Come to The Peak

Chapter 392: :eye for eye

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Everyone at the scene was shocked, their faces were dull, and then a loud exclaiming sound erupted.

"The water attribute is true. The purple sword Shura just used the water attribute. Isn't he a fire attribute warrior?"

"Inconceivable, Luo Yu has two attributes. I'm not mistaken. How is it possible for a dual attribute!"

"Oh my God, Zhenqi Realm cuts the Ningyuan Realm! And the true richness of the middle-aged man in the black robe is definitely in the middle of Ningyuan Realm! The name of Purple Sword Shura Leaping Beheading really deserves it!"

The onlookers burst into surprise, staring at the slender figure in the broken ground with horror, shock and awe in their eyes, and some young people also showed admiration.

"Brother Yu won, Kocho, brother Yu won!"

The red robbery mercenaries burst into surprise cheers.

Luo Yu pestle sword stood in place, gasping in his mouth, the white robe on his body was broken, and the pale golden blood overflowing from the four wounds wet the white robe.

At this time, Luo Yu's fire attributes were completely exhausted, and the water attributes were almost used up, and the state was extremely bad.

It can be imagined that the cost of killing an opponent by crossing a large realm and a small realm is conceivable.

"Brother ...!"


At this time, Lin Maolin Zheng, who was fighting with the dragon and phoenix in the sky over 100 meters high, saw Lin Hua beheaded, and his eyes were full of anger and anger.

"Ah ... small animal, I'm going to kill you, second brother, I'll take revenge on the big brother if you entangle this monster animal!"

Lin Mao spit fire with his eyes, avoiding the fire python and rushed down to Luo Yu.

Lin Zheng struggled with the two fire pythons of Dragon Phoenix in the air.

"Brother, be careful!"

Luo Yu's head suddenly exclaimed in Luo Yu's head, Luo Yu suddenly looked up, and saw a burly man wearing a black strong suit vibrating Yuan Yi dived down and killed him.

"Little beast, pay for my elder brother!" Lin Mao roared down.

The mercenaries of the Red Robbers were frightened when they saw this scene, and now everyone in Luo Yu can see that the energy has been almost consumed.

"Want me to die?" Luo Yu's mouth evoked a cruel arc.

Luo Yu inserted the Amethyst Giant Sword aside, a fiery red bow appeared in his hand, and three sky crystal nine-star arrows appeared in the other hand!

"Look who will die first! Star-chasing and arrow skills-Nine Arrows Chasing Stars!"

Luo Yu roared, and the remaining water attributes were all collected in the Dragonbow Bow. The Dragonbow Bow was full of blue light.


All nine Celestial Arrows are fired in one second or the like.

Nine sky crystals and nine-star arrows exude blue light, forming a straight line of anger shooting at Lin Mao.

Lin Mao's complexion changed greatly, and Yuan Yi's collection of real yuan was all used to protect the real yuan.

Uh ...!

Nine sounds blew. Nine Tianjing arrows shot through the real body of the protector instantly and penetrated Lin Mao's falling body. Lin Mao was directly blasted by the power of the nine arrows into a mass of flesh and bone residue. The raindrops fell together.

The power of the nine arrows is so scary!

Luo Yu fired these nine arrows, all of her energy and physical strength were exhausted, and finally she couldn't support her eyes and fell into the rain of blood.

"Second Brother!" Lin Zheng wailed aloud, no longer caring about the Dragon Phoenix, and dived straight down.


The dragon phoenix Luo Luo saw Luo Yu faint in the pool of blood, and the purple pupil was boiling with anger.

Another spit of Dragon Phoenix Ziyan was sprayed into two fire pythons and strangled to Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng flew no faster than the attack of the Dragon Phoenix, and the two fire pythons caught up with Lin Zheng and wrapped Lin Zheng into a ball.


Lin was entangled with two fire pythons and was immediately burned to flesh and skin. Within two seconds, a black-ash mixed rainwater fell and fell.

The dragon phoenix turned into a purple lightning, landed beside Luo Yu and turned into a handsome young man with purple robe and purple hair, hugging the injured Luo Yu.

"That's ... formed!"

"That purple giant bird turned into a man! He is the demon king! Luo Yu's war beast is the demon king!"

Those who watched the war exclaimed that the dragon phoenix turned into a purple robe youth. They thought Dragon Phoenix was the demon king!

"Brother! Brother!"

Luo Yan held Luo Yu in tears, and there was no killing intention and fierceness in Zitong, only sadness remained.

"Luo Yu!"

"Brother Yu!"

At this time, the Red Guard mercenaries came quickly, all of them worried.

"Luo Yu ..."

"do not come!"

Xiaodie cried red eyes and was about to approach Luo Yu, but she was drunk.

"Brothers, first rescue the head of Chen Jie, and then free the brothers' bodies."

At this time, Gao Yuan ordered the mercenaries around him. Those mercenaries returned to God and quickly rescued Chen Jie, who was unconscious on the flagpole, and his head was released.

"Brother ..."

Luo Yan hugged Luo Yu and kept whispering and whispering, looking at the wound in his body, his heart was acupuncture-like pain.

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This man is a bit of a bird, and the two brothers have long been soul-stirring, and no one can do without anyone.

Luo Yan quickly picked Luo Yu and ran to the small courtyard where Luo Yu usually lived. In addition to the corpses, the Red Rob mercenaries quickly followed.

Luo Yan put Luo Yu, who was full of wounds, on the bed, and the enchantment in his hands kept flowing into Luo Yu's body to help Luo Yu heal.

Demon qi and true qi are actually the same kind of energy, but the names of the human race and the demon race are different.

As soon as the demon entered Luo Yu's body, Luo Yu's eyes slowly opened. As soon as she entered, she saw the anxious Luo Yan could not help but feel warm.

"Brother, you're awake!" Luo Yan saw Luo Yu wake up with ecstasy.

"I'm okay, it's just that I'm exhausted and overstretched. Second brother, you can help me get up and recover for two days," Luo Yu comforted.

After hearing that Luo Luo quickly lifted Luo Yu up, Luo Yu sat cross-legged, took out two Yuan Shi and held each hand with one hand, and slowly recovered his vitality. His wound was nourished by the light golden blood nourishment ... ...

Even when Luo Yu was recovering from the wounds, those onlookers also slowly left. Everyone who was leaving was still thinking about the battle between Luo Yu Lin Hua, Luo Yan, and the two Ningyuan Realms.

Two days of news and details of the battle immediately spread throughout Red Flame City, Luo Yu and his war beasts became a hot topic among every population. The dragon phoenix is ​​regarded as the demon king by many people who see the transformation.

Three days later, in a forest outside Chiyan City, more than a hundred newly-built graves appeared in the open space of the woods, and two hundred people from Chijie stood in front of these new graves wearing white mourning clothes. It's grief.

The drizzle sprinkled on everyone's body, adding two more points of sadness.

Thirteen heads were placed in front of the new grave, which were the heads of the brothers Lin Hua and the Qing Wei guards.

Luo Yu was wearing a white mourning suit, and the Dragon Phoenix was standing on its shoulders again. Chen Jie and Xiaodie stood to the left and right, each holding a bowl of wine.

"Big tiger, brothers, I'm sorry, you all died because of my Luo Yu, I'm sorry to you, but I swear that one day I will bring the heads of all the warriors in the Lin family to worship your spirit in heaven. May the brothers go all the way! "

Luo Yu said in a low voice, then took a sip of wine, and the rest fell to the ground.

"May the brothers go all the way!"

All Red Rob mercenaries also yelled, and the rest fell to the ground after taking a sip of wine.

"Luo Yu, what are you going to do?" Chen Jie asked looking at Luo Yu.

Fluttershy and all Red Mercenary mercenaries are looking at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu was silent, looking at the direction of Qingyang City thousands of miles away, and then said lightly

"Next, I will make the Lin family blood debt and blood compensation!"

The sound was very bland, but there was a chilling chill ...

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