Yu. .

"Hum!" Luo Yu snorted and didn't dodge. She reached out with lightning and caught a two-handed flying knife ...

(To be continued)

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