Come to The Peak

Chapter 379: : Exchange condition

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Luo Yu and Xiao Longque heard the words for a moment.

Yeah, why is Phoenix essence so precious to you, and why is it for you because of your relationship?

Luo Yu looked at the fierce and lost gaze of Xiaoqueque, and felt a pain in his heart. He said to the old man, "Seniors, juniors know the phoenix essence and blood are precious, juniors are willing to use everything they have to exchange phoenix essence and blood.

"Oh! I'm willing to trade my phoenix essence for everything. What do you have on your body?" Said the Red Chi, looking at Luo Yu with interest.

Luo Yu heard that a fiery red bow appeared in his hand, and then placed on the ground. In the ring of Qiankun, he took out more than ten star meteorite irons, Tianjing nine-star arrows, fire lotus seeds, and more than five hundred subordinates obtained from his arms sales. Yuan Shi, in the end Luo Yu gritted her teeth and placed the purple giant sword on the ground.

Luo Yu said to Redscale: "Senior, these are all the possessions of the junior. I wonder if it is worth a drop of Phoenix essence blood?"

The tears in the purple pupil on the shoulder shed tears all of a sudden. All these things can be Luo Yu's possessions. Dragon tongue bow is one of Luo Yu's life-saving cards, even his master made for him. The companion weapon, the purple giant sword, was taken out, but I think Luo Yu cares deeply about the little dragon bird!

"Brother ..."

A drop of queen's tears dripped into crystal particles and fell on the ground, making a crackling sound.

The red scale is a little surprised looking at a pile of things on the ground, saying "Six grades of bows! Nine four grades of sharp arrows, six grades of pure fire lotus seeds, four grades of precious metal stars meteorite, and a piece of Six-star star crystal, a fourth-grade treasure sword, little guy, you have a lot of possessions, good things are more than the average warlord. "

"Yeah! This giant sword is ..." Master Redscale suddenly beckoned, and five thousand pounds of purple giant swords fluttered lightly in his hands, and two red lights shot on the purple giant swords in the eyes of the red scales.

After a while, Red Scale retracted his gaze and was surprised. "With the repair of the weapon, the sword has the inscriptions of ancient taboos and blood smelting nine refining inscriptions. This sword has the qualification to transform into a spirit sword"

"Little guy, there are so many good guys on you"

"How about, senior, these things are worth that drop of Phoenix blood?" Luo Yu asked, bowing.

In fact, he still had two things that he hadn't come up with. One was the soul soul jade, one of the three spiritual jades, or the red copper real stove that the master gave him.

Tong Wen Yu Wen can't give him a soul with Xin'er, but the red copper real stove is his sustenance for Hao Lao, and he can't give it either.

"Hehe, the bow and sword are worth a little to you, the other things are worthless to me, even if these things add up, they are not worth a drop of Phoenix blood." Laughed on the ground.

The five thousand catties of purple giant sword hit the floor of the hall without any movement or sound. It can be seen how far the old man controls the force, at least as lightly as lightly.

"What! These things don't add up enough." Luo Yu panicked when she heard this, and Xiao Lingque also panicked.

"In fact, there is something on your body that can match this drop of phoenix essence blood," Chi scale said suddenly, and looked at Luo Yu's chest at the same time.

"The soul soul jade on your chest is comparable to a drop of Phoenix blood"

Luo Yu heard that her pupils shrank, and at the same time she looked back at the old man involuntarily backing off two steps.

The old man could see at a glance that the jade pendant on his chest was the soul jade!

"A really vigilant little guy, huh, rest assured, I won't lower my status and rob you of a junior thing, but if you want to exchange this phoenix essence for this little dragon queen, get the soul jade to exchange it." Chi Lin looked at Luo Yu with a smile. There is a hint of jokes in the eyes.

"Senior you can do anything else, but this piece of soul jade will not work." Luo Yu shook her head, and looked apologetily at the same time.

"Mo Yu, I'm sorry, Tong Soul Jade is the hope of Xiner's resurrection. Forgive me that I can't use Tong Soul Jade to exchange Phoenix essence blood, I'm sorry ..." Luo Yu whispered, her eyes full of guilt.

"Brother, it's okay, I think this old guy is simply embarrassing us, this Phoenix blood, I ... I don't want it anymore," Xiaolongque also said.

The little bird is really eager to evolve into a beast, but he cares more about Luo Yu.

"No! It's because of that little girl in Tongsoulyu?" Chi-scale was slightly surprised.

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"Yes! That's right, her name is Xiner, and she died to save me. Tongyu is the only hope for Xiner's resurrection," Luo Yu said.

"What? You want to resurrect that little girl, huh, huh, little guy, do you know how much personal soul power you want to resurrect that little girl? At least a million souls are needed, of course if it is a high-level warrior There are not so many souls. Ten soldiers can be replaced with Yuan Taiyuan, and one hundred can be replaced with Shenhuo. However, at least one thousand of them must be alive, "Chi said.

And Luo Yu heard a great shock in her heart. Need the spirits of ten Emperor Wuhuang? How many are there in the entire continent? It is estimated that there are hundreds of people, and one thousand is needed to change to a spiritual state! A thousand warriors like Luo Daolin were angry!

Luo Dao and Lin Fury forced Luo Yu to flee, asking him to kill 1,000 warriors like Luo Dao to collect souls! Fuck, is this playing with me?

Luo Yu wanted to cry without tears, and at the same time, she felt a sense of weakness.

Luo Yu held the soul soul jade, feeling the coolness of the soul jade, he thought of the playful and lovely girl who blocked him from killing him.

"Xin'er! I will definitely resurrect you, even if I really want to kill ten emperors and kill millions of souls! I will also resurrect you!" Holding Luo Tongyu's soul firmly in his heart.

"How about, change?" Chi scale asked again,

"It's impossible to trade soul soul jade, seniors, please change the conditions," Luo Yu said, looking up.

"Other ... But I really look down on you except for the soul soul," said Chi Yu.

Luo Yu was also sinking in her heart.

"But I can give you the Phoenix blood, and you have to promise me three conditions," Chi Lin said suddenly.

Luo Yu and Xiao Queque were both happy when they heard the words. Luo Yu quickly said, "Seniors, you can say that the juniors can do it to some extent."

"Hehe ..." Chi-scale smiled, and then said, "First, after the Phoenix blood is given to that queen, you have to protect him to cultivate to the realm of fire."

"This is okay. He was my brother. I will protect him for a lifetime. This younger promised," Luo Yu said quickly.

"Second, this little guy must return here after practicing in the realm of Shenhuo," said Chi Chi again.

"This ... this is to ask Mo Yu." Luo Yu looked back at Xiao Xiaoque.

The little dragon bird looked at the old man and said, "How long shall I stay here?"

"It's hard to say, you can go out when you reach the demon emperor's realm," Chi Lin also said in the demon language.

The little dragon bird thought for a moment and nodded.

Luo Yu was looking at the old man, but he was thinking, "What are these two conditions for Mo Yu, what does this old man want to do?"

But he couldn't figure it out, as long as it was harmless to Mo Yu, and then said again

"Senior, we agreed to the first two conditions, you say the third one."

"Okay! These two promises will do. I didn't think about the third one. I'll tell you later, this is Phoenix essence blood. Take it." Red Scale put the Phoenix essence blood in the jade bottle and threw Luo Yu.

Luo Yu quickly took it carefully, and there was still a mystery in her eyes, "Is the Phoenix blood so obtained?"

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