Come to The Peak

Chapter 233: : Bloody Change

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"Brother, Luo Yu, and a few big brothers and sisters, you go out, I have something to talk to Lin Mu!" Bai Linger suddenly said to several people.

"Linger you ..." Bai Yutong wanted to say, but was interrupted by Bai Linger

"Brother, don't worry, Linger just wants to know this beast by himself" Linger laughed, because there was no such simple warmth in the smile.

"Well! Then we go out" Bai Yutong nodded, and Fu Xuanxuan and others went out. Only three of Luo Yu Bai Linger Lin Mu remained.

"Luo Yu, you go out too!" Bai Linger said.

"Linger ...!" Luo Yu looked at Bai Linger in anxiety, with a cluttered cedar, and a lingering complexion, like a lotus that had just been damaged by wind and rain.

Suddenly a flash of decision flashed in his eyes, and Bai Linger was suddenly embraced.

Bai Linger was so shocked that she didn't struggle or say anything, and let Luo Yu hold her.

"Linger, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I have an inescapable responsibility for making you suffer so much. I'm willing to use my life to compensate you, to accompany you, Linger, marry me, OK!" Luo Yu Holding Linger's delicate body, chin rested on Zai Linger's forehead, whispered softly, self-blame in the language, guilt in the language, makes people sad.

When Wen Yanling's heart trembled, two lines of clear tears burst out silently. There was a touch of emotion in the beautiful eyes, a trace of heartache, and then she suddenly pushed Luo Yu away.

"Marry you! Oh, is it alms, or is your guilt making you say this, I Bai Linger does not need your alms" Bai Linger closed his eyes and said coldly.

"No! This is not alms, but I really want to compensate you with my life," Luo Yu said, looking at Linger sincerely.

"Oh, compensation, is it just compensation? Luo Yu, I told you, I said it wasn't to blame you, you don't need compensation, and you don't need to blame. You have no love for me, and some are just your blame , I won't marry you, you go out! "Linger sneered, then deliberately chilly.

"Linger me ..."

"Go out!"

What Luo Yu wanted to say was directly interrupted by Bai Linger's cold voice.

Luo Yu gave a deep look, then turned and left, and he said something when he was about to go out.

"If you want, I will always be your escape route. One day, I will destroy the Lin family's door!"

Having said this, Luo Yu stepped away.

Looking at the back of Luo Yu's departure, Linger cried. Except for Lin Mu who is now alone, she no longer has to conceal anything and no longer pretend to be strong.

Oh oh ...

Sitting alone on the ground, whispering with both hands on his knees, crying so sad, crying so fragile, crying like a helpless child.

"Luo Yu, I'm sorry, I can't promise you, Linger is no longer innocent, Linger is not worthy of you. You are the first person in this world to treat me so well except for his brother. Linger is not worth your love, nor is it worth your life to protect, Luo Yu, sorry, Luo Yu, in fact I love you, but I ca n’t be with you ...! "Linger muttered and murmured to himself. .

How many people can understand the girl's mind, and how many people can let go of her injury.

Lin Mu's affairs hit her too much, leaving a scar that could not heal. Luo Yu did so much for her. For the girl who just opened her love, these things can completely touch the heart of a girl, but Lin Mu's damage She already had a sense of self-sorrow in her heart, making her afraid to face Luo Yu's feelings.

The crying Linger suddenly stopped sobbing and stood up. Her pretty face was free of weakness and fragility, and replaced by firmness and indifference.

"Bai Linger, do n’t let anyone bully you from today, do n’t let anyone bleed or be sad for you from today, put away your weakness and kindness from today, learn to protect you with your hands Beloved, protect your brother, protect the child in the compound, protect him ... I swear, I swear in the name of pain! "

Linger took out the dagger while speaking, and severely wounded a very deep wound in the palm of his hand. This wound across the entire palm, and the blood suddenly overflowed with the palm flowing on the ground.

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Linger clenched her palm tightly, letting the blood flow out, letting the pain sting, no more tears on her face, no more crying, instead she was strong and cold.

In this world, you want not to be insulted by others, you want to protect the people you love, you can only become stronger and stronger than others, you can only become fierce, so that your enemies are afraid, and your enemies are scared, Let him meet you and you will tremble. Only strong, only cruel, can you live longer and better than others in this weak and powerful world. This is the survival law of this world. You are not strong, you are not Be fierce, you do not change yourself, then what is waiting for you is elimination and death!

Linger turned and looked at Lin Mu, who was nailed to the wall, and walked with a dagger.

Lin Mu just passed out with pain.


Bai Linger slapped him on Lin Mu's face, and Lin Mu woke up.

Lin Mu looked at Bai Linger and said, "Little beauty, kill me, please kill me."

"Hehe, kill you, I will kill you, but I will not kill you like this, you defile my body, you ruin my innocence, you give me no courage to love someone, go Love him, Lin Mu, I hate you, "Bai Linger said coldly.


Uh ...


Lin Mu burst into pain, and a large piece of meat on his hand was shaved.

"Little bitch! What about killing me and tarnishing you? I have countless women who have been on Lin Mu, what do you think of you, you bitch, ruined flowers and willows!" Lin Mu yelled in pain.

Bai Linger didn't speak when he heard the words, but his face was a little bit colder, another dagger passed in his hand, and another piece of flesh broke away from Lin Mu's body.

"Ah ... kill me! Don't torture me, kill me!"

Bai Linger didn't listen, only his hands kept stabbing across, and flesh and blood fled off.

The sound of horror continued to make people feel cold and shivering.

Luo Yu and Bai Yutong outside heard Lin Mi's misery, and their hearts were also trembling. It was not fear, it was pain, they both blame themselves, they are guilty. They know that from today, the past simple The lively girl will cease to exist.

I would rather be physically injured than heartbroken, but this chaotic red dust is like a dye tank, like the battlefield, we who are in it, that one is not physically hurt, the other is not heartbroken, sighing for the warmth and instability of this world, sighing for change Battlefield, destined to be separated from loved ones ...

The tragic sound sounded for half an hour. After half an hour, Bai Linger was covered with blood, and on the wall of the room, it was no longer a person, but a **** skeleton that had been cleaned. The flesh and liver scattered on the ground proved the madness just now.

From today, there is one less kind girl in the world, and one more cold-blooded and ruthless killer. This is the injustice and harm this world has done to her. This is the world's indifferent sorrow ...

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