Come to The Peak

Chapter 215: : Blood War Long Street

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"Huh! Ah Fan, I know you can't trust it!" Lin Mu patted the barricade upstairs and said with his teeth.

"Hey, but wouldn't I be unprepared, Master! They're all hidden, all for me!" Lin Mu sneered and said suddenly.

As soon as his voice was over, he suddenly rushed out of a hundred figures from the rooms on each floor of the building. After rushing out of the room, they all killed the two Luo Yu Bai Yutong who had been killed. Look at the blood and blood levels in these people.

Lin Mu stood upstairs and sneered and watched. The last batch of people were just bait. These talents were his real killing trick.

Luo Yu and Bai Yutong stopped and looked back at the warriors surrounded by the four sides.

"Luo Yu, let's go. This is my Bai Yutong's own business. You don't need to get involved," Bai Yutong said, looking at the martial arts soldiers who came around in all directions.

"Involved? Oh, Xiao Xiuluo, do you know what you're talking about, Linger is your sister, but she is also my Luo Yu's friend, not to mention, you are still my brother, you are also embarrassed to say the word involved? I said at the time that if Linger was harmed in the slightest, I would kill Lin Mu's family! "Luo Yu held both swords and looked at many Jiutian masters without fear, and sneered and said to Bai Yutong.

"Friend! Brother! Hehe, I see. I can make friends with you in this life, you brother, I have no regrets that Bai Yutong is dying. Then let us two kill you today." Bai Yutong said.

"Haha, good! Kill a pain" Luo Yu laughed.


The two yelled at this syllable at the same time and shot out in two directions, killing the martial arts from all around.


Luo Yu held a purple sword and a sword shocked back an ancestor Nine Heavy Warrior rushed up with a sword, and swung another kick to sweep away another Nine Heavy Warrior who flees. The Nine Heavy Warrior evaded sideways and jumped up. The sword in his hand shook out a sword flower and stabbed at Luo Yu's chest.

There was a flash of fierce color on Luo Yu's face, and he did not block, holding the sword in one hand, and freeing the other to grab the thorned sword with his bare hand. The sword in this warrior's hand is obviously of extraordinary rank. It is estimated that the blade above the middle-class middle grade cuts Luo Yu's palm at once, and blood rushes out of the palm.

The Nine Emperor Warrior sneered, "Hey, boy, dare you hold my weapon with your bare hands, and see that I have ruined your hand"

"Huh! Really" Luo Yu's face was sloppy.

The Nine Emperor Martial Arts drew the sword body, but found that his sword seemed to be clamped by iron tongs and could not be pulled out.

"Hum! Let's die!" Luo Yu burst into anger, and the other one fell down with a purple sword in his hand. The warrior was frightened and wanted to abandon his sword and run away. Ko Luoyu's speed of the sword was fast and he still Before he could withdraw, he was split in half by a sword from beginning to end, with blood spilled from the internal organs.

After killing this Luo Yu, he was busy dealing with other martial arts attacks.

Bai Yutong's speed is unparalleled, and his body looks like a ghost. He holds two daggers in his hand and fights around the Nine Heavenly Warriors. When he finds the right time, he kills his throat with one blow. The scene of his killing does not have the impact of Luo Yu's screen, but it is very efficient. The killing speed is faster than Luo Yu. It must be a killer. Every day is in the midst of killing. How to efficiently and quickly kill the assassination target is the problem that their bounty hunters must face.

The two killed the Quartet in the crowd, and there were more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground. Nine-day fighters were not idle generations, and they were able to let go. Therefore, it was extremely difficult for the two to deal with so many nine-day fighters. Yes, it is very good to be able to protect yourself, let alone kill. It is impossible to chop melon and vegetables as easily as the last time against those Yae Tenmu.

Gradually both had a lot of wounds on their bodies.

Upstairs, on the floor, squatting on the floor, the girl with both hands and knees, the eyes of the godless girl, looking at the two **** fighting figures below, there was a glimmer of glory in her eyes.

"Brother ... Luo Yu ..."

A girl as strong as her, at this moment looking at the two teenagers who were fighting for her life and death, two tears fell silently from the eyes that were crying red and swollen.

That night, who proved the promise of love with blood? This night, who used the killing to protect the girl's heart? The Blood-stained Long Street is Hongyan, one person, one hundred people, one person, and one door! There is no sleep tonight, and the icy white snow on the ground has become steaming blood in that wailing cry!

Luo Yu and Bai Yutong were jealous of killing each other, but they were frustrated with four fists, and gradually fell into the wind.

The two were wounded again, and their bodies were covered with blood, so they couldn't tell whether it was theirs or someone else's.

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The bougainvillea around them gradually surrounded the two together. They gasped back to back.

"Xiao Xiuluo, are you tired?" Luo Yu said, holding the purple giant sword, all the Lin Jiawus who came around to Bai Yutong behind him.

"Hehe, tired? You didn't say tired, I would say tired? I wouldn't kill Lin Mu, and I wouldn't be willing to be exhausted!" Bai Yutong sneered, his voice low.

"Ha ha ha ha, yes, it is tiring to kill Lin Mu without killing me, neither of us can fall without killing Lin Mu, fight!" Luo Yuhao laughed loudly, but his words were full of murderousness.

"Luo Yu, good brother! Thank you. If I die today, please rescue Linger and kill Lin Mu" Bai Yutong said suddenly

In fact, both of them have reached the limit of physical strength, and at the same time to deal with hundreds of martial artists who are at the same level, it is enough to be proud to speak now.

"Oh, fight, kill!" Luo Yu didn't answer, a smile, a kill word proved everything.

"Hahahaha, kill!"

The two laughed at the same time, and rushed to kill the martial arts.

"Hmm! The two of them are at the end of the crossbow, brothers, kill him, killing his two young masters will be rewarding!" Roared a nine-armed fighter with two swords.


Dozens of warriors rushed past with swordsmen.


There was a long howling in the sky, and a dark shadow rushed down into the air.


The head of a nineth-level sky warrior who was rushed forward was crushed by a pair of sharp claws, and opened like a watermelon exploding, and his brain was bloodshot.

This dark shadow fell on Luo Yu's shoulder after killing a Nine Heavenly Warrior.

"Mo Yu, you're here," Luo Yu said, holding on to Mo Yu's feathers. The little dragonfinch purple pupil blinked and nodded.


A silver lance fired into the distance, oh! The silver gun shot over a vest of the Lin Family's Nine Sky Warrior, and the Nine Sky Warrior died instantly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, not only Mo Yu!"

A loud laugh sounded from a distance in the street, and the figure rushed out of the crowd on a blue-scale horse. The young man was wearing black armor, a sword across his waist, and a black hair fluttering in the wind.

"Li Yu came to support the brothers!"

(To be continued

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