Come to The Peak

Chapter 267: : Five Elements Fantasy

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All of the more than 5,000 Luo disciples stood on the battlefield and looked at Luo Dao in the air.

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Everyone was waiting for words from Luo Dao.

"Before the races start, I will tell you the rules and requirements of the races." Luo Dao spoke aloud in the air, the truth was infused into the words, and everyone could hear clearly.

"This big match is different from the past. There are two rounds of big matches. The first elimination match is based on the test of Qingyang. In a while, I will ask Qingyang's main city to practice as the strongest master of the five-pin formation. Master Kun Wu laid a five-element fantasy array on the square. All the disciples entered the fantasy array and killed each other. Only two hundred disciples remained. The top four players with the highest record entered the second round final and decided the first. The requirement is that no killer is allowed in the big match. If there is a killer who misses the match, the big match is disqualified and discarded. Do you understand? "

Luo Dao drank in midair.




More than 5,000 Luo disciples shouted in unison, their momentum was loud, and Changhong was full of vigor and vitality.

After listening to it, Luo Yu blinked his eyes, and more than 5,000 people would have eliminated more than 4,000 people in the first round, leaving only two hundred people. This elimination rate is surprisingly large. Everyone wants to be short-listed. Battle, constantly eliminating competitors, each person must at least defeat more than 20 competitors, this difficulty is really not ordinary for ordinary disciples.


Seeing the momentum of the Luo disciples, Luo Dao nodded with satisfaction, then hugged an old man with a long beard wearing a white robe on the VIP table. "Please Master Kunwu to set up a battle for my Luo race." "

"Hahaha, good to say, the elder is polite," the old man in white robe laughed. Five colorful stripes were printed on the cuffs of his white robe, proving his identity as a master of Wupinzhen.

The logo of the array mage is rainbow pattern, the alchemist is leaf pattern, the caster is fire pattern, the more stripes, the higher your professional rank, and these three occupations are the most popular occupations in the martial arts. The pharmacist who rescued the wounded, the toxicologist who refined and controlled poison, and A Fan was the toxicologist, the third-grade toxicologist, and Luo Fei from the Luo family was the pharmacist, but he was the lowest-grade pharmacist.

I saw Master Wu Wu of Wupinzhen being condensed by a pair of yellow wing elements, and the wing flew in midair.

Luo Yu looked at the vacant Master Kun Wu and Luo Dao, and his heart was longing for it. When will he be able to rely on his cultivation for nine days. The warriors can condense the Yuan wing to the Ningyuan Realm after they have cultivated the true Yuan. However, the warriors in the Ningyuan Realm can only be emptied for a short distance. The condensed Yuanwing consumes vitality, and the Ningyuan Realm reserves are not enough. For a long time to vacate, only when the agile state produces a meta-storage that stores true elements in the body, can it support the flight of condensed wings for a long time.

Master Kun Wu shakes Yuan Yi to stand in the midst of the sky, and says to the disciples of the Zhongluo ethnic group below, "I'll wait for a while to withdraw from the central square and wait for the old man to step into it."

After Master Kun Wu finished speaking, the Luo disciples who participated in the ethnic comparisons immediately withdrew from the central square, and the area of ​​the central square is very large. There are four or five modern football stadiums, let alone 5,000 people and 100,000. People, even millions of people can accommodate.

Seeing that the disciples of the Zhongluo ethnic group exited the central square, Master Kun Wu nodded with satisfaction. A small flag of the color of twenty-five strokes and five elements appeared in his hand. This flag was made by the caster and was carved with inscriptions. It was used by the array master. Array of tools.

Master Kun Wu shook his hand. The twenty-five array flags were fired around the central square in eight different directions and stood on the side of the central square. Master Kun Wu then condensed the true elements of the earth's fingertips to the bottom. The central square is engraved in the void, and as he keeps portraying the central square, the Yaoyao Square is engraved with a mysterious pattern formed by true elements.

This is called the formation, which is equivalent to the inscriptions drawn by the forge master at all times, and the unpredictable abilities of the formation method all come from the formations, formations, inscriptions, and the Dan lines painted by the alchemist. The ability to get involved.

With Master Kunwu's constant depiction, the lines on the square are more and more complex, more and more mysterious, and it looks dazzling, like a million geometric figures intertwined.

After carving for about ten minutes, Master Kun Wu finally stopped portraying the lines, and a trace of sweat stains appeared on his forehead. The lines of lines and the inscriptions are very costly and real, and he wants to lay down The five-element magic method is one of the highest-quality matrix methods that he can lay.

In the hands of Master Kun Wu, more than ten Chinese-style five-element yuan stones appeared in the hands, and they were suddenly thrown into the matrix he painted, and then the fingertips continued to play, and more than ten true elements shot on the yuan stones, and the yuan stones exploded all at once. When it started, a pure five-element vitality permeated the central square.

As soon as the vitality was permeated, the twenty-five parcels of flags he had just blasted out had a suction force, which absorbed all the vitality into the array of flags. After the array of flags had absorbed the vitality, it emitted a colorful light, and then twenty-five Multi-colored beams of light rose.

When the beam of light rises, the lines that are portrayed as if alive, twisted on the square ground, and the multicolored beams of light form a knot to envelop the entire central square, and there is a slight white mist beginning to appear on the central square. The mist was getting more and more dense, and it permeated the entire central square, making it difficult to see what was inside.

And Luo Yu and other disciples of Luo nationality watched this wonderful scene and kept wondering. Every martial arts vocational profession has a supernatural ability and a supernatural power.

"Five Elements Magic Formation, Kai!" Master Kun Wu drank softly, and the real yuan in his hands poured into a pattern in the center of the Five Elements Fantasy Formation, and the dense fog gradually dispersed ...

The following scenes blinded everyone's eyes and shocked everyone's hearts. Nearly a million spectators on the viewing table were stunned, and the disciples participating in the race comparison below were stunned.

And what surprised them!

The broad central square is not only a huge Roselle tree, but a vast and lush forest. The tall and leafy ancient trees are standing in the square, and the Yaoyao stone ground is no longer dark. It is the soft woodland of deciduous pines. When the wind blows, the ancient trees shake the leaves and make a rustling sound. All this seems so real, so natural, as if all this should have existed.

Master Kun Wu looked at all the surprised expressions in the air, and his face was a little proud. He enjoyed this surprised look very much.

"Ha ha ha ha, Master Kun Wu is worthy of being a master of Wupinzhen. This line of practice is truly godless," Luo said with a smile.

"Oh, the elder laughed," Master Kun Wu said modestly. But all eyes are proud.

"Master Kun Wu returned to the VIP seat to rest, and there will be a good report when the big brothers end the Luo tribe." Luo Dao raised his hand and asked.

Kun Wu nodded and flew back to the VIP seat, gave a gift to King Qingyang, and sat down in the back position.

At this time, Luo Daowang was still surprised at the Luo disciples below ...:

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