Come to The Peak

Chapter 200: : Clue

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"But Grandpa Lu, what relationship does the Emperor Qi have with us?" Wu Qingyi asked.

"The Emperor Qi has nothing to do with us, but it has something to do with the sword that is inferior to the treasure rank." Master Lu looked at Luying Kendo.

"Mike ... This sword is made by the emperor Liu Haoqi!" Wu Qingxi said in surprise.

"Yeah, yes, the Sanhuahuoyun mark on the hilt is the exclusive mark of the emperor Qi, his master. On the mainland, whoever has a little fame, who does not know the Sanhuahuoyun mark, the weapon with this mark, It represents the pinnacle of the same class of weapons, the Sanhuahuoyun mark, the iconic brand of the refining industry, because it represents the emperor, and the pinnacle of our ancient Cang Dajie refining industry founder! "

The old eyes of Master Lu were full of respect, and his admiration for Hao Lao reached a state of enthusiasm.

When Luo Yu knew Hao Lao's identity, his eyes moved smartly. He wondered, how could Hao Lao such a distinguished status be in Little Bailu, and the little Luo family remained anonymous for decades? Are there any hidden feelings or any distress?

There are too many questions in it, and Luo Yu can't figure them out. Only by asking Hao Lao in person can he resolve these doubts in his heart.

"Xiaoyou, do you say you want to sell this Luying Sword? If you want to sell it, buy it for the old man, the price will go with you," said Master Lu.

"Grandfather Lu, you want to buy! Are you not a founder of Sipinbaojie?" Wu Qingxi asked puzzledly, and Master Baojian Lujian, who is inferior to Baojie, can also make it himself.

"Xiao Qingyu, you do n’t understand. The treasure of your sword is no longer in its grade, but in the weapon created by the emperor Qihuang and the weapon created by the Qipin forgeman. The collection value and research value are fundamental. It is not measurable by money, and the weapons created by the elderly Emperor Qihuang spread very little. In the Qin Empire, all I know is the Pingding Wuwang Li Qingshan ’s top-grade superb soldier Longyang war gun and Qin emperor ’s sword It was made by Qi Huang ’s old man. I have never heard of anything else, and this treasured sword is actually made by Qi Huang ’s old man. Do you say it is precious? ”Master Lu said.

Then he said to Luo Yu, "Friend, you can make an offer!"

"Hey, senior, to be honest, I don't know anything about the price of Baojie weapons, let alone how much the asking price is suitable. It's the senior, you come out. The younger believe that you will not lie to me."

Luo Yu seemed to be embarrassed and embarrassed. In fact, all his words are routines. A sentence of seniors and juniors blocked Master Lu's way. Even if the other party is an individual old fox, he is embarrassed to be such a few juniors. Face cheating him.

"Let's go, I'm asking for two thousand yuan, and you are satisfied?" Master Lu asked tentatively.

"Twenty yuan!"

Wen Yan Linger's eyes were full of little stars. How many years did she steal to earn 2,000 yuan? It was originally hunted for a blood king, and she was hunted all the way. Fortunately, Luo Yu rescued, and The blood king ginseng will not exceed a hundred yuan of Yuanyuan stone at most, and Luo Yu took out a sword to be worth two thousand yuan of Yuanyuan stone. The gap between them is too great. The gap between the rich and the poor is too far away.

"Two thousand lower grade Yuanshi!" Wu Qingyu was also shocked. The general Baojie lower grade weapon was about one thousand lower grade Yuanshi, and Master Lu doubled as soon as he bid.

"Two thousand! So much, enough, enough," Luo Yu said directly.

This is beyond his expectation. People should not be too greedy. This master Lu is also extraordinary, and he is also a master of Sipin Castor. It is best to deal with such people. It is not necessary to worry about money. So it's done.

"Hehe, young people are just refreshing. I like it. There is a smell of flame on the little friend. Could he also be a founder?" Master Lu laughed.

"Hey, the master has good eyesight, the junior can barely be regarded as a castor master!" Luo Yu smiled embarrassedly.

"Yipin Foundry Master! Brother Luo Yu, I really don't see that you are still a Foundry Master" Wu Qingxi laughed.

There was some shock in the beautiful eyes. Luo Yu's talent for practicing dance Wu Qing naturally knew it, and she would even practice it! Although it is only the lowest-level maker of a product, Koloyu is still young, and young can grow up. Young means unlimited possibilities. Now it is a product, who knows how many products will be in the future! What Wu Qingchen didn't know was that Luo Yu had only contacted the refiner for only ten days. In ten days, he could build weapons of all ranks. Can you believe it? It is estimated that going out will scare a bunch of casters.

Linger's heart was even more shocked and more curious. Luo Yu was like a fog. The more she touched, the more she couldn't see what was inside. The more she touched, the more she was drawn to it.

"Is your friend interested in joining my castor guild in Qingyang?" Master Lu asked with a smile, and the meaning of solicitation was not concealed.

"Oh, brother Luo Yu, I'm afraid you don't know yet, Master Lu is the vice president of the Qingyang Foundry Masters Association," Wu Qingxi said.

"Is the Foundry Masters Guild! Hehe, thank you for your kindness, but the teacher said that I am going to join the labor union as a second-class smelter." Luo Yu smiled and refused. He is now in tight time, and it is almost over, Then there is the intention to join the foundry division union.

"Oh, the second product? It seems that the teacher has very strict requirements on the young friends. I wonder if the teacher ...?" Master Lu asked.

strict? More than strict, it ’s simply inhumane. Do n’t even want to eat rice if you do n’t reach Hao ’s goal.

"The tutor has always lived in a seclusion life, so his name never allows younger generations to show off, so I'm sorry for senior Lu," Luo Yu said apologetically.

"Oh, no imitations, yes, this is two thousand Yuanpin stone, you just a little bit," Master Lu said, taking out a storage bag.

"No, the seniors are naturally trustworthy." Luo Yu smiled and took it directly into her arms. This move made Master Lu add a lot of favor to him.

Master Lu also retrieved the Luying Sword into the storage bag.

Luo Yu bought Tian Jingsha from Wu Qingyu again, said goodbye to Wu Qingyu and Master Lu, and left with Linger.

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Looking at the back of Luo Yu's departure, Master Lu's eyes moved brightly.

"Xiao Qingyu, who is Luo Luo?" Master Lu asked suddenly.

"Why did you suddenly ask this?" Wu Qingyi said suddenly.

Then she told Master Lu the birth background of Luo Yu and how to rise.

"Congenitals are boring, and the sudden rise for six years is absent." After listening to Master Lu's old eyes, they were all deeply indignant.

"Grandpa Lu, is there anything abnormal in this?"

"Oh, it's not normal, it's just extraordinary, Xiao Qingyou, if I'm not wrong, there is an expert behind that little guy," Master Lu laughed.

"Excellent!" Wu Qingzhen herself thought so.

"Who would it be?"

"I don't know." Master Lu shook his head, then remembered something again, and took out the Luying Sword. He seemed to have caught a trace of something.

"Your old man has disappeared for decades, will it be you ..."

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