Come to The Peak

Chapter 193: : Devil and Shura

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The third day

"Yi Luoyu, why do you want too many eggs? Didn't you collect two big baskets for you two days ago? What the **** are you doing with so many eggs? You have a tendency to collect eggs?"

Luo Yu found Linger again, and Linger was curious about a lot of questions.

"Eh ... you don't care anyway, I'll be useful, just walk around and help me collect it," Luo Yu said, pushing the girl's slender Yaobei.

"Okay, okay, I really served you. Why would a warrior want so many eggs? Generally, warriors do n’t eat low-energy things. You still want basket by basket." Linger was helpless by Luo Yu shoves away, then collects eggs for him again.

After Linger left, Luo Yu looked at a group of children in the compound and beat.


A white light came at him

Luo Yu's eyes narrowed, his left hand stretched out like lightning, and he grasped the white light.

This is a flying knife he seems to have seen before. A note is attached to the flying knife, which says, "I am waiting for you in a grove three kilometers away."

The typeface is clear and unfamiliar, Luo Yu wonders, "Who is waiting for me in the woods? This flying knife seems to have been seen there!"

Confused in his heart, he jumped on the roof and looked around. There was a snow-covered grove on the open ground in the north. Luo Yu took off his sword and rushed to the grove.

At his speed in less than a minute, he rushed from the compound into the grove. Landing on the snowy soft woodland, Luo Yu looked around.

"Who is your Excellency? What's up with Luo Yu?"

"Hehehehe, Luo Yu, you are really forgetful, but you don't remember me after a few days?" At this moment, a cold laugh came from the woods, making Luo Yu a little surprised.

"This sound sounds familiar, he is ..."

Huh! As I was thinking, the four white lights of the uncle were shot from one in the forest to Luo Yu, and Luo Yu leaped up and down. Two white lights passed over his body, and two handles were directed at him. he.

The little dragon bird on his shoulder flickered, his wings trembled, and Luo Yu flew away by two points. Two flying knives were shot against him on the back of a large tree, and the large tree that was held together was shot by the flying knife. The large hole in the bowl is used to penetrate the large hole, and the strength of the flying knife can be seen.

After Luo Yu landed, a dragonbow bow appeared in his hand. He took an arrow for a second, pulled the bow, and shot it.

"Star-chasing and arrow skills-three arrows with heart!"


Three black iron sharp arrows spun out with strength and sound of empty air, and shot in the direction from which the flying knife came.

Bang bang

Three beeps, three big trees were shot and smashed, and they fell to the ground, and a figure shot from that direction.

Seeing the boy in the black robe appearing, Luo Yu's pupils shrank, and she was shocked, "It's you, Bai Yutong!"

3. First 2Y

"Hehe, good skill, good archery, is indeed the person who made my mission fail"

Bai Yutong, in a black robe, walked out of the broken tree with his hands on his back, his ordinary face was faintly smiling, and the long and narrow eyes of Danfeng were bright.

Luo Yu's face was positive, and she retracted the dragon tongue bow and pulled out the purple giant sword on her back, looking at Bai Yutong seriously.

After the last preliminary encounter, he knew that this seemingly ordinary black robe boy was actually a cruel and powerful man.

"You called me? What's your purpose?" Luo Yu said, looking at Bai Yutong who came over.

"Rest assured, this time I didn't come to you to kill and kill. The assassination mission Bounty Hunter Assassination Guild reviewed the Lord with rebuttal. Now it doesn't matter to me" Bai Yutong stopped in front of Luo Yu and said lightly.

"Oh! What about it, isn't that why you came to me?" Luo Yu raised her eyebrows and said, but she still didn't relax her vigilance against Bai Yutong. The other party was like a poisonous snake, who knows if he will Suddenly give you a bite, be careful.

"I'm looking for you for my sister's sake" Bai Yutong said

"Your sister?"

"Bai Linger!"

"What, Linger is your sister!" Luo Yu was shocked at hearing the words, and some could not believe it.

"Yes!" Bai Yutong nodded

"Hum, funny, how could a kind person like Linger have your cold-blooded and cruel brother?" Luo Yu sneered, unwilling to believe.

"Ha ha ha ha, goodness? What is goodness? What is cruel, who can tell the big evils and evils in this world, there are several people in your eyes who are right and dissatisfied with **** hands, whoever says a killer has no feelings. Having said that, how much blood and how many lives did Luo Yu have in your hands so long after you entered martial arts? Do you say that you are a good person or a cruel and **** villain? "

Bai Yutong laughed after hearing it, and Luo Yu was speechless.

Yes, who can tell the big evils and evils in this world, he Luo Yu asks himself that he is not a kind-hearted and kind-hearted person, but since he entered the martial arts, why is his compensation not dead? Is he qualified to say that others are cruel, that he He is a wicked man, but he has his own heart, his own persistence and his bottom line. He never kills innocent people. Why kill? Because this is martial arts, martial arts is bloody. You do n’t kill others, but someone will always kill you.

Just as Linger stole something for the children, and to survive, Bai Yutong was a bounty hunter and a killer, and He Chen did n’t have his troubles.

The things in this world must not be said in a single word, and we must maintain our own views while following the current.

Luo Yu's heart was reflected by Bai Yutong's words, and she also took back the purple sword in her hand and carried it on her back. Faint road

"Say, what the **** did you come to me?"

"I said that I came for my sister, thank you for saving her life a few days ago, my sister is my Bai Yutong's life, she is everything to me, you saved her, I owe you a favor, I owe you A life "Bai Yutong said positively.

"Oh! For that matter? That's not necessary, Linger is my friend. I always give my friends life, and you don't need to thank me."

Hearing that Luo Yu was so surprised, he did not expect Bai Yutong to come to him just for this, so he valued his sister. The killer doesn't seem too cold.

"Hehe, I always use my life to make friends, and that's a good thing. Unfortunately, Bai Yutong hasn't had any friends yet, Luo Yu. Anyway, Bai Yutong owes you a favor. If you need me, please say something, and I will "Use this life to pay back your kindness," Bai Yutong said on his toes and jumped onto the big branch.

"Hey! Wait!" Luo Yu said suddenly

"Huh!" Bai Yutong turned to look at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu stared directly at Bai Yutong and said, "If you want, we can actually be friends!"

"Friend! Oh, don't you hate my sword's resentment?" Bai Yutong sneered, referring to the sword that Luo Yu faced that night to rescue Dongfang Yueyao.

"Hey, not dead!" Luo Yu smiled freely.

"Oh, wanting to be a friend with my killer, this is a dangerous thing, don't forget that others call me **** hand Shura" Bai Yutong laughed.

"It doesn't matter. Anyone in my hometown calls me a little devil," Luo Yu shrugged.

"Devil and Shura! Interesting, hahaha" Bai Yutong laughed and left.

Luo Yu smiled and followed only ...

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