Come to The Peak

Chapter 391: : Anger Cut

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Chapter 391: Anger Cut

"Very good, just so I thought!"

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Luo Yu looked embarrassed.

"Bury my dead brothers today, second brother!"

Luo Yu screamed with a roar of surging red indignation and killed Lin Huati with his sword.


The dragon phoenix Luo Luo also became a purple giant bird with a wingspan of ten meters and was culled away towards Lin Maolin.

"Huh! You think I'm Lin Dong's waste, today is when the first genius of your Qianlong list fell!"

Lin Hua's face was gloomy and watery, and he was also inspired by the red real yuan. A red lance with a length of more than two meters appeared in his hand.

Not long away, the mercenary mercenaries saw Luo Yu and his spirit beasts for a moment to kill eleven green magpies in a real mood, and they couldn't help showing joy and confidence, but then they saw Luo Yu and He Ning Lin Huazhan in the Yuan Dynasty showed their worries together.



"Come on, avenge your brothers!"

The mercenaries of the Red Robbery could only silently pray for Luo Yu's blessings in their hearts. They could not get involved in this level of fighting, and they also went to death to increase trouble for Luo Yu.

Luo Yu and Lin Hua fought together between the electric light flint.

Luo Yu lifted his sword and slashed Huashan to Lin Hua and beheaded. The sword moved wildly and aggressively.

Lin Hua swept up with a gun.

When 啷!

The guns and swords were transferred, two red air waves opened from the transfer, and the raindrops were shattered into water mist.

The two ejected instantly and drove for dozens of meters.

Lin Hua's arm was tingling, and he looked at Luo Yu in surprise. The strength of Luo Yu's sword just now was too great, which was beyond his expectation.

"Huh! It seems that this little beast can really kill Lin Dong, and it seems that I can't despise the enemy to go all out," Lin Hua secretly murmured, and snorted at Luo Yu again.

I saw Lin Hua's spear tremble, and several red guns on the spear shot towards Luo Yu.

The gun was like a pear flower rainstorm, and went straight to the core of Luo Yu's body.

Luo Yu's eyes narrowed, the qi body shield popped up, and the purple giant sword in her hand waved imperviously, blocking the guns.


Another gunman did not escape and shot on Zhenqi's body, and instantly punctured it and shot it on Luo Yu's waist.

A deep blood hole was punctured in Luo Yu's waist, and pale golden blood flowed out.


Just then Lin Hua seized the opportunity and rushed to the throat of Luo Yu's throat.

When Luo Yu and Lin Hua played fiercely, the Dragon Phoenix and Lin Zhenglin Mao also fought together.

Lin Mao held a golden sword, while Lin Zheng used a white long sword.


Lin Mao and his two brothers chopped out the dragon phoenixes in the air.

The sword-mang sword screamed, and the dragon-phoenix bird was encouraging, the wings flew out dozens of meters away, and the sword-mang and sword-qi were also lost.


The red demon of the dragon and phoenix lingers around, condensing into a red demon blade. A pair of wings, a red demon blade slashed the heads and cut their faces.

Lin Mao's two brothers changed their looks, Zhenyuan protected his whole body, while the sword in his hand was dancing, and he kept blocking the Dragon Blade's demon blade attack.


The fallen demon blades chopped up a gully on the bluestone ground.

"Second Brother, this monster is a little bit tangled," Lin Mao shouted while blocking the demon blade.

"This demon evil is a spirit beast. Don't keep your hand, just do a trick!" Lin Zheng also yelled, and the two were rather embarrassed by the dense demon blade covering his face.

The two looked at each other, and a pair of slightly illusive golden light wings condensed on their backs. It was Yuan Yi. The two wings shook and burst away, leaving the scope of the attack of the Dragon Phoenix Bird Blade.

Lin Maolin was flying high, and the surging real elements on the sword converged and chopped off to the Dragon Phoenix.

"Dare to fight with me at high altitudes, and die!"

The fierce light flickered in the purple pupil of the dragon and phoenix, and then a mouthful of purple flame sprayed away from the two. This purple flame is known as dragon and phoenix purple inflammation, the evolution of the dragon bird spermitis is comparable to the top beast of nirvana fire.

After the dragon phoenix purple flame was sprayed out, two thick purple fire pythons with more than ten-meter-long buckets were condensed, and the two purple fire pythons were shot to Lin Maolin, who were hanged away.

The high-temperature Dragon Phoenix Ziyan instantly evaporated the falling rain into a mist of water, sweeping towards Lin Mao and the two with violent momentum.

"Not good, this is a talented supernatural power, quickly avoid it!" Lin's front color changed suddenly and he drunk loudly, and then the two of them flew away in a flash of light on Yuanyi's wings.

I saw that the fire python was turned away by the two and turned a corner in the air to continue to kill the two. The two were so frightened that they trembled and dared to dodge in the air.

The battles on the ground and in the sky were stunned and amazed at the large crowd below.

In the view of the compound, the sword gas and the gun mang were vertical and horizontal. The bluestone ground was destroyed by the two's battle. The sword marks and potholes were all in the end.


The two shot off with another blow, and looked at each other more than 20 meters apart.

At this time, Luo Yu had three blood holes on her body, one on her waist, one on her thighs, and one on her shoulders. Light golden blood leaked out, and Luo Yu sealed the wound with qi.

Fortunately, his physical body was strong, and his long sword pierced the flesh, leaving no scars on the golden bones.

And Lin Hua couldn't get better there. There was a swollen wound in front of his chest, which was a foot long, and the flesh of the flesh showed the white bones and blood.

Lin Hua's eyes were full of horror, and this little beast was as good as his fight.

"Little animal, I admit that you have the power to kill Lin Dong, but I am in the middle of Ningyuan Realm, and it is impossible for you to defeat me"

Lin Hua looked at Luo Yu coldly.

"Oh, impossible! I said I won't let you leave alive today!" Luo Yu sneered.

"Huh! Speaking wildly, but you deserve my best move to kill you!"

The real yuan in Lin Hua's body was moving at a high speed, all converging on the red spear, which emitted a dazzling red light.

"go to hell!"

When Lin Hua slaps his spear, Zhenyuan on the spear turns into a fiery fiery snake and shoots at Luo Yu with a speed as fast as a shooting star makes Luo Yu unable to dodge.

The power of the spear after becoming a fire snake is enough to scare the courage of the true-spirited martial artist.

This move consumed most of Lin Hua's real dollars.

Luo Yu's pupils shrank, and she did not dodge. I saw that his sword was raised above his head. All the fire attributes really gathered on the purple sword. The purple sword also shined brightly.

Scorching Wave Fire Dragon Cut!

A sword was cut out, and a ten-meter-long fire dragon roared at the lance fired at the shot.


The fire dragon and fire snake spears collided and roared in the air. The exploding fire waves permeated more than 20 meters. The ground was shattered and the bluestone splashed.


At this time, the spear continued to shoot at Luo Yu, but the real fire snake on the surface disappeared and shot at Luo Yu with Yu Wei.

Huh! The spear shot at Luo Yu's chest at once, piercing into Xu Xu, Luo Yu could not help but grit his teeth and took two steps back.

"Ha ha ha ha, Xiao Zhesheng, I said you will die today, let's die!" Lin Hua laughed at the sight, then shot at Luo Yu and shot it with a palm.

"Today will die! Huh, this may not be!" Luo Yu looked at the rushing Lin Hua, grabbed a spear, and took it out to the ground. The blue light was flourishing, and an overbearing sword intended to rise from him.

"Ba Jian Returning to Heart!"

A huge blue Jianmang was cut out to Lin Hua.

"Water is so mad? No ...!"

Lin Hua was horrified, and the blue sword was slamming on the rushing Lin Hua.

Lin Hua's footsteps, his body was cut diagonally and fell to the ground, the internal blood was flowing to the ground, and the skull face on that half of the body still had an incredible color ...

Thanks for Feng Feng's unblocking, and thank you for your protection in June, thank you for your support

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