Come to The Peak

Chapter 202: : I'm Invincible

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An acquired warrior rushed to Luo Yu in the day after tomorrow and jumped up suddenly. He had a sharply slashed sword in his hand and cut it off at Luo Yu.

"Huh! Here comes the death!" Luo Yu one-handed sword run

when! When the Eighth Heavenly Warrior was cut off with a single knife, Luo Yu's other hand squeezed into a fist.

Martial arts ---- falling stone fist!

One punch hit the warrior's stomach, how powerful Luo Yu's punch was, no less than ten thousand pounds. The warrior tempered the flesh, the muscles and bones were comparable to the copper and iron bones. The belly was blasted directly with a punch, and the internal organs were smashed into **** by the vigor, which burst into blood mist and stained Luo Yu's white robe.


Such **** scenes, no wonder Luo Yu asked Linger to close her eyes, this kind of scene can't be held back by girls.

The wreckage of the warrior fell to the ground, Luo Yu held a huge sword in his hand and looked at the Lin Jiawu warrior who was scared in the surrounding place, saying indifferently, "I am invincible among the same rank!"

Among the same level, there is me invincible! This is how self-confident, how arrogant.

"Little beast ..." Lin Mu gritted his teeth and said, "All come together! Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. I don't believe he can fight so many people."


The remaining nine warriors killed Luo Yu together.

"Tan Mo Yu!"


The little dragon bird understood it, and flew from behind, grabbed Luo Yu's shoulders with both claws, and flew high, leaving Fang Yizhong's martial arts stunned.

"How else can you fight? You can't make an attack by jumping up to that height. Jumping up is dead," Ichimona scolded.

"Hmm! The monk couldn't run the temple, so he grabbed the girl. I don't see him dare to save it," said the sharp-eyed warrior looking at Linger standing on the street.

"Yes! Clever, I don't think he dares."

Several warriors glanced at each other and killed Linger.

"Hum, look for death"

Luo Yu, who was carried by a small dragon sparrow and flew over twenty meters high, snorted. How did he not know the intentions of those people? The purple sword was inserted into the back, a fiery red bow appeared in his hand, three sharp arrows were wound, and the dragon tongue The bow was pulled into a full moon.

Star-chasing Arrow Skills ---- Three Arrows Scare!


Three sharp arrows came out like angry dragons, and shot at the warriors who rushed towards Bai Linger.

Puff puff!

The heads of the three warriors were shot and exploded, just like a smashed watermelon. The white brain and the blood of the blowout were scattered all over the place, and they were extremely disgusting.

There were four warriors rushing to Bai Linger, and three died instantly. The remaining one stood on the spot and did not dare to move. He looked up at Luo Yu in horror.

"His ... so good at archery, so good boy!"

"Why is there such a young boy in Qingyang's main city? How has he never heard of this character before, as far as his hand skills are concerned, I am afraid that he can compete with the five big Tianjiao!"

"Hey, I watched a good show this time. I see how Lin Mu ends."

"There are evil spirits every year, this year is particularly many."

The martial arts onlookers talked on the street.

In this world of advocating force, there is nothing more exciting than fighting between warriors. Like this, the main city of Qingyang, with a population of over 100 million, does not know that there will be hundreds of attacks every day. There are countless battles between different families, even among the warriors.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Where there are rivers and lakes, there are killings. The warrior is as common as a dog. The world ’s killings are more commonplace. If you do n’t have the heart to manage it, even if you want to manage it, you are powerless, because there are so many killings.

Lin Mu looked at Luo Yu's gloomy sky, and said to the gray robe old man around him, "Zhong Bo, can you make a shot, if you die, that small animal will die."

"Shoo! Hey, Master, the owner may have said, only let me guard your safety, not let me interfere in the battle between you and the warrior, and besides, I also lose identity with this junior." Chuckled.

"Abominable! Is that letting the little beast growl there!" Lin Mu said with a grin.

The Lin Jiawu who rushed to Ling'er didn't dare to move now. His cold sweat flowed on his back, but a pile of colored beads silently appeared in his right hand. The warrior jumped up suddenly, raised his hand, and the ochre bead shot at Luo Yu.

"Eh! What is that!" Luo Yu saw a black-colored bead shot at herself, but she didn't care, but a sharp arrow in her hand shot off the black-colored bead.

Hmm ... boom ...

Xuan Tieli's arrow shot on the beads and immediately blew, and the thumb-sized ochre-colored bead exploded like a grenade, and a wave of air washed away.

The ocher-colored bead is called a thunderbolt, which is made from powder-like materials, but it is several times more powerful than gunpowder.

The little bird was standing in the air without being affected by the air waves, and Luo Yu's robe was blown by the air waves, and her shoulders and long hair danced with the wind.

"What! I was hit by his thunderbolt, what kind of archery is that!" The warrior was shocked. The thunderbolt was a life-saving means he bought for a large price, one worth fifty yuan. .

Then another one appeared in his hand, and when he was about to shoot at Luo Yu, he heard the cold voice of Luo Yu in midair saying "I advise you to stay still. If you move it, I can't guarantee that my arrow will shoot there!"

A sharp arrow is draped over the dragonbow bow in Luo Yu's hand to aim at the Lin Jiawu!

Hearing that the Lin Jiawu was really afraid to move, the feeling of being on his back made him feel the threat of death.

Seeing that Luo Yu's mouth was raised, his hands were loose, and Xuantieli arrows shot out angrily, and the slamming shot exploded the head of the warrior.

"Hum, there really is such a silly fork, the enemy wants you to stay still," Luo Yu sneered.

His words just made the Lin Jiawu hesitate and gave him time to open his bow and aim.

Ten of the Lin Jiawu soldiers who died eight days later were dead, leaving only five.

"Mo Yu, let go!" Luo Yu retracted the Dragon Tongue Bow, and once again pulled out the Purple Sword Great Sword to drink to the little dragon bird, the little dragon bird throwing loose two claws and throwing Luo Yu in the direction of Lin Mu.


Luo Yu held the sword in both hands and shot at Lin Mu and others from the air.

"Not good! Protect the young master!" The remaining Wu Ming Lin family warriors were shocked and quickly blocked Lin Mu. While Luo Yu held the sword with both hands to chop off, the deceased Lin Jiawu was struck by a black iron rod in his hand, trying to block Luo Yu.

"Huh! Can you stop it? Try to split Huashan!"

Luo Yu's sword fell down

when! Puchi

The strength of Luo Yu's fall was so great that the black iron rod was directly cut off by the sharp purple pimple giant sword, and the Nine Heavenly Warrior was split in half from beginning to end ...

I sincerely thank Mi Qi for fighting for the righteousness. October is really grateful. Thanks again for watching the guardian of Red Dust (Ge Xiuzhu). Lao Ge, you are not a guardian, it is a precipitate of affection. To the two Strong support, only hard work and hard work in October

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