Come to The Peak

Chapter 380: : Patriarch!

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Looking at the phoenix essence in the jade bottle, Luo Yu and Xiao Longque had an incredible look in their eyes, and then turned into ecstasy.

The little chickade trembled with excitement.

Phoenix blood, this is really the hope that he evolved into a beast.

"Senior, this ... so it's given to us?"

Luo Yu couldn't believe it. He didn't pay anything, so he promised three important conditions to give him such important Phoenix blood. He really didn't believe it.

"Oh, the old man's words have never been taken back. Besides, haven't you agreed to my three conditions?" Chi scale laughed.


At this time, the Firescale Rat Xiaolin also opened her teeth to Luo Yu, and was very unhappy about Luo Yu's suspicion of the old man.

Luo Yu looked at the phoenix essence in the jade bottle, and felt a sudden happiness.

"Brother ... Thank you" Xiao Longque rubbed Luo Yu's cheek with her head, her eyes were excited and moved.

"Oh, what do our two brothers have to say?" Luo Yu also smiled softly at the silky feathers of the chickadee.

Seeing a close person and a bird, a smile appeared in the old man's eyes ...

"Okay, you little guys, don't be intimate with me," Chilin laughed.

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Luo Yu just came back to her, and then quickly bowed to Chi Chin, "Thank you for your success, this kindness is so memorable for the younger and younger brothers."

"Oh, as long as you don't forget the three conditions you promised me, and the queen bird, when are you going to refine the Phoenix essence?"

"I plan to refine now!" Xiao Longque said in a demon language.

"Well, okay, the Phoenix is ​​the strongest here, and I can help you refine on the side," Chi-Lin said.

Luo Yu and Xiao Queque were happy when they heard that, and wondered why the old man was so good to Xiao Queque.

"This old man is a strong demon clan, presumably because the little bird is the top spirit animal in the demon clan, this old man has a love of talent," Luo Yu can only think of this reason.

Immediately, the little dragon bird flew off Luo Yu's shoulder and turned into a giant bird of ten meters. Fortunately, the Fengqi Temple was very wide, and it was more than twenty meters high.

Luo Yu put the phoenix essence in his palm, and the phoenix essence that radiated purple light was suspended in the palm, exuding a dreamy purple light.

The old man pointed a finger, and the phoenix essence flew to the little tit, and the little **** opened his mouth, and the phoenix essence shot into the little tit's mouth.

After eating the phoenix essence blood, the little titmouse squatted in the hall, and then saw the red fire spirit enchanted by the little titmouse, emitting red light, and the little titmouse closed his eyes and began to refine the phoenix essence blood.

"Senior, how long will it take my second brother to refine the Phoenix blood?" Luo Yu asked.

"It won't take long, it will only take a few days for refining, but it will take a long time to integrate into the bloodstream. It may take a month, it may be even longer," said Chi Chin.

"One month! It's not too long."

Luo Yu was relieved, and there were still five months for Qingyang trials. If the little dragon sparrows were to be refined for a year and a half, it would take too long. Luo Yu is about to miss the Qingyang trial.

The flamingo and the old man are looking at the little dragon sparrow refinement, and Luo Yu is sitting cross-legged, holding the Fengjing fire drill in his hand.

Today, the little dragon bird does not need the Phoenix essence fire drill because it has the Phoenix essence blood. The Phoenix essence fire drill is the top material of the refining device and can even be refined to the spiritual tool, but now it is not necessary for Luo Yu because he has not The ability to craft spirits.

"Little guy, in fact, this Fengjing fire drill is also very good for you," Chi Lin said suddenly.

"Well! Is it good for me?" Luo Yan was surprised when he heard the words, and then he said "please give me pointers"

"There is also a drop of phoenix essence blood in this phoenix fire drill, but without chaos, you can refine the flesh and you may have a nirvana in your body, but this chance is very small. "Red scale smiled.

"What! It is possible to give birth to Nirvana Jinyan!" Luo Yan was delighted to hear that.

What is Nirvana? It is the flame of the top fire in the world, and the best beast fire. If Nirvana can be born, then it will not be as good as water to practice the phagocytosis!

"Don't be too happy, the chance is too low, and the essence of your human refining demon phoenix phoenix is ​​also a certain danger. Maybe it will backwash the essence and blood, and there may be life worries at that time," Chiscale frowned.

Hearing this, Luo Yu also calmed down from ecstasy, indeed, it is impossible and impossible to obtain without risk and risk.

"How's it? Do you dare to refine it?" Chilin laughed.

Luo Yu stared at Feng Jing's fire drill and squinted, extruding a word "Lian!"

"Oh!" Chi Yan was a little surprised when she heard the words, and looked at Luo Yu again.

"Well, yes, there is courage, no wonder dare to practice the phagocytosis method," Chi scales praised.

Luo Yu was shocked, exclaiming, "How do you know, senior, that I have cultivated the phlogistic method?"

"Oh, the refining flame in your body is made of several different types of flames, and only those who have the ability to burn inflammation refining recipes, and this exercise is created by me," Chiscale laughed.

"What! You created this exercise?" Luo Yu was astonished again. This perverted exercise was created by the old man of the demons. Then the old man who practiced his exercises is not his own ancestor. Master.

"Yes, this is also one of the reasons why the old man helped you. You are the second person who is still alive to practice phagocytosis. You have now broken through to the blood exchange environment. Yes, you can cultivate to blood exchange. "The state is also a person with great perseverance." He didn't know that Hao Lao was also practicing Yan Yan Lian Ji.

After hearing the word transfusion, Luo Yu believed it completely, and then quickly got up and treated her again as a gift, saying "the younger Luo Yu met the ancestor"

"Okay, you little guy is still playing snakes and sticks, you can practice my exercises is also fate, don't call my ancestor, look at this fate, the old man personally helps you to refine the phoenix fire drill" Red scale smile Road.

When Luo Yu heard the words, she was overjoyed and immediately gave a gift to the old man "Thank you seniors!"

The old man accepted the gift of Luo Yu calmly, and then beckoned, the Feng Jing fire drill in Luo Yu's hand was released from Luo Yu's palm and suspended above Luo Yu's head.

Red scales point a finger, a red light shot out, shot on the Fengjing fire drill.

With a click, it was as hard as a treasure phoenix phoenix, and it broke into slag, leaving only a drop of golden phoenix blood in the center suspended above Luo Yu's head, exuding a golden light.

"Refining the phoenix essence will be extremely painful. It is better than the first introduction of flames into the body. You have to hold on," said Chi-scale.

Luo Yu nodded, and at the same time there was a trace of fear in his heart. He remembered the pain of burning the fire for the first time.

Red scale followed by a little Phoenix essence blood, and that essence blood merged into Luo Yu's body directly from the top of Luo Yu.


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