Come to The Peak

Chapter 519: : Let's take it, let's spend it

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"Oh, sorry, I'm afraid you have no chance."

Just when Chen Bo was resentful and cursing, there was a sneer of ridicule in the forest.


Chen Bo was horrified at hearing his words, he couldn't bear the pain and jumped up from the ground. He looked around with vigilance holding a sword.

"Who is hiding in secret?"

Chen Bo growled.

"Oh, didn't you just say that you were going to kill me? Just forget me now?"

Another sneer came, and saw a handsome young man in the forest wearing a white robe, standing on a shoulder with a strange bird, and leaning back on a purple sword. Two meters, five or six meters in length, looks like a lion and a tiger.

"It's you! Luo Yu!"

When Chen Bo saw the pupils shrink, a look of horror appeared on his face.

Luo Yu walked slowly to Chen Bo more than ten meters away, looking at Chen Bo coldly, the killing in his eyes was not concealed.

Chen Bo's complexion changed, and finally he looked ugly and said, "Have you been sending someone to stare at me?"

As soon as he came out of Zixia Tianzong, Qinger came after him and Luo Yu came, and now Chen Bo can't understand that Luo Yu has been sending someone to stare at him.

However, there was still a big confusion in Chen Bo's heart. He and Luo Yu met in disguise, how did the other party know that he was the one who blackmailed him that night.

But where did he know Luo Yuning's Ningyuan realm, he opened the sea of ​​knowledge, and possessed the power of divine knowledge to explore.

Luo Yu didn't answer, it was considered the default.

Chen Bo's face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he squeezed out a ugly smile and said, "Oh, it was Brother Luo, how could Brother Luo be here, is there anything to do with your brother?"

There was a little mockery on Luo Yu's face, and he smiled and said, "Chen Bo, you don't need to install it at this time. I took the 30,000 yuan stone very well that night, and I took it very comfortably. When you took it, did you think that you had the life to take the 30,000 yuan stone, did you have the life flower? Your heart was on the right side, not killed by Qinger, but can you escape this time? "

The reason Chen Bo was not killed by Qing'er was that his constitution was different from that of ordinary people. The heart was not on the left chest, but on the right.

This is also a secret of Chen Bo, and it is because of this that he does not know how many times he has killed himself.

When Chen Bo heard this, his heart sank completely, and the smile on his face disappeared cleanly.

The other person really knew his identity, and knew that it was himself who had blackmailed him that night.

"How did you discover my identity?"

Chen Bo asked with a somber expression.

"Oh, how did you find out that I need to tell you this? Without doing bad things and not afraid of knocking at the door, Chen Bo, you dare to hit your idea on Luo Yu's head and it is doomed to the end of your death." Luo Yu sneered. Road.

"If you do n’t do bad things, do n’t be afraid of the ghost knocking on the door, Luo Yu, you are talking about yourself. If you do n’t harm the same door, will you have a handle in my Chen Bo ’s hands? Will you be blackmailed by my Chen Bo? All this You did it yourself "

At this point, Chen Bo didn't want to hide anything, he said coldly.

"Huh! They killed me because they were trying to kill themselves. Just as you ransom me, they are also trying to die, so go with them!"

Luo Yu's voice burst into Chen Bo, and Chen Boben was a severely injured body. In addition, he was not Luo Yu's opponent and he could have escaped there.

Luo Yu rushed to Chen Bo in the blink of an eye and punched Chen Bo's chest.


Chen Bo was spitting blood and flying, hitting the cliff wall behind him fiercely, the cliff wall was knocked out of a pit, the rocks crashed down.

Chen Bo fell to the ground like a dead dog, vomiting blood in his mouth.

Luo Yu walked in front of Chen Bo and stepped on the other arm of the other foot.

With a click, Chen Bo's arm was trampled into flesh, and the bone muck cracked.


The stunned Chen Bo screamed out in pain and woke up in pain.

Luo Yu was indifferent, with a sword-shaped sword on his finger, looking at Chen Bo's thigh.


Both thighs were cut off in unison, blood splattered.

"Ah ... Luo Yu, you must die, you must die ...!"

Chen Bo, whose limbs were completely broken, was like a stick, rolling and convulsing on the ground. The blood of the picture was unbearable.

Luo Yu looked at Chen Bo but didn't have a trace of pity, and said coldly: "Chen Bo, you are the first person to blackmail me like this, so Luo Yu will treat you well."

There was a fascination on Luo Yu's handsome face.

"Uh ... Luo Yu ... you ... well, huh, you can kill me, you can also torture me, but I tell you, you will come down to accompany me, I will not be alone on Huangquan Road."

Chen Bo grinned on his face, and then spit out the blood containing the viscera fragments, and Chen Bo's head turned out of vitality.

"Hum, you are still decisive. You broke your own heart, otherwise I wouldn't let you die so easily."

Luo Yu snorted, then bent down to pick up the storage bag on the body.

After seeing Luo Yu's method of torture Hu Blade, Chen Bo knew that he had no chance to survive, and naturally he broke his heart decisively to avoid more torture by Luo Yu.

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Luo Yu picked up the storage bag and opened a pile of things, mostly clothing and other sundries, and a large bag of Yuanshi. The Yuanshi of this bag is Luo Yu's 30,000 yuan stone. Chen Bodu Not much use yet.

This is really meant to take lifeless flowers.

"Well! What about the impression crystal ball?"

Luo Yu turned on the ground for a long time and did not find the crystal ball that recorded the impression of his killing of Hu Blade.

The impression that the crystal ball is the evidence that Luo Yu killed his fellow players is naturally very important to him.

Luo Yu's face was gloomy, and after searching for a long time, he still could not find the impression crystal ball.

"Is it difficult for this guy to not bring the impression crystal ball with him? Or is it hiding somewhere? Damn, he should have been abolished before, so that he had no chance to commit suicide."

Luo Yu said with regret.

"Forget it, it is estimated that he has been hidden somewhere without him. As long as he is dead, no one will know about it."

Luo Yu sighed, then closed the bag of Yuanshi, a red fire appeared in her hand, and the real fire shook her hand at the corpse, burning Chen Bo's body and broken limbs to ashes.

Luo Yu clapped her hands and was about to leave, but at the moment Bai Ze biting Luo Yu's robe and making a low roar.

"What happened to Xiaobai?"

Luo Yu looked at Xiaobai in doubt, but the dragon phoenix on Luo Yu's shoulder uttered words: "Brother, Xiaobai said that it found something, just above the cliff"

"What was found! On the cliff!"

Luo Yu heard the words for a moment, then looked at the rocky cliff full of trees and vines.

The stone cliff is not high, so it is Bailaizhang, Luo Yu can jump up at this height.

Luo Yu's gaze carefully looked at this rock cliff, glancing back and forth.

Suddenly his gaze settled behind a pine tree on a stone cliff ...

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