Come to The Peak

Chapter 199: : Hao Lao Identity

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Chapter 199 Hao Lao's Identity

"Ha ha"

Luo Yu smiled a bit awkwardly, he naturally knew that Wu Qingzheng was still struggling with the last time. Then shifted the topic and said, "Sister Qingyou, look at how much Yuanshi this green sword is worth?"

When referring to the event, the Qingyi also looked very positive, saying "I can't say this either. I called Master Lu, the first caster of Duobao Pavilion, our chief helm in Qingyang, please wait a moment, he will give you The most reasonable valuation "


As soon as she finished speaking, there was a knock outside the door, and then came in an old man dressed in ochre cedar, with a strong body. The old man was over 50 years old, his hair was slightly curly, and he obviously dealt with fire for a long time. people.

"Haha, Xiao Qingyou, what's the matter with you calling your husband?" The old man laughed heartily when he came in, his voice was a little loud.

"Hee hee, Grandpa Lu, you are here. There is one thing Qing Qing wants your old man to help." As soon as the old man came in, Wu Qingxi quickly got up and laughed, and instantly changed from a mature and charming strong woman to a coquettish. Little girl, this attitude and role change quickly, making Luo Yu startled and lamenting the woman's fickleness.

And this old man is Master Lu in Wu Qing's mouth, a founder of Sipin.

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"Oh, help! What is it?" Master Lu came to sit down and said.

Wu Qingyou poured a cup of tea for Master Lu and said, "My friend has a treasured sword that I want to sell. I think of Grandpa Lu who helped Qingye to check the quality of the sword and estimate the price."

"Oh! Baojie sword, let me take a look at it!" Upon hearing about Baojie's weapons, Master Lu became interested, and said quickly that the founder's greatest hobby was the casting and collection of various valuable weapons. Like the satyr's favorite beauty, haha, this metaphor is the most appropriate.

Luo Yu nodded after hearing this, took out the green sword with scabbard, and gave it to Master Lu. When he saw the Lvying Sword, before the sword was pulled out, Master Lu brightened his eyes, because he had felt the sword energy contained in the Lvying Sword in the scabbard.


The sword was pulled out, and a crisp sword sound was issued, and a touch of green cold light was printed on Master Lu's face.

"Good sword!" Master Lu praised.

Then a red energy in the palm of his hand poured into the sword. This energy was more solid than the true qi, and it was the true Yuan. This master Lu was at least the strongest in the Ningyuan Realm.

After Master Lu's fire attribute Zhenyuan poured into the Green Ying Sword, the Green Ying Sword sent out a bright red and green light, and the sword tip spit out the long sword awn.

"This sword is a sword of inferior quality" Master Lu nodded, and then bounced with a finger, buzzing ... Lvying sword issued a crisp and slender sword.

"The degree of melting and forging skills of this sword have reached the peak of the sublime soldiers of this treasure, and they are close to the best of the treasure. They are really the best of the treasures. Technology is far behind me, at least it can be refined by the Master of Five Pins, Xiaoyou, where did you get this sword? "Master Lu looked at Lu Yingjian's eyes full of admiration, stroking and smoothing His sword body is like touching the sweet body of his lover, but his last sentence was to Xiang Luoyu.

"Hehe, the predecessors have good eyesight. This sword was obtained by a kid in a cave when he was training in the old forest in the mountains" Luo Yu laughed.

When she tells a lie, her face is not flushed, her heart does not beat, like the real thing. I thought my skin was thick enough, but compared to the thick skin of Yu Ge, it made me clap. Less than.

Of course, Luo Yu cannot be said to have been made by Hao Lao. Hao Lao has also explained it. Don't mention his affairs to outsiders.

"Oh! From the caves of the old forest in the deep mountains! Little friends are really good chances," said Master Lu.

His eyes were skeptical, and he had lived for so many years. Could it be that Luo Yu could lie in the past with a lie? He just asked casually, and never expected Luo Yu to tell the truth, so he didn't want to investigate.

"Well, here is the exclusive branding of the founder!" Suddenly, Master Lu found three red clouds-like marks on the hilt. The branding is the status symbol of the caster. Every famous castor will create it on his own. Carved on the weapon. Master Lu himself.

"This mark is so familiar to me, I want to see it there!" Master Lu's eyes were full of thought.

"Grandpa Lu, is there anything strange about this sword?" Wu Qingchen asked Master Lu's expression, looking at it.

"Three red clouds, red clouds ..." Master Lu said to himself without paying any attention to Wu Qing's question.

Linger Wuqing's sisters all looked at Master Lu with curiosity. Only Luo Yu's eyes flashed a strange color. The mark of Huoyun was the unique imprint of his master, Hao Lao. He naturally knew that looking at the expression of Master Lu, he seemed like It has been seen before.

"I remember, this is the Sanhua Huoyun Yin! It turned out to be the Sanhua Huoyun Yin! This sword of Baojie's inferiority is actually from the hand of the predecessor!" Master Lu suddenly said, all eyes were shocked!

"Xiaoyou, where did you get this sword from? How can there be three flowers on it?" Master Lu suddenly burst into a powerful aura, which made everyone out of breath.

"Before ...! Seniors, this sword is really what I have learned from experience" Luo Yu was so cold and sweaty that she was squeezed by this aura, she said with a grit.

When Master Lu saw all the people, he immediately knew that he was a bit out of character, and then when the momentum was closed, the gas field disappeared without a trace.

"Sorry, the old man was just emotional and a bit out of order," Master Lu apologized slightly.

"Grandpa Lu, what's so special about this sword that makes you so morbid, and what is the Sanhuahuoyunyin?" Wu Qingxi asked with a doubt on his face.

Master Lu's eyes were complicated. He glanced at Luo Yu and seemed to be thinking about something. Then he asked "Xiao Qingyu, do you know the top ten of the ancient Cang continent?"

"Well, I heard a little, it seems that the lord of my great Qin Empire, Zixia Tianzong, is one of them," Wu Qingxi nodded.

"Yes, the Emperor Dao Xuwu is one of them. The emperor is so inscrutable that he is good at deductions, and one of them is the Emperor Wu, who is the representative of our industry. The example of the forge master, Liu Hao Wu Huang, known as the emperor, is the only seven-grade forge master in the ancient Cang continent, who is capable of refining spiritual order weapons, "said Master Lu.

"Liu Hao! Emperor! The only seven-class foundry master on the mainland who is capable of refining spirit-ranking weapons!" Several people were shocked, especially Luo Yu, and their hearts turned into a stormy sea.

"Master is the emperor! Master is one of the top ten on the mainland! Master is the only seven-grade foundry master on the mainland!"

Luo Yu is blind, completely blind, Liu Hao is undoubtedly Hao Lao. He knows that Hao Lao Xiu is inscrutable, and also knows that the grade of Hao Lao Caster is not low, but he did not expect that Hao Lao was so great. Origin, and this awesome figure and his own day and night accompanied by watching him grow up step by step, this awesome figure is his master!

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