Come to The Peak

Chapter 245: : The origin of Bai Luluo's family

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Chapter 245: The Origin of Bai Luluo's Family

"You are Elder Luosong!" Luo Yu was a little surprised when he heard it.

His father, Luo Xingchen, said that in Zong's family, only Elder Luosong could make a good deal with Bailu. His father was able to get out of the Luo family smoothly at the same time.

It can be said that before Zongjia Luo Yu's future, the only person who had a good impression was the Elder Luosong who had never met before. No wonder Luoyang would appear to solve his siege. It seems that this is the arrangement of Elder Luosong.

"Lao Luo Yu, met Elder Luosong," Luo Yu saluted again. This time, he had added a heartfelt respect to him.

"Haha, okay, it seems that Xingchen really has a good son, yes, yes" The second elder Luo Song stroked a laugh.

"Oh, before my elders came, I often heard my father mention the elders, and said that the elders always took care of me Bailu. The elders were able to leave because of the elders' help. Thanks to the elders, "Luo Yu laughed, scratching her head a little with embarrassment at the praise of Luo Song.

"Xingchen is attentive, is your father doing well these years?" Elder Luo Song asked with a smile.

"Well! My father has broken through the innate, and his body is still good," Luo Yu said.

"Break through the innate! Hey ... did he break through the innate? If his talent and blood were not because of the seal of the Quartet, it would be time to step into this realm," said Elder Luo Song, sighing slightly.

"Elder, what happened that year?"

It's not the first time that Luo Yu has heard such a sigh. When he first saw Luoyang, Luoyang also sighed. He now wanted to know what happened in that year.

"Well ... it's a long story. We went back to talk. This is not the place to talk. There are too many eyes." Elder Luosong sighed, and then his eyes narrowed, and a tip-sized stone was kicked on his toes.


The stones shot like a meteor at a misty pine on the other side.


There was a loud explosion, and a small stone exploded like a grenade, smashing a thick mist of pine pine that was held by one person into two pieces. A figure stood in horror by the misty pine tree. The expression on the face is extremely rich.

"Huh! If this kind of sneaky person is sent for surveillance next time, the stone will not be shot on the misty pine tree," said Elder Luosong, standing lightly behind his hands.

"Screaming ...!" The white python snarled at the figure, and the snake pupil was fierce.


The figure then woke up from a state of stasis, and fled hurriedly, and a few jumps disappeared by the river bank.

Luo Yu was stunned by the power of Elder Luo Song. Although he can achieve that effect, he is definitely not as easy as Elder Luo Song.

"The man was just now ..." Luoyang squinted and smelled.

"Huh! His running dog, anyway, a bunch of flies," said Elder Luosong Lengheng.

"Running dog!" Luo Yu froze, careful and clever, like how could he never imagine that he had been spotted by others.

"Elder, the running dog you said is Luo ..."

"Go back and talk!" Elder Luo Song waved without saying a word.


The two nodded, and Elder Luosong walked towards a delicate loft on the shore. The two followed, while the white python dived into the Luoshen River.

"Azhu, here is the guest!" Elder Luosong greeted as soon as he entered the compound in front of the attic.

"Guest! What is Grandpa's guest?" A crisp voice sounded like a lark, and a young girl in a blue palace costume came out of the attic.

Goose egg face, willow leaf eyebrow, skin is like snow, long hair like a waterfall is tied with a red silk, the bumpy body exudes a youthful atmosphere, no doubt, this is a very beautiful girl. Martial arts repair is nine days later.

"Uncle Yang, I haven't seen you for a long time," the girl saluted slightly when she saw Luoyang.

"Haha, Azhu, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I look more and more beautiful," Luoyang laughed.

"Oh, Uncle Yang joked" Azhu said with a slight smile, showing the style of every lady in a smile.

"By the way, grandpa, this is ..." At this moment, Azhu looked at the young man with a black-colored parcel on his back, shouldering a heterogeneous bird.

"He is your father and friend, Luo Xingchen, your uncle and son Luo Yu," Elder Luo Song introduced with a smile.

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"She is my granddaughter Luo Mingzhu," and then said to Luo Yu.

"Hello Azhu, my name is Luo Yu" Luo Yu smiled and stretched out her hand.

"Hello!" Azhu also stretched out her hand with a smile.

Luo Yu held Azhu's weak, boneless and lubricious jade hand without any thoughts. Then he pulled out his hand.

"Azhu, take out this basket of silver-scale fish, and today you will take out all your skills to entertain your brother Luo Yu." Elder Luo Song gave the fish basket to Azhudao.

"Hee hee, grandpa, don't worry," Azhu took a look at the fish basket and smiled.

"Haha, I have a good day today," Luoyang laughed.

"Uncle Yang, brother Luo Yu, talk slowly with your grandpa," Azhu finished the sentence and went into the kitchen with a fishing basket.

"Azhu's father and your father were good friends at the time, but unfortunately died in a family mission, hey ... don't say these, let's go in!" Elder Luo Song sighed and took the two into the living room

When the guest and host settled down, Elder Luosong sat on the top and Luoyu Luoyang sat down from side to side.

A woman dressed as a maid brought three cups of steaming spirit tea to the three and set back.

"Luo Yu, ask whatever you want." Elder Luo Song took up Lingcha and sipped it.

Luo Yu glanced at Luoyang with some hesitation.

Does Luo Songna know what he is worrying about, saying, "No matter, Luoyang is my person, but you can say nothing."

After hearing the words, Luo Yu nodded and asked, "Elder, why did the clan leave me Bailu apart? And Luo Dao asked what to seal the power of my father's blood? This is the biggest doubt in my heart."

"This matter goes back to the founding of your Bailuluo family three hundred years ago. Three hundred years ago, the Luo tribe had a peerless genius. At the age of sixteen, they broke through the innate realm, and the power of Luohe's blood was awakened. The height of the eighth, this man is really a rare genius of the Luo ethnicity for hundreds of years, and he is also the ancestor of your Bailuluo family. However, the last ancient calamity, the ten kingdoms were turbulent, and your ancestors established the Great Qin Empire in the troubled world. Great tribute, but because he fell in love with an enemy princess and showed mercy to the enemy in a battle, the defeat of a war later, the empire was angry, the family was angry, your ancestors brought his vein Expelled the Luo people and retired to Bailu Town, and later founded your Bailu Luo family. "Luo Song slowly talked about an old past.

Luo Yu didn't have much surprise when he heard it. It must be too old, and he can't hit a par with him now.

"And that Luo Dao's tribe originally did not match your ancestors, and has been greedy for your Bailu tribe's map of the Baoluo River. Now Luo Dao has become the elder of the Luo tribe and the patriarch has been in retreat for many years. Now he is in power. You Bailuluo ’s family completely fell down and took the Luohe landscape painting, which is one of the Luo family ’s treasures, and claimed it was his own. This is why he sealed your father ’s blood and suppressed Bailuluo ’s family. ”

(To be continued

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