Come to The Peak

Chapter 203: : True Old Man

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U Kanzheng / Version {Chapter 5-Section / b

From one person to two halves, this scene is very shocking. It trampled on those scattered internal organs. Luo Yu single-handed sword walked towards the frightened soldiers, bathed in blood and sent out. Blood was dripping on the silk, and the whole person seemed to have just climbed out of the blood pool.

The few remaining Lin Jiawu soldiers looked at each other with flashes of ruthlessness in their eyes, and then four of them shot at the same time and killed Luo Yu.


There was a long beep in the sky, and a figure like a siren of lightning flew down.


An unsuspecting warrior crushed his head with the claws of a small dragonfinch, who had been staring at him for a long time in the air and was ready for a fatal blow.


The swords of two warriors were slashed on the purple sword that protects their body, and one sword was slashed on Luo Yu's shoulder. Although the Yan Yan Refining Body is strong, it is not a diamond-like body. The blade cuts the skin and cuts Into the muscles, but did not hurt but bones.

"Ah ..." The pain in the shoulder stimulated Luo Yu's nerves, and a low throat came out of his throat, pushing away the swords that the two warriors pressed against the purple giant sword, and the sword swept away, the warrior who cut him. He was directly cut off and cut into two pieces, and then raised his sword to kill the other two.

"Ah ... no ... I don't die ... no ... don't die ..."

The terrible thing is that the warrior who was cut off by the waist has not died immediately. He painfully crawled on the ground with both hands. The intestines and other internal organs scattered a little as he crawled. The warrior died painfully after dragging two meters away. !! This picture is so **** that I don't want to say any more.

The last two warriors backed up again and again, and there was no heart to fight again. This was not a fight, but a unilateral slaughter. Ten people, eight died in less than a moment.

"Lin Mu! Hey, hey, let's make our holiday a break today." Luo Yu's face was bloody, and she looked extraordinarily grinning.

"Zhong Bo, if you don't take another shot, I'm afraid I'm going to die here today," Lin Mu said, looking at Luo Yu, who came step by step, with a somber face, panic and fear in his eyes.

Seeing Luo Yu coming step by step in the blood, the old man in gray robe finally nodded his head, but was amazed, "This is the young master of this family. The combat power of this body is really against the sky in the same stage."

Looking back at this young master who eats, drinks, and plays all day, the old man in the gray robe shook his head helplessly, saying that the hero of Lao Tzu is a good man, but here he turned into a bear.

"Young man, you are too far, I advise you to let go, the old man can still save your life!" The old man in the gray robe stepped forward. At this step, the momentum soared suddenly, from an ordinary old man to To kill the beast.

Feeling the momentum coming from his face, Luo Yu's pupils shrank, and she was shocked, "Congenital Strong!"

That's right, this old man in gray robe is the true master of the real three realms.

"Huh! Close up, since the moment he killed me, I haven't planned to close it. Since the moment he wanted to hit my friend's idea, he was doomed to the end of his death. Although you have a real spirit Master, but I'm not afraid of Luo Yu, "Luo Yu said, looking at the gray robe old man.

He did not succumb to him because of his strength. If Qu Yuan, if he is afraid, his martial arts heart will be broken, then what martial arts he cultivates, martial arts, is freedom from heaven, and resistance to fate

"Hey ... young people are young and frivolous," the old man in the gray sigh sighed, and then said, "Oh, let's say, today's husband will kill your unrising genius."

Although it was laughing, the killing intention in this sentence was cold and bitter. The old man was uttered a strong green infuriation. This infuriation is stronger than all the infuriation that Luo Yu has seen. If you want to solidify, you need to transform it into a true element.

This old man is not an ordinary true spirit master, but a strong one in the later period.

Without waiting for the old man to take the first shot, Luo Yu stepped on the street and burst out of energy, turning into a gray robe old man who rushed to Ming Zhongbo.

Eight poles collapse!

Overpowering Sword Decisiveness-Sword Explosion!

During the sprinting, Luo Yu directly used the blood-burning mystery octopus to smash the sky, and any left-handedness against this strong person will make him dead. When he rushed to the front, he leaped up and down, and a sword fell down to the old man. This sword carried all his energy.

"Huh! Ignorant junior, the light of fire dared to compete with Haoyue"

The old man in the gray robe agitated with anger, and formed a hood in the body. Luo Yu struck a green light wave on the hood, and the hood was safe and sound.

"The sword is bursting!"


At this time, another burst of energy burst out on the purple giant sword, like a grenade exploding, shaking the real air hood of the protector. The old man in the gray robe stepped back in surprise, looking at the trace of real air hood on the protector. crack.

"It ’s so powerful martial arts, this is still hard to destroy. If you use real energy or real elements, the power of this type of martial arts is estimated to catch up with the martial arts skills of Xuanjie Zhongpin."

The old man in the gray robe was slightly surprised by Luo Yu's sword, and only a few were surprised. The martial arts skills were too weak to be trained to be too weak to show the true power of Xuanjie martial arts. Launched with real energy or true energy, I don't know if the power is greater than the warrior who is nine heavy in the day after tomorrow.

Luo Yu was so horrified that he could n’t break the opponent ’s true Qi shield with the sword gas explosion. The sword gas explosion was one of his worst cards. The last time he tried to kill the assassin leader by accident. Now even the old man ’s infuriating shield cannot be broken, and what he does n’t know is that the old man is in the later period of the true state, and the leader of the assassin is in the first period of the true state. There is not much difference between killing several warriors in the early days of true spirit.

Luo Yu was ejected by the shock of the counter-shock generated by the explosive explosion of the sword, standing on the ground and looking at the old man in surprise.

Uh ...!

The old man in the gray robe moved and saw a green streamer passing by, and the other party appeared in front of Luo Yu.

So fast!

Luo Yu had no time to be surprised, and quickly backed away, but he was fast, the gray robe old man was quicker, and the palm of his hand was green and flowing, slamming at Luo Yu.


The palm of his hand was suddenly shot on Luo Yu's chest. Luo Yu flew more than ten meters away from the sandbag like a flying sandbag and slammed into the door of a shop, and the shop door was smashed.

"Luo Yu!" Linger exclaimed and hurried over.

Uh ...!

Luo Yu spit out blood, and her chest felt as if it was struck by lightning. It was numb and painful. The robe on her chest was shattered. A huge breast on the chest printed with silk blooddrops and slightly collapsed. This palm was broken. His ribs made him suffer minor internal injuries.

"Luo Yu, are you okay!" Ling'er looked at Luo Yu's chest with heartache, and her tears were almost falling ...

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