Come to The Peak

Chapter 216: : Visit Happo

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Chapter 216: Bafang Comes to Assist

"Li Yu came to support the brothers!"

Li Yu rushed into the field, the green scale horse hissed, his four hoofs leaped more than ten meters away, and only passed directly in front of the crowd. Nine heavy martial arts heads were cut off, and blood was sprayed into the sky.

"Li Yu, Li Yu, the little war **** in the Hexa Army!"

The fighters in the forests were horrified. Li Yu's fame was also extremely loud in the main city of Qingyang. The major general in the Heisha army was one of the five juveniles.

"Ha ha ha ha, Li Yu, you can come, I will hang up if you don't come again" Luo Yu laughed at the sight of the people, and at the beginning he sent the little dragon bird to the military camp of the Heisha Army in Qingyang to report to Li Yu , Now can be regarded as coming.

"Haha, I'm not alone here!" Li Yu laughed.

Luo Yu heard a word and said, "It's not just you!"

"Haha, Brother Luo, I'm here to support Dongfang Yuehua"

"Luo Yu, hee hee, Dongfang Yueyao is here to help you too"

At this moment two laughter came, a man and a woman with blond hair fluttering, riding on the sweat of BMW running down the street, and the crowd of people immediately cleared a way.

"Jin Jing Jian Qi!"

Dongfang Yuehua jumped on her horse. Golden sword in hand waving, a golden sword erupted away


A Nine Heavenly Warrior was pierced by sword gas and died.

"Spirit Whip!"


Dongfang Yueyao's golden long whip trembled, like a flexible spirit snake, wrapped around the neck of a Lin Jiawu warrior. Dongfang Yueyao jade pulled by a hand and clicked, and the warrior was cut off by the neck and died.

Both rushed to Luo Yu.

"Yueyao Yuehua, why are you here!" Luo Yu asked with a smile.

"Hee hee ... when you asked Warbird to send a letter to Li Yu, we were also looking for Li Yu's old story at Heisha Barracks," Dongfang Yueyao laughed.

"Yes! That's right! Upon hearing your urgent letter, we'll be here soon." Dongfang Yuehua nodded.

"Ha ha ha ha, good to come, good to come, I just need your help," Luo Yu laughed, feeling their concern, a little warm in her heart, these friends have not made white.

"Hee hee, don't worry, one person hasn't arrived yet!" Dongfang Yueyao smiled mysteriously.

"What! There are people! Who?" Luo Yu asked quickly. In the main city of Qingyang, with the exception of these friends of Li Yu, who else can he think of?

"Howling ..."

A loud tiger howl came from the street.

"Flash on, flash on! All flash off for me"

Accompanied by the sound of Jiao drink.

A girl with long red hair and a leather short skirt ran on a black flame unicorn.

"Who is he, so crazy!"

"Fuck away, this aunt can't afford to offend"

The crowd saw the young girl's arrival, as if they saw a ghost, and quickly evaded.


The Heiyan One-horned Tiger shouted, his four claws kicked up, jumped seven or eight meters high, and only jumped directly below the shocked Lin Jiawu.

"Why is she here?"

When Luo Yu met someone, she looked a little weird. This girl wasn't Fu Xuanxuan who was taunted by Luo Yu on the street that day.

"Sister Xuan Xuan!"

Dongfang Yueyao hurriedly waved to see Fu Xuanxuan coming.

"Yue Yao Yue Hua, Li Yu"

Fu Xuanxuan said hello and jumped off the tiger's back.

"Hee hee, Sister Xuan Xuan, you are so fast. We asked Hai Dongqing to give you a flying eagle and you came."

"Hehe, the Heisha barracks is not too far from the city's main house, it is not too late to come at the speed of Xiao Hei," Fu Xuanxuan laughed.

"Yes, don't you say it's difficult for your friends? Is he there?" Fu Xuanxuan asked.

"Oh, I haven't seen you in a long time!" Luo Yu was covered with blood and came out. The smile was a little awkward.

"You are ..." Fu Xuanxuan looked at Luo Yu, and Luo Yu was red with blood all over her, she didn't recognize it.

Suddenly she found the purple sword in Luo Yu's hand, and the small dragonfinch on her shoulder, Liu Mei frowned, and said, "Familiar ... wait ... let me think ..."

Fu Xuanxuan thought a little, and then suddenly said, "It's you! Damn, it's you, you bitch"

Fu Xuanxuan suddenly pulled out the red sword, and said to Luo Yu, "Smelly boy, that day is not over yet."

"Sister Xuan Xuan, what are you doing, Luo Yu is my friend, and I will let you come to help him." Dongfang Yueyao stood in front of Luo Yu.

"Yue Yao, you let go, do you know how awful this stinky kid is? He actually teased me on the street that day," Fu Xuanxuan yelled.

"To make fun of you! That must be a misunderstanding. Luo Yu once gave his life to save me twice. How could a man like him be able to make fun of you," Dongfang Yueyao defended Luo Yu.

"Yes, Xuan Xuan, Luo Brothers also saved me. There must be some misunderstandings in it." Dongfang Yuehua also stepped out to explain for Luo Yu.

"Yes! Sister Xuan, Luo Yu is my life and death brother" Li Yu also stood up.

"You ... 唉 ... Okay, I just let go of this stinky boy, but it's impossible for me to help him," Fu Xuanxuan said after taking back the sword.

Luo Yu stepped out at this time, and fisted Xuan Xuan. "Miss Fu, I'm sorry about that day."

"Hum!" Fu Xuanxuan snorted, saying nothing. That day, Luo Yu teased her with so many people that she, the Qingyang County Lord, couldn't get off the stage, so she was still angry with Luo Yu.

Seeing Fu Xuanxuan ignored him, Luo Yu frowned, and didn't say anything anymore. He had given in. If the other party gave his face a shame, he wouldn't care how big your identity background was.

"Bye brother, how did you get into the warriors of the Lin family?" Li Yu frowned as he watched the warriors around him.

After hearing the words, Luo Yu's face sank all at once, and she was full of murderous spirit, and she simply said things, and everyone was filled with indignation after hearing it.

"Abominable! Lin Mu, the beast, actually did this kind of thing, brother, kill! Regardless of what he is, Mr. Lin, I'm not afraid of it, I'll help it." Li Yu clenched his fists.

"Yeah, what Lin Mu is so animalistic, Brother Luo, let us help you," the two brothers and sisters of Dongfang Yuehua also stated.

And the nearby Fu Xuanxuan also listened to Luo Yu's two more eyes after hearing, for a young friend who had just met a dare to dare to kill one of the four families of the Lin family, the young master did not have to say this, she also believed The two brothers and sisters of Dongfang Yuehua justified Luo Yu's words just now, but she said nothing.

"Well, what about your friend's brother?" Li Yu asked again.

"Li Yu, I haven't seen you in a long time!" Bai Yutong came out with a somber face.

"It's you, Bai Yutong"

"Blood Hand Shura Bai Yutong!"

Li Yu and Fu Xuanxuan were shocked.

"Brother, walk away, he is the bounty hunter Shura Bai Yutong who assassinated Yue Yao that night" Li Yu drank, while his sword was facing Bai Yutong.

"I naturally know that Xiao Xiuluo is now my Luo Yu brother. That night's business is only the task of the bounty union, and it has nothing to do with Xiao Xiuluo." Luo Yuhu said in front of Bai Yutong.

"Brother! You are not mistaken, he is a killer!" Li Yu said.

Thanks to the brothers of the White Dew Union for their support in October. Thanks to Kang Mi and Mi Qi for their support. Thanks for adding more today.

(To be continued

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