Come to The Peak

Chapter 266: : Blood Sacrifice Tree Spirit

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"Since everyone knows the role of Luo Shenguo, then I won't say more. Now we start to enter the next link, offering tree spirits!"

Luo Dao said faintly at the Luo disciples below.

"Blood offering tree spirit!"

Luo Yu's heart was stunned, what is called the blood sacrifice tree spirit.

So he asked the Nalu disciples next to him. That Luo disciples were all silently asked by Luo Yu.

Brother, you don't want to come from the countryside! Why don't you know anything!

This Luo disciple would like to yell at Luo Yu like this, but he still resisted, and he did not think wrong. Compared with the main city of Qingyang and the Seventeenth City, Bailu Town was originally a countryside, and Luo Yu was Let's have a hunk.

The Luo disciple resisted impatiently and explained to Luo Yu, "The sacrifice of the tree spirit is to nourish the Luo God tree with the blood of our Luo disciples."


"Nourishing Luo Shenshu with essence blood!" Luo Yu was surprised.

"Well, Luoshen tree will produce Luoshen flower every four years, and Luoshen fruit will be produced once every forty years, and Luoshenhua and Luoshenguo will consume the energy of Luoshen tree and the blood of ancestors, so every time I compare The Luo disciples will nourish the Luoshen tree collectively with the essence and blood. Because the blood in my Luo disciples also contains the Luohe blood, Luoshenshu will nourish the body after absorbing our large amount of essence and blood. Use our essence and blood Replenishing the energy consumed and refining into the blood of the ancestors, and refining more than the ancestors' blood and blood Luoshen tree will be used to cultivate by themselves, or used to produce Luoshen flowers, and this is the reason why my Luo people ’s bloodlines are constantly flourishing "

The Luo disciple explained again.

"Otherwise, why do you think that all of the Luo clan people are gathered in the central square, and we will not participate in the race comparison, we will come to worship the tree spirit?"

Luo Yu was relieved after listening, wonderful! wonderful! wonderful! The ancestor of Luohe Wu Emperor really had a long-term vision, which was considered to be far-sighted, and even used this method to make his bloodline last forever.

The Luoshenshu and Luosuo are actually a kind of mutual relationship. Luoshenshu needs the nourishment of Luoshang disciples in order to continue to grow and evolve, and Luosuo needs Luoshenhua and Luoshenguo awakening blood from Luoshenshu. Both sides Indispensable.

And the Luo ancestor, the first generation of Luo people, also has a long-term vision. He knows that any blood, no matter how strong it is, will be corroded in front of years, gradually thinned and eventually disappeared, so he used his essence and blood in the heavens and earth. Nourish and grow into Luoshen tree to inherit the blood of Luo people. To put it plainly, Luoshen tree is quite a bloodline storage tool for refining. As long as there is Luoshen tree, Luohe blood of Luo people will not be cut off that day.

It is no wonder that the Luo people have been passed down from ancient times, and their blood has not been thinned down from generation to generation. It is no wonder that the Luo people can become the big martial arts clan of the Great Qin Empire. It is not unreasonable.

This method is really wonderful, it is absolutely a must, that Luohe ancestor is also a strange generation, can think of using this method to keep his blood flowing in the blood of the young disciples. It can be considered good intentions.

There was also movement in Luodao over the sky. A dagger appeared in the hands. The four elders of Luo nationality also took out a dagger. All the younger brothers of Luo nationality took out a dagger, and Luo Yu was no exception.

"Sacrifice Tree Spirit!"

Luo Dao yelled, and then stabbed himself in the hand, the blood spewed out, and then a drop of blood glowing with the blood was forced out.


All disciples of the Luo ethnic group made a stroke in the palm of their own hands, as did Luo Yu. Everyone forced a drop of the most brilliant blood in their palms.

Rustling ………!

At this time, the towering blue-leafed ancient tree in the central square, Roselle automatically moved without wind, the leaves rustled and made a rustling sound, and the trunk gave out a faint blue light. This blue light enveloped the entire central square. Enveloping all the Luo disciples, on each person's face, a layer of blue light is plated on the robe. Now it looks very visually shocking, with a sense of picture and dreamlike.

Then a peculiar air machine shrouded in the central square. The essence and blood in the palms of more than 100,000 Luo clan were suspended, suspended in the air, suspended above all the heads, and densely crimson in the air. It looks like a blood rain floating in the air, and the scene is weird and exudes a charming beauty.

Luo Yu looked up at the **** rain and wondered, it was a world full of wonders, and hundreds of thousands of spectators on the viewing table also burst into excitement after watching it.

"Hehe, it's interesting. Emperor Luohe even thought of passing on his blood in this way. He has to say that he is a genius."

In the viewing table, a graceful young man with a kerchief looked at the scene with a smile, and beside him sat a graceful and touching woman in a white palace dress.

"Yes, the son said that the Emperor Luo of the Luohe River in ancient times was also the number one figure. It is rumored that he was born in Luoshen River and was a water spirit in the a priori body, but it fell because of that war."

Waner said with a smile.

"Well, an ordinary Luoshen tree was actually nourished with his essence and blood to grow a spirit tree that gave birth to a tree spirit, which was used to inherit bloodlines. He is indeed a personal character," Ge Xiuzhu laughed and praised.

"Well ... it's a pity that such a genius has fallen, otherwise the human race would be able to add another saint," he sighed again.

With the conversation between the two, all the countless essences poured into the Roselle tree. As long as the essence blood touched the blue leaves of the Roselle tree, it was immediately absorbed into the Roselle tree. This process lasted less than two Minutes, and the huge tree body shakes after Luo Nuoshu absorbs the innumerable essences, and the leaves make a rustling sound, as if rejoicing, like a child who gets delicious candy.

Subsequently, the Luoshen tree emitted a bright blue light, which illuminated the Quartet and the entire central square and the viewing seats.

There are blossoming fist-sized blue flowers on the Roselle tree. On the top of the thousand-meter-high crown, an egg-sized blue fruit exudes a crystal-like light. But in an instant was ripened by the energy contained in countless essences.

"Sacrifice of spirits!"

Luo Dao yelled in the air.

"Except for the disciples who have participated in the race comparison, all race members have withdrawn from the contest and returned to the viewing seats or their respective positions."

With Luo Dao's order, more than 100,000 Luo clan members immediately retreated to more than half of the people in the square, leaving only about 5,000 disciples who participated in the ethnic comparison, and these 5,000 Luo disciples were all Young martial arts under the age of twenty-five are a watershed. Disciples before the age of twenty-five are the best time to practice martial arts. under.

And the long-awaited race comparison is finally about to begin ...

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