Come to The Peak

Chapter 201: : Killing up

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"Linger, what's the matter with you?" Said Luo Yu, pouting with a small mouth as she looked out.

"Huh! You said you were a friend, why didn't you tell me that you were a forgemaker?" Linger said coldly, but there was no coldness in her eyes. This angry look was lovely.

"Uh ..." Luo Yu, who had heard of Yan, was unwilling to answer. He couldn't say that I had become a molder only after I had been in contact with the refiner for more than ten days. That would scare the little girl.

"Hey, I didn't mean to conceal you, but I didn't want to show it off, and I took you as a friend, and would I show off as a founder?" Brother Yu is worthy of Brother Yu. Gorgeous rhetoric was pulled out, coaxing the little girl into a rush, and the coldness was immediately moved.

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"Master, haha, this girl is not bad, look at the waist, hey"

"Lao Li, what is your vision, that face looks like a pig waist?"

A group of people walked on the broad street, laughing unscrupulously at the beauties on the street, while walking in front was a handsome young man, a white cedar, and a cold fan in the cold weather. , Complexion is slightly pale, as if the wine color is too much. And beside him was an old man in a gray robe who looked like a servant.

"Huh! A group of rouge powder, far worse than Wu Qingyu," the young man hummed. Lack of interest in eyes

"Uh ..." The group of people behind was speechless. Miss Duo Baoge's Wu Qinghuan was a stunning woman on the Baihua List. It is really not comparable to these rouges.

"Wait, boy, look at that, look at it, it's really superb." It seemed like a new continent was found, pointing at a young girl bargaining in front of a stall, this girl with long hair and a curvy figure Graceful radians, pure eyes with big eyes are smart and energetic.

The young man in the white robe flashed in front of his eyes, "Well, what a pure girl, superb, really superb, let's go"

A group of people approached the girl.

"Three hundred and two, can't be more, you see, this medicinal ginseng, the roots have been broken so much, that's five hundred and two." Linger bargained.

"My grandma, you have been bargaining for half an hour for this money, have you?" The stall owner was crying, never seen such a bargain. He fought for half an hour for two hundred and two.

"Hehe ..." Luo Yu was carrying the giant purple sword, holding her hands on her head, and looked at Linger with great interest.

"Huh! Isn't it five hundred two? I bought this medicinal ginseng." At this moment there was a man's voice behind him. A young man came over and threw it to the stall owner five hundred and took medicinal ginseng.

"Why are you like this! This medicinal ginseng is my first concern." Linger sees Liu Mei's eyebrows fluttering, and she drinks softly.

"Oh, girl, don't get me wrong, this medicine was bought for the girl." The young man thought he smiled freely, and the fan swayed gently in his hand. The cold wind blew his long hair. Well, one, "crazy".

"Give it to me! I don't know you and why do you want to give it to me?" Linger shook her head, not picking up the medicinal ginseng that the young man gave her.

"Well ... the girl is saying badly, and the girl sees it as it is now, what's the point of sending medicinal ginseng?"

The young man grabbed Linger's hand while speaking, and put the medicinal ginseng up, but he didn't let go, and the hand was still struggling with Linger's boneless hand.

As soon as Linger wanted to get angry, a cold voice came near him: "Release your dirty hands!"

Luo Yu, with a somber face, said that the young man obviously wanted to take advantage of Linger, as a friend and as a younger sister, how could he see it through?

"Well! Who are you, dare to take care of Master Ben's good deeds?" The young man turned his head, he never found Luo Yu's existence.

"Well! Wait! It's you? Little beast!" The young man suddenly pointed at Luo Yu and was surprised, his eyes were full of murder and hate.

"Little beast! You curse again" Luo Yu was furious and pulled his sword, but he looked at each other's face carefully, and suddenly remembered something

"Who am I? It turned out to be you, son, haha, I didn't expect to have been beaten enough by me last time, and ran to such a place to bully men and women." Luo Yu laughed, this young man was just on Lin Mu, who had been beaten up and swollen by him at Bailu Duobaoge Branch, did not expect to meet here.

"Huh! Xiaosheng, the last time I ate an unfamiliar loss in Bailu, but this time, in the main city of Qingyang, I dare you to be so arrogant, come here, surround me both stand up!"

Lin Mu sneered and sneered, and around a dozen people flew out, all of them were Lin's servants, all of whom were masters the day after tomorrow.

"Linger, you are hiding behind me" Luo Yu pulled out the purple giant sword, and protected Linger behind him.

Lin Mu's move also attracted the attention of the soldiers around the street, one by one standing on the sidelines.

"Isn't that Lin Mu, the young master of the Lin family? What's wrong with him!"

"Yeah, it seems that the little girl in the family wants to seize it again, alas ... This guy relies on the young master of the Lin family, one of the four major families, to make trouble in the main city of Qingyang all day, and no one dares to control it. tube"

"Who said no? If his father was the Lin family's owner and a smart person, he would not have known how many times he died in the main city of Qingyang."

"Both were born to a father and mother. Why is there such a big gap between him and Lin Feng, my brother is one of the five big Tianjiao, but my brother is a sister-in-law who only knows how to eat, drink, play and bully men and women."

People around whispered and talked, but did not dare to speak out loud, apparently afraid to offend Lin Mu.

"Master, what are you going to do with this boy?" Those Lin family servants who surrounded Luo Yu pleased Lin Mu.

"Huh, this kid has broken his hands and feet, and brought it back to feed the war beast, and this girl, hey, catch it alive, don't hurt her with the thin skin and tender meat, otherwise I won't be interested in playing back, Master." Lin Mu Looking at the Linger behind Luo Yu, she laughed slyly.

"Linger, if you don't want to close my eyes when you see the last blood," Luo Yu looked at the soldiers around him and said nothing to Linger.

Linger remembered the **** scene when Luo Yu rescued her. She nodded her head and closed her eyes.

"Hey me!"

When Lin Mu ordered it, the surrounding Lin Jiawus heard the sound and moved out to kill Luo Yu.

"Mo Yu!"

Luo Yu drank softly, and the little dragon with his eyes closed closed his purple pupil and looked at the warrior who had killed Luo Yu. He knew that the time to start the killing ring was again. Luo Yu tossed a chickadee a subordinate stone with fire properties, and the chickadee swallowed up and instantly flew into a peerless fierce bird with a wingspan of three meters.

"Mo Yu, help me to protect Linger, huh, zi, ah, zi, you're drinking blood again, kill!"


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