Come to The Peak

Chapter 244: : White Python

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Chapter 244: White Python, Old Man

Luo Yu followed Luoyang and entered the Luo ethnic group. There are countless architectural lofts, streets and shops, and the streets are scattered. These people are all Luo clan people. This is a family. It is just a city in a city. Without such a large area, how can the 100,000 Luo clan be accommodated, and how can the Luo Qin Empire be regarded as a first-class martial arts family without such a powerful strength.

Luo Yu followed Luoyang all the way, and the dozens of law enforcement members of the true spirit also dispersed to maintain order within the clan.

Walking across the streets of the Luo ethnic group, the two kept silent all the way, walking to a large river with a large area, beautiful scenery by the river, and a lot of mist on the shore, and the river was not frozen in the cold weather. There is also a small boat rippling on the big river, and a figure wearing a jacket is fishing on the river alone on the river.

The Luoshen River, the mother river of the Luo people, is the birthplace of the Luo people. This river has been passed down since ancient times and used to run through the entire Luo people and the main city of Qingyang.

"Senior, you brought me here ..." Luo Yu asked curiously.

"Oh, you'll know in a while" Luoyang smiled mysteriously.

Luo Yu heard the sword frown.


Suddenly, a circle of water ripples appeared on the river, and the sound of a wave breaking from the waves suddenly burst out from Hanoi to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu was startled and jumped leaping with a kick, stepping back ten meters away, looking at the large object that flung at him.

This is a white python with a tank thickness of about 20 meters. The snake scales are flashing with white cold light. The fist-sized snake pupil stares at Luo Yu coldly, and there is another one on the head of this white python. One foot long horn.

This is a monster with a single horn, and a big python that is about to evolve into a maggot. Ten meters is a python, and one hundred meters becomes a maggot. The higher the snake monster is, the larger its body is.

The white python stared at Luo Yu, and suddenly he flickered, and rushed ashore to bite at Luo Yu, and Luo Yang looked at him with nothing at all.

Luo Yu took a blue long sword from the ring of Qian Kun, the name of the sword was easy to change, which was the one Ren Ren gave him in the beastly mountain range.

Luo Yu stabbed Yi Shuijian and stabbed at the white unicorn python.

Ding Dong!

Yishui sword stabbed a spark above the snake scale on the head of the python, but did not pierce the snake scale, but left a deep sword mark on it.

Luo Yu's expression fluttered, and his body quickly retreated, and the white python bit the air.

While Luo Yu retreated to the ground at the same time, the soles of his feet were stunned and suddenly ejected, his right hand was squeezed into a fist, and he smashed at the head of the white python.

The punches dazzled, and the film condensed into stone.

Vigor is the energy of the powerful physical aftermath, but the warrior who broke through the innate realm has a stronger vigor. The reason is that he does not use vigor anymore, and since Luo Yu chooses to disguise her strength, she must use vigor gas.


This punch was above the snake's head, and the scales were broken.


The white python snarled in pain, and the snake's head slammed into Luo Yu. If Luo Yu was hammered, he flew out. The white python opened his blood basin and bite at Luo Yu, who was hit by a fly.

Luo Yu was shocked when she saw the white python taking a chance to bite at her. When she was about to fall to the ground and fell to the ground, she patted her on the ground with a palm. All of a sudden, the rocks on the shore shattered.

The leaping Luo Yu suddenly fell on the back of the white python, his legs caught a snake body, his fists kept waving like money, and the white python was bewildered. The white python snarled, and the giant tail rolled up and pumped at the abominable boy who was riding on himself.

Luo Yu only felt the cold wind behind her, a snake body leaped away to avoid it, and the white python's tail also fell through.

Luo Yu backed away more than 20 meters away and looked at the white python. For some reason, this white python is a monster, and there is a demon in his body, but why is he just fighting with him.

"Ha ha ha ha, yes, yes, the boy Luo Xingchen gave birth to a good son"

At this moment a hearty laughter came from the river, and it was the angler wearing a straitjacket on the boat.

This is an old man with ruddy hair and gray complexion, with a good-looking face and a beard on his chin, looking very spirited.

The old man's hand trembled with a fishing rod, and a large one-meter-long golden scale fish was easily caught and thrown on the boat. The fish kept rolling, causing the boat to shake slightly.

"Yeah! Goldfish, haha, it ’s really good luck today. Is goldscale a thing in the pool? Whenever there is a storm, the dragon will turn into a dragon. The old man will set you alive today and see if you have a dragon. "" The old man kicked the goldfish into the river while talking.

The white unicorn python on the shore slammed into a white light and rushed into the river, setting off a huge wave.

"Fast speed!" Luo Yu was startled, and the white python just had no real strength against him just now. At this speed, Luo Yu also sighed.

When the white python got up from the river, he carried a big golden fish in his mouth.

A white human snake flickers in the pupil of the white python. A huge mouth swallows down the entire big fish. When the beast breaks through the innate and evolves into a monster, it has opened up its wisdom, and wisdom will not be better than human race How much lower.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be cheap, you beast," the old Yiyi cursed with a smile.

The white python bowed his head a little embarrassed, like a child who did something wrong.

"Also, the golden finfish contains a faint dragon spirit, which is also good for you. It seems that even if the golden finfish with Jackie Chan's chances did not know how to endure before becoming a dragon, he would eventually become a stronger creature than himself. "Everything in his belly" said the old man Yi Yi, and there was a profound meaning in the Tao.

In order to break through the innate, Luo Yuxiu practiced the soul mysticism of Dharma Zen Dharma. How sensitive are the five senses, and he also heard the old man talking to himself on the shore. In his eyes, there is a lot of thought in the old man It was to him.

The white python lowered his head and leaned against the hull, and the old man stepped on the snake's head. The smooth snake scales had no effect on him. The white python carried the old man slowly towards the shore.

When docking, Luoyang gave a deep gift to the old man in Yi, saying "The second elder, Bai Lu's disciple Luo Yu brought here"

"The second elder!" Luo Yan was surprised when he heard that the old man was the second elder of the Luo ethnic group.

Luo Yu also gave a gift, saying "the younger Luo Yu met the elders"

Although he doesn't like the family, the due courtesy is not small.

"Uh-huh, you are Luo Yu, the son of Xingchen," the second elder asked.

"Huh! The younger is exactly, the second elder knows his father?" Luo Yu nodded.

"Oh, old man Luo Song," the old man laughed, looking at Luo Yu's eyes with a touch of appreciation.

"You are Elder Losson!"

(To be continued)

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