Come to The Peak

Chapter 234: : Water and Fire

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"Second Brother, the Lin family will surely chase me after all tonight. What are you going to do?" Several people sat in a room in Yaochi, Luo Yu asked.

"I plan to take Linger and the children in the compound to find a place to live in seclusion. The civilian area is no longer safe," said Bai Yutong, looking at Bai Linger, who was sitting expressionless next to him, with heartache in his eyes.

"Well, this is the best, eldest sister, third brother. Will you kill Lin Mu for me if it will cause trouble for your family?" Luo Yu asked Fu Xuanxuan Li Yu with some guilt.

"Let's rest assured, the Lin family is still afraid to take me and Li Yu. The power of Qingyang Palace and the Li people are far above the Lin family. Lin Mu is just a young master of the Lin family. It has nothing to do with the Lin family. It ’s just that his father is the owner of the Lin family. I ’m afraid that this matter will not stop. I am most worried about your sixth brother, ”Fu Xuanxuan said.

"Hey, I don't have to worry about you. I know where you are in the main city of Qingyang. The Lin family can't find out," Luo Yu laughed.

Several people then discussed some details, and then everyone left. Luo Yu looked at Bai Linger deeply when he left. The latter's face was indifferent, but he did not dare to look at Luo Yu's eyes.

Luo Yu felt a pain in her heart, but didn't say anything. She threw a stone to the little bird, and after the little bird had swallowed it recovered its original shape and surged again. Luo Yu stepped on the little bird's back and disappeared into the night sky.

Only the corpse of Yaochi everywhere and the crowd who were amazed by the crowd were the most eye-catching tonight. Luo Yu, and tonight tonight, it was passed down ten times, and it was transmitted throughout the main city of Qingyang. Everyone knows Qing There is a demon boy from the main city of Yang. He uses a purple sword, exquisite archery skills, and combat strength against the sky. What's more important is that when he was young, he stepped into the innate and was still above the five great pride.

A hundred people were killed for one person, and a long street was stained for one person. No one knew the name of the boy, and no one knew his origin, but he had another title, that is, the purple sword Shura ...

Luo Yu stepped on the back of the little bird and flew in the wind and snow in the night sky, and let the cold wind blow on the teenager's face, and let the ruthless snow blow on the body, a kind of uninhibited feeling It was in his heart that it was freedom, it was free and easy, sorrow and joy were red, and wake up and drunk for nine days.

"Pedestrian bird flies for nine days, holding a giant sword to fight Liuhe, killing, boiling blood, ha ha ha ha, this is the life that Luo Yu wants"

The wild laugh resounded in the night sky of the giant city. In the laughter, the words revealed all the desire for freedom, resistance to the fate of heaven, the joy of freedom from heaven, the way of martial arts, and the fight with heaven. Infinite music, endless fun with the ground, endless fun with people, endless fun with self, martial arts are dripping with blood, martial arts are dripping with pleasure, what is martial arts? The indomitable will to fate, the guardianship of relatives and friends, and the unforgettable first heart, this is martial arts!

Back to Cyclamen, at the early hours of the next morning, Luo Yu didn't want to disturb her master's rest, and walked directly to her room, but her old voice came from her head.

"Boy, come to my room!"

Luo Yu froze, Master hasn't rested yet? Then came to Hao Lao's room, and Hao Lao was sitting on a futon to meditate on Qi.

"Master, haven't you rested yet?" Luo Yu asked softly.

"Hum! Rest, you are killing the Quartet outside, and you are so happy, you say that I, the master, have no thoughts to rest," Hao said with a cold eye.

"Hey, Master, you already know" Luo Yu smiled awkwardly.

"If I don't know that you might be here to talk to me calmly now?" A few notes flew to Luo Yu before Hao Lao talked.

Luo Yu took a look and his face changed. All the notes were urgent letters from Lin Mu to the Lin Family Flying Eagles, and Lin Jia Wei hadn't been reinforcements for the same reason.

Luo Yu was touched, Hao Lao didn't know how many times he wiped his buttocks for himself.

"Master, that feather breaks ..."

"You come over" Hao Lao directly said without saying a word.

Luo Yu walked in front of Hao Lao. Hao Lao opened his eyes and held one hand in Luo Yu's hand. Zhenyuan probed into Luo Yu's body with a sense of God.

Hao Lao's eyes suddenly shot two fine lights, surprised, "Water and fire are qi! How can two attributes of qi be generated in a person!"

"Master, this is where Yuer wants to ask you"

Hao Lao did not speak, but just used Zhenyuan to constantly perceive the two different attributes of water and fire in Luo Yu's body. Water and fire did not blend together, and they even conflicted, and the attributes were contradicted. A perfect balance is formed in the feathers, and the two do not invade, but the two are incompatible.

"Weird, weird, how could this happen!" Hao Lao said to himself, his brows pondered.

"Master, don't you even know the reason?" Luo Yu asked, but he knew his origin, one of the top ten Emperors of the Emperor Wu of the Mainland, and the model of the ancient foundry master caster. I do n’t know his experience, so Luo Yu can't think of anyone else who knows the reason.

"Yuer, isn't your internal training method water-based?" Hao Lao asked without asking.

"Yeah! That's right!" Luo Yu nodded, Xuanyuan really was a skill of water.

Hao Lao heard his eyes closed for a moment, and then said lightly, "If I didn't guess wrong, the real fire and water in your body is due to the exercises and your constitution."

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"Gongfa? Constitution!"

"Well, yes, the Luo family disciples have the Luohe blood veins, and the power of the Luohe blood veins is the blood veins of the water attribute. Therefore, the five elements of the Luo family disciples are biased towards water, and they have broken through the innate qi created by most people. It ’s all water-like qi, and so are you. The five elements are biased towards water, but you ’ve practiced the phagocytosis, and the phagocytosis has decided to eat the world ’s strange fire and practice it. Method, most of the fire enthusiasts you practice are fire energy, and the thunder flame animal fire in your body is continuously tempering your flesh, so your five elements attributes change to fire attributes, but you also practice water at the same time The work of attributes, so the attributes in your body have become polarized, so when you break through, you cultivate two attributes.

Hao Lao shouted and explained that Luo Yu suddenly realized after hearing it.

"So it is!"

"Have you ever mobilized the water and fire in your body at the same time" Hao asked again.

"No" Luo Yu shook his head. He has always been fighting with the fire attribute. The fire attribute is more aggressive than the water attribute.

"Just nothing" Hao Lao relieved. Then he said, "Do not mobilize at the same time. These two attributes of true energy conflict. If they are mobilized at the same time, there may be a violent riot and a backlash will occur."

I heard Luo Yu was shocked. Fortunately, he hadn't mobilized two kinds of Qi at the same time, and then asked, "Master, what would happen if water and fire were engulfed in the body?"

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