Come to The Peak

Chapter 192: : Fire Control

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Luo Yu and Hao Lao entered the training room, and Xiao Lan watched curiously, tossing the little bird from time to time.

"What about the eggs you bought? Take them out," said Hao Lao.

"Uh-huh" Luo Yu nodded and took out a large basket of white and yellow eggs from the storage bag. There were more than a thousand eggs.

Hao Lao beckoned, and an egg flew into Hao Lao's hands automatically.

"Stink boy, you're optimistic" After Hao Lao finished speaking, a blast of blue flames appeared in the palm of his hand, which was the blue flame of the heart.

The blue flame of the soul is made into a tongue of fire, which wraps the egg and burns slowly. In less than three seconds, the blue flame of the heart is extinguished, and the egg is steamed and intact.

"Next!" Hao Lao threw the hot eggs to Luo Yu, and Luo Yu caught them with his hands. Of course, the temperature on the eggs couldn't burn his hands.

"Look what's changed!" Hao said.

Luo Yu frowned, then opened the eggshell, and the eggs were solidified.

"Did you realize anything?" Hao asked again.

"Yeah yeah, yes! Yes! Yes! Absolutely" Luo Yu nodded, biting an egg.

"Oh! What did you realize?" Hao Lao asked with anticipation.

"Hee hee ... I realized that roasted eggs are better than boiled eggs!" Luo Yu smiled hesitantly.


"Oh! Master, don't always hit a place, that bag hasn't disappeared in the morning," Luo Yu said, clutching her head.

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"Smelly boy, tell you the serious stuff for your teacher, don't hesitate and smile" Hao grunted his teeth.

"Brother doesn't cry, Xiao Lan rubs it for you." Xiao Lan caressed the big bag on Luo Yu's head, a cool air poured out from Xiao Lan's palm, gently wrapped the big bag on the head, and suddenly swelling Mostly.

"Thank you, Xiao Lan, how are you?" Luo Yu pinched Xiao Lan's fluffy face.

"Hey, Master, wasn't the kid just joking with you just now, don't get angry" Luo Yu smiled.

"Hmm! Look again, what's the difference this time?" Hao Lao snorted, and then a piece of black metal appeared in his hand, which was iron essence.

In the palm of Hao Lao's heart, blue flames poured out again, enclosing the iron essence, but the iron essence instantly melted, and then turned into black and gray. This short process also took only three seconds.

"How about this time, did you realize anything?" Hao Lao asked again.

Luo Yu said nothing, frowning at the black ash burnt by iron on the ground, and glanced at the egg in his hand, he seemed to understand something

"Master, I know, it's the temperature! The temperature is different" Luo Yu suddenly realized

"Yes, it's the temperature. It's the same three seconds. The fragile eggs are roasted, and the hard and high-temperature resistant iron essence is melted and ashed. The biggest difference is the temperature difference, and what the teacher wants to tell you is the casting. One of the skills that the instrument master must control, and the most important one is to control the fire. To be precise, the temperature of the fire control can reach the level that he wants, "explains Lao Hao.

Luo Yu nodded suddenly.

"And the teacher asked you to buy eggs for you to practice your fire control skills. As long as you can cook the eggs without being damaged within twenty seconds, your fire control skills are small, and If you want to learn the refiner, you must do this. Of course, other casters may not ask the disciples so much, but my disciples of Liu Hao must do this. The casters must be familiar with various materials to build weapons. Melting point and skilled fire control. When the flame temperature is high, the material is burned. When the temperature is low, the material will not melt, allowing you to bake eggs. One is to let you control the fire control skills. The other is to let you find the eggs. Do you understand the freezing point? "Hao said.

"Thank you Master for your advice, my disciples understand." Luo Yu bowed down, and Hao Lao really worked hard for him. This method was also conceivable.

"Oh, okay, I will give you three days for the teacher, and you practice well" Hao Lao smiled comfortably, then left the practice room, leaving only Luo Yu and Xiao Lan.

"Brother, come on, Xiao Lan will accompany you," Xiao Lan said, taking out a lot of food from her storage bag.

Since the innate cold spirit awakened, Xiao Lan's appetite has increased greatly. There is nothing else in the storage bag, all food.


Luo Yu nodded, then sat down cross-legged, took out an egg from the egg basket, mobilized the thunder flame beast fire in Dantian, the tinder beating, a heat flow flowing along the veins, flowing in the palm of his hand, and the sound of the palm of his hand appeared A black-purple thunder flame beast fire, Luo Yu put eggs into it.



As soon as the eggs were put in, the eggs were immediately burned and burst into flames by the overbearing temperature of Lei Yan's beast fire. The egg shells and egg whites were immediately burned to charred, a black smoke rose, and the smell was pungent.

"Burning! Is the temperature too high?" Luo Yu frowned at the black and grey frown in her palm.

Then I lowered the temperature a bit and put an egg on it.


As a result, the egg burst again after two seconds.

Luo Yu adjusted the temperature of Lei Yan's beast fire again and put an egg


This lasted for five seconds, and the egg was crumbling again.

Luo Yu continued to adjust the temperature.

"Six seconds!" Crackling!

"Eight seconds, crackling!

"Ten seconds, crackling!

Fifteen seconds, seventeen seconds, ...

Egg after egg is burnt and fried ...

"Twenty seconds! Haha" This time it was not scorched and burst.

I don't know how many eggs Luo Yu finally managed to hold for twenty seconds after being scorched without being burst.


Open the eggshell and see that the egg white is still egg white, the egg yolk is still egg yolk, is not cooked at all and has not solidified.

"I depend! This is too difficult," Luo Yu scolded with annoyance.

After realizing it, Luo Yu knew what Hao Lao had cooked the cooked egg in three seconds and the fire control skill of the three-meter charred iron essence.

"The fire control realm can't be cultivated in a few days." Luo Yu was a little frustrated

"Three days! I only give myself three days. This difficulty can scare me. What face do I have to say in front of Master to climb martial arts? Ask Ding martial arts?" Luo Yu crushed the egg in his hands, in his eyes A flash of firmness flashed.

Wow! Lei Yan beast fire erupted again in his hand, Luo Yu calmly condensed gas, carefully controlled the temperature of Lei Yan beast fire, and then put the eggs.


The egg breaks again, and the flame temperature is too high? Then remember this temperature and adjust it.


Eggs are not cooked in twenty seconds? Then raise the temperature a bit, not to exceed the critical point of the last roast.

On the first day, one thousand eggs were used up. Luo Yu went back to the civilian area to find Linger and collected another basket. On the second day, as the eggs burst, the eggs in the basket were adjusted again and again. It is also becoming less and less, and Luo Yu's fire control skills are also improving, from bursting to unfamiliar, from unfamiliar to half-boiled. Luo Yu has improved significantly.

The third day ...

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