Come to The Peak

Chapter 191: : The first step to learn the caster?

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After hearing Luo Yu's heart trembled, he did not expect that this young and lively girl had such a sad past and had endured so much.

"You ask responsibility and martial arts, and they are my responsibility and martial arts," Linger said lightly.

"Linger! I'm sorry ..." Luo Yu looked at the thin figure of the girl, and for some reason a slight heartache arose in his heart. He was apologizing for what he had just said.

"It's okay, I have been used to other people's strange eyes for so many years," Linger shook her head indifferently.

Who hasn't known the sad past, although he Luo Yu has endured a lot of humiliation, but he is much better than those who were born in the flames of war. Those people have lost relatives and friends since childhood. He Luo Yu is at the bottom of his life. Shi Hao had Qinger to accompany him, anyway, he loved his parents so much, but these children had no family. The young girl endured the words of the world's shame, and used her thin body to support these children. Family.

Who believes that the thief is the scum of the society, who says that the thief is a ruthless and unjust person. This girl is a thief, but she respects Luo Yu, and she is only 15 or 16 years old. Luo Yu ’s young age can bear it. Those humiliations must be the soul of a martial artist who has suffered setbacks.

Alas ... man, if a love letter lives a life, a responsibility is a lifetime, how many people really live for themselves? How many people have survived themselves. In this impetuous world, how many people have drifted away from their original intentions, and were frustrated by fame and fortune, and Luo Yu, only some of the original attachment, that original heart, to support him in the **** and cruel, intriguing martial arts, That attachment is his martial arts heart.

"Cooked meals, come and eat them!" Wu Ma cried at this moment.

"Hee hee, don't talk about those, just go to eat, Wu Ma's craftsmanship is very good," Ling Erjiao laughed, sweeping the melancholy and sadness on her face, and she had already learned how to adjust her emotions.

"Oh, good!" Luo Yu laughed.

Wu Ma made a large table with the help of a few older and sensible children, and sat around with a group of children. The meal was also exceptionally special and warm.

Later, Linger collected a large basket of eggs for Luo Yu in the civilian area and gave it to Linger, who thanked him and left a storage bag under Linger's push and left.

"Hey! Where do you live?" Linger shouted at Luo Yu's back.

"Cyclamen, No. 1 in the Sky!"

Luo Yu's voice came from afar.

Looking at Luo Yu's back, Linger opened the storage bag. It was full of shiny stones, and there were more than one hundred inferior stones ...

Looking at the back of Luo Yu's huge sword on the roof, Linger's eyes were wet ...

Back in the compound, a teenager in a black robe was joking with the children, his face warming like a smile.

"Brother! You are back!"

Linger asked in surprise.

"Uh-huh, Linger, I went there just now, and, why is there a strange smell here?" The black-robed boy sniffed.

Fuck, buddy, are you a dog born again? Nose is so good!

"Just now, a friend came, by the way, your mission is complete," Linger asked.

"No, I met an opponent and failed." The boy in black robe touched the head of the child named Ermao and shook his head.

"You have failed? What kind of opponent?" Linger asked in surprise, but she knew his brother's strength clearly. Except for the so-called Qingyang Five Great Tianjiao of the same age and peers, few were his opponents.

"That was a boy using a giant sword ..." The boy in black robe recalled something.

"A teenager using a giant sword? Oh, my friend also uses a giant sword, and a fierce alien bird" Linger thought of Luo Yu, with a sweet smile in his mouth.

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"Friends who use giant swords, and heterogeneous birds and birds!" After hearing this, the narrow phoenix of the black robe youth shot a fine light, and smelled the strange breath in the air, and had a sense of familiarity.

"It's him! Luo Yu!"

The young man in black robe said suddenly, his eyes were full of intent.

"Brother, you know Luo Yu!" Linger asked curiously.

"Linger, how did you meet Luo Yu?" The black-robed boy asked instead, without answering Linger's question.

Although Linger was puzzled, he didn't conceal the boy in black robes, and said what happened to Luo Yu.

"He saved your life! He gave you a hundred dollars!" The young boy in black robe was slightly surprised, and the killing in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"Brother, why do you know Luo Yu again?" Linger asked

"Oh, my brother met by chance during a mission." The boy in a black robe smiled and twitched his sister's slightly messy hair in front of his forehead.

Who knows that the cold-blooded and cruel **** hand Shura to the assassination target has such a tender side to his sister.

"Mission! Brother, you are a bounty hunter, Luo Yu will not be your target for assassination!" Linger was surprised, and she knew his brother's identity.

Looking at his sister's worried look, the boy in black robe looked a little weird, and then smiled, "Relax, brother and he are also friends!"

"Really? But I noticed a bit of murder on you," Linger suspected.

"Um ... I have played against him before, be considered an opponent, but now he is a friend, okay, don't guess, brother has not eaten yet, go and help Wu Ma to order some food" The girl in the black robe pinched Linger Face said.

Linger nodded and entered the room, while the boy in the black robe stood in the courtyard and looked up at the group of hectic children

"Luo Yu, Luo Yu, what kind of person are you ..."

The full name of Linger is Bai Linger ...

When returning, Luo Yu's feet were suffocated, and the speed was faster than when I was with Linger. It took only half an hour to rush from the civilian area more than 100 kilometers away to the bustling area and returned to Cyclamen. Small courtyard.

"Master, I bought the eggs you wanted," yelled at Luo Yu as soon as he entered.

"Hum! Smelly boy, why did it take so long to buy an egg?" Hao Leng hummed.

"You also said that for these broken eggs, I rushed to the urban area more than 100 kilometers away to get my hands."

"Why is there a **** smell on your body and go out to kill people and buy more goods?" Hao Lao frowned.

"It ’s the kind of person who kills and buys more goods. I ’m going to read a super scripture to kill a chicken. I ’ll kill someone so kindly? I just met a few unscrupulous hair thieves. Blessed, "Luo Yu said shamelessly.

"Okay, don't be sloppy, now that the eggs have been sold back, now you are going to teach you the skills you need to master in the first step of the caster," Hao Dan said lightly.

After hearing the words, Luo Yu felt a joy in her heart, full of expectations, "Are you finally going to start teaching me the caster"

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